Sit or stand?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sit. It spreads it for easy access and optimal wipage.

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Last Answer : I know many men who do this.

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Last Answer : Sometimes. It does save water.

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Last Answer : Colloquially, it is called an “ass-gasket”. I have only used one a few times, when the seat was very questionable. They are called “toilet seat covers” and you can buy them through Amazon and also at Wal-Mart.

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Last Answer : answer:It is one of the following The Flap is leaking. It is the little trap door that lifts up when you work the lever. Easy to replace after you drain the tank. Turn off water at the wall, and ... little If it is an object that rises up and down on the overflow drain, it is intuitive to adjust.

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Last Answer : If the tank isn’t full, you’re not going to get a complete flush. Your way was better than the suggested way, but the landlord may have felt taking the tank lid off was too much for other renters in your complex.

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Last Answer : answer:You turned of the water to the toilet. It will flash once and be OK. The second flush will do nothing. If you take the top off the big bowl you will see a float . That is ... tub doesn't know to stop filling with water. Look for something obvious like the chain being cuaght on something.

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Last Answer : I have, but I try not to.

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Last Answer : Lazy?

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Last Answer : also, concerning johns, mine starting doing something in the middle of the night…when nobody’s in there??????

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Last Answer : I’ve always just replaced the entire assembly. My thinking is that since the gasket has gone, chances are the arm holding the chain will probably go soon too. Lord knows, that’s happened to me often enough.

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Last Answer : youre supposed to stand a certain way and hold it a certain way but i forget the details ewwwwww

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Last Answer : Forgive me, but I must post how amused I am that the first question after the great “Fluther is down” trauma is on the topic of toilets. Sorry to be off topic. Hope you don’t mind…. :)

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Last Answer : a cold butt, that’s for sure

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Last Answer : Is the valve on the inlet open all the way?

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Last Answer : My dad had a paperback “making of” book in the early ‘70s that showed a full-page photo of the instruction panel. I’m sure someone out there has scanned it.

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Last Answer : They save water but they don’t flush as well. Mine tend to clog more often the my older model water wasters.

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Last Answer : Read.

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Last Answer : A lot.

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Last Answer : you sweat more when it is hot so your body has less excess water to dispose of.

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Last Answer : It’s been years since this has happen to me. But, yes they should be locking the doors. Maybe they just like you looking at them? ewwwwww….

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