Have you ever had a dream or feeling that you were someone or something else in a previous life?

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Last Answer : Longing and anxiety dreams are just that; longing and anxiety. They’re not predictors of anything in real life, they just mean your subconscious mind is working on something while you sleep. I have them every night.

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Last Answer : Yes. I don’t know if I’m unusual but I have a whole crazy repertoire of recurring dreams. The same themes and activities over and over, but also, a lot of them take place in any number of completely made up locations. I’m pretty used to it by now.

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Last Answer : Not in English. For me, discomfiture has a connotative meaning of embarrassment because of the actions of others, but it is not denotative.

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Last Answer : answer:When I was 6, it was true that humans had walked on the moon only once. I remember that. I got to stay up to watch the first moon landing. When I was 6, it was true that we were at war in ... bracelet my mother wore. When I was 6, it was true that I was scared of hippies. Not any more :>D

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Last Answer : answer:You mean if the Europeans had not come here at all and brought disease and alcohol? It might be a very interesting place. I do have a slight cavil with your premise. The term “native” Americans is not accurate. They were simply an earlier migration over the Asian land bridge.

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Last Answer : Answers-1 This patient is most likely to have Conn's syndrome as reflected by the hypokalaemic hypertension. Liquorice ingestion or Liddle's syndrome are again possible causes of ... hypertension (often diastolic hypertension), muscular weakness, paresthesias, headache, polyuria, and polydipsia."

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Last Answer : b) They had sympathies for ancient Greek culture

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Last Answer : Yes, we did. I can look up the specifics (or maybe @kritiper knows them; he's crafting a response right now), but my recollection is that the Americans pulled out and left them to their fate when ... on the subject of what happened in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, and this is how I remember it.

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Last Answer : answer:Hey, I used to live in Historic Palm Beach. :-p PM me if you'd like some insider recommendations on places to visit! Seriously. There's a lot of amazing nature centers down there. In Florida, ... In Paris, I was just living in a building that was built in the 1880s and that's relatively new!

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Last Answer : answer:Here is one person's theory: From the eighteenth century on, writers and especially poets have talked about duties, delays, other negative things as weighing upon people or their spirits. ... not necessarily true-nightmares do not always occur if something weighs on your chest). Source

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Last Answer : My college theatre professor spent several hours cowering behind a pillar when Charles Whitman decided to shoot at people from the Tower at UT Austin. It think there might be something else; I’ll have to get get back to you.

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Last Answer : Dry ice so when they open it it’s all futuristic and stuff.

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Last Answer : answer:For me it was: (1) President Kennedy’s assassination (2) The Vietnam War (3) The fall of the Berlin Wall (4) The 911 attacks

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Last Answer : I get that feeling from sinus or post nasal drip or something like that. Do you have a stuffy head or any cold or allergy symptoms? The other possibility that comes to mind is that you ate something that scratched you on the way down.

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Last Answer : You have a fear of getting shit all over you and the house.

Description : Have you ever had a dream that made you realize or decide something important? What was that?

Last Answer : I’m in college right now and ever since my dreams are always set in highschool settings in which I am paired up with different popular boys so I feel like I should’ve given more importance to highschool crushes.

Description : Have you ever had a dream that made you realize or decide something important? What was that?

Last Answer : I’m in college right now and ever since my dreams are always set in highschool settings in which I am paired up with different popular boys so I feel like I should’ve given more importance to highschool crushes.

Description : Where do you think we'd be if the Civil War had never been fought?

Last Answer : The Northern States would have been the United States of America, while the Southern states would have been independent states, like individual countries. Slavery would have ended by about 1900 (1920, at the ... point a Black man/woman would have been elected in the north, that much can be said.

Description : If Tadeusz Cosciuszko had not returned to Poland after the war, but rather stayed to establish the states, might he have been the first U.S. President?

Last Answer : There is no disputing his intelligence or bravery, but he was foreign born (Lithuania) and wouldn’t qualify. Same problem Alexander Hamilton had.

Description : What do you think the world would look like today if the Confederacy had won the US Civil War?

