Why is soccer not as big in the U.S. as it is in other countries?

1 Answer

Answer :

probaly because we are less cultured than the rest of the world.

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Last Answer : I think it depends on three things: 1) the angle of the kick 2) distance from where the kick is taking place to the goal 3) the kicker's reputation for making free kicks and a fourth possibility ... have enough players to try and control any rebound or follow-up plays that came from a missed kick.

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Last Answer : Without fans paying for tickets the football club would not exist. That’s a singularly stupid plan to “improve” the game.

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Last Answer : A captain’s role is not that different from the other’s role. I hope this will help!

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Last Answer : It was a soccer match. Sometimes the other guys (or, well, girls) win.

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Last Answer : I suppose that disallowed goal was revenge for 1966. But even with that goal, they would have lost, because their team was bad, especially the defence. The last 2 goals happened because their defence was virtually non existant during the counter attacks.

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Last Answer : well the germany england game is a good soccer game on right now.. ummm but what makes a good soccer game my guess would be good sportsmenship

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Last Answer : Listened to a bit of the soccer today. What was that horrible, annoying buzz in the background? It was like a billion million bees swarming.

Description : What is the rationale behind the clock in soccer counting up?

Last Answer : (Wondered that myself once I figure out that that’s what it was doing.)

Description : What do you think about the world cup soccer in South Africa?

Last Answer : I don't really have an opinion one way or the other about it being in South Africa. Any country it would be in I would be happy that the world has come together for an athletic event. I like these moments ... , and that the world is small. I had not heard of any corruption, I hope it isn't true.

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Last Answer : I really cannot relate I don't know anyone who watches soccer. Most people I know like American football or baseball. Could be because we grew up playing them. Until last year I played semi pro football. So ... on soccer teams. So I think it will become alot bigger in the U.S. as they become adults.

Description : What is your position about the recent soccer match between France and Ireland and the outcome?

Last Answer : I don’t really care for football and I don’t know the details of the football match, but if that play had any direct effect on the outcome then I think there should be a rematch.

Description : Getting pretty bad aches/pains all around legs after starting to play in soccer games... Has this happened to you?

Last Answer : I'm a doctor and a soccer player ;-) Most likely, your muscles are adapting to the novelty of playing soccer after being primarily a runner. Arthritis at your age is very unlikely. There could be ... Don't fret, it will get better with time, but a doctor's visit should exclude anything serious.

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Last Answer : futbol is the original way

Description : Hey I am 13 and I play travel soccer. I am going to a tournament next week and a scout from a team I really want to make is coming, I am so nervous that I feel sick. Does anyone know how to calm my nerves?

Last Answer : Don't try to play for the scouts. Play the same game you always play. If you worry about the scout too much, you'll tie yourself up in knots with anxiety and you'll play differently. Practice hard ... Keep your focus on the game and you'll do great.You can worry about what the scout thinks after.

Description : Adult league soccer in Los Angeles?

Last Answer : Sunday go to a park in a Salvadorian or Honduras neighborhood, and I'm sure there will be several leagues. If not call or go to a restaurant from one of those countries and you could probably get some ... get better results if you call it "futbol" when you are talking to them about it. Goog luck

Description : Soccer Moves?

Last Answer : I don’t know your style, but I’m always partial to the Ronaldinho moves. You could always go for a rainbow, or the most famous move of all, the bicycle kick (fast-forward to minute 2). Good luck with that.

Description : Why did soccer never catch on in America likvin Europe ?

Last Answer : answer:because it sucks? No idea. But probably not a big draw for television because soccer doesn’t have natural breaks allowing for commercial interruption. OTOH, with Tivo and DVRs increasing in popularity, that’s becoming much less of a reason.

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Last Answer : Remain calm,set your priorities,go over what you have to do,remain focused and KSA! Good luck :))

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Last Answer : Diapers

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Last Answer : I don’t even know what either of those is.

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Last Answer : Nope- his hoof still isn’t %100.. even if he’s technically healed by then, I can’t imagine he’s ever going to run as well as he has. Animals have a long memory about injury and I think he’ll be hesitant to go all out anymore.

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Last Answer : a. Satellite Information Service Live

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Last Answer : USA

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Last Answer : Japan - South Korea

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Last Answer : 80-100 yds

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Last Answer : answer:This link will provide a good answer. http://www.underarmour.com/shop/us/en/womens/sports/softball/apparel/underwear-and-socks

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Last Answer : b. Subhadra Pradhan

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Last Answer : Prior to 2006 NZ law gave citizenship to every child born here, in the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau. Since 2006 citizenship is only given to children with at least one parent who is a citizen or resident of this country, the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau at the time of the child’s birth.

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Last Answer : answer:They have indices that measure this. link Read their measuring methodology for details. Off the top of my head, hate speech is forbidden in a lot of countries including the ones you mentioned.

Description : Do other countries besides the U.S. have the mentality of things being special because they are from somewhere else?

Last Answer : It is not a mentality. It is a sales tactic exploiting the ignorance of the masses of the things that go on outside their petty home country. And no, I can not remember seeing such advertising, but that may be because I do not watch any advertising.

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Last Answer : Something I've found very interesting as an American in the European countries I've visited: they honor their historical figures at the street level rather than the city level (since the cities ... philosopher or painter (cultural figures are just as common as political figures, if not more so).

Description : Why do other countries mistrust the U.S.?

Last Answer : I think I’ve used this analogy before, but it’s worth repeating: It’s a bit like the little kid holding the nail-gun…...sure it’s got power, but you do not trust it or want it in charge!