Does MySQL have a native counter function for its results?

1 Answer

Answer :

I know that with PHP when you query the database and it returns any results it’ll provide an array of results I think so you can loop through them and get the data from them, however nativly I don’t know what MySQL returns from a query and whether it numbers the rows it finds, I’ll have a quick look on the MySQL site and report what I find, if anything at all :) what langauge are you programming in by the way?

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Last Answer : ALTERUPDATEIt s a DDL command.It s a DML command.It can be used for the following purpose:To add a new column.To remove an existing column.To modify a column.To add/remove a constraint.It s ... Delhi ;suitable command:(i)Show Databases(ii) Use City(iii) Drop Database Clients(iv) Drop table Club

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