Last Answer : answer:Counterfactuals, whee! Well, that would have been a victory for the plantation economy over the industrial economy And decentralized government over a federal system. Which means that ... economic system Which means that 20th century world history would likely have been completely different.

Description : What are the effects that imperialism had on their ruling nations and subject populations?

Last Answer : answer:For ruling nations -Strong sense of Nationalism -Vast increase to natural resources and production -Military nation mentality Subject Nations - Defeated nation mentality -Loss of natural resources, production ... are you referring too? The Nazis or the Prussians, the Soviets or the Czar?

Description : Is it possible to see who had your social security number in the past?

Last Answer : Social Security numbers are not recycled. Therefore, you can’t see who had it before. http://www.ssa.gov/history/hfaq.html

Description : What would the north and south be like if the south had seceded?

Last Answer : answer:I think this is the problem that Lincoln wrestled with when he decided that the Union had to be preserved. If you allow secession, then where does it end? Can East Tennessee secede from West ... everyone else). But I doubt very much whether we would have won the Cold War in like manner.

Description : Was there any slavery in Europe around the same time we had in America?

Last Answer : Yes there was. Basically all the major European powers of the early colonial era practiced slavery. But it was outlawed and ended there far earlier (late 1700’s early 1800’s).

Description : What might have been different had Adam eaten the forbidden fruit first?

Last Answer : Boys would be making $.74 for every one of my dollars. And I'd hit them back for it by tucking them into their g-strings because their mommies didn't hug them enough. I'd get to wear the ... probably never think about it. Until I got to college and took some bullshit men's studies course.~ ;)

Description : Which of these historical events/periods would you eliminate from humanity's existence (if you had the power to modify the outcome)?

Last Answer : where’s “the founding of christianity” ? that’s what i would erase, well actually, any religion for that matter

Description : If you had one opportunity to time travel, would you rather experience the future or the past?

Last Answer : The future.

Description : If you had to pick a different time period, what would you choose and why?

Last Answer : Roaring Twenties The Beatnik Era The late 80s

Description : Why did Mahatma Gandhi think that English education had enslaved Indians? -History

Last Answer : According to Mahatma Gandhi, colonial education created a sense of inferiority in the minds of Indians. He said it made them see Western civilisation as superior which destroyed the pride they had in ... to work with their hands and learn a craft. They should know how different things operated.

Description : 8. Suppose you had the power to inscribe your orders, what four commands would you like to issue? -History

Last Answer : I would like to issue the following four orders: Everyone should respect the elders and elders should love their youngers. Everyone should respect the other's religion. One should try to understand ... religion and respect it. Be kind to your servants and employees. Be loyal to your motherland.

Description : 7. If you had a natural pebble-like the ones shown on page 13 in the textbook, what would you use it for? -History

Last Answer : I would have used some of these stone tools to cut meat and bone, scrape bark (from trees) and hides (animal skins), chop fruit, and roots. Some may have been attached to handles of bone or ... make spears and arrows for hunting. Other stone tools were used to chop wood, which was used as firewood,

Description : During the 1830s, had sought to put together a coherent programme for a unitary Italian Republic. a. Giuseppe Garibaldi b. Giuseppe Mazzini c. Victor Emanuel II d. Cavour

Last Answer : b. Giuseppe Mazzini

Description : Most castles had a small private chapel beside the lord’s chambers. True or False?

Last Answer : True

Description : Which king of England had to fight a civil war against his cousin Matilda?

Last Answer : Stephen

Description : Which Battle of Britain fighter had the same name as a type of storm?

Last Answer : Hurricane

Description : What else could cause short breath, feeling faint, and nausea?

Last Answer : What is PVC?

Description : Does anyone else get that slimy feeling from polyurethane?

Last Answer : I don’t know what my iPad cover is made out of, but it doesn’t feel slimy. It is sort of rubbery, but a matte finish. There are hard covers that you might like better.

Description : Does anyone else get very "hard" feeling gas bubbles in the chest?

Last Answer : You should get it checked out. Stress induced, but soft drink eliminates it? Sounds digestive related.

Description : Does anyone else have the feeling that they dont like to be touched?

Last Answer : I am a touchy/feely kind of person.