What color chico bag do you own?

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Description : California jellies: How are you dealing with the plastic bag issue?

Last Answer : answer:In Chicago we've had the bag ban for big stores for a while. Little stores are included January 1st. Yes, I bring my own. Yes, I buy bags at checkout if I forget or I need more space. Yes ... on the way home. It's nice not to have plastic bags stuck in my trees and clogging the storm sewers.

Description : Can you help me find the perfect reusable shopping bag?

Last Answer : answer:Hmm besides the over the shoulder strap, we got this new thing here about using reusable grocery bags, due to environmental reasons. They cost like 89 cents and are sold at the grocery stores. ... should ask your grocery place if they have a program like that, or might be planning one soon?

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Last Answer : The best bag: Timbuk2 So worth the cost. You won’t be disappointed.

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Last Answer : What’s wrong with the one you are showing us? It’s been marked down to $50.

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Last Answer : The city of Chico, Ca. is located on the NE side of theSacramento Valley, and that puts Chico right in the middle of thestate. You can literally travel one hour to the west, and see thebeautiful Pacific ... indowntown Chico. When you're ready to head out to the beach, or tohit the slopes, they'r

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Last Answer : 0.29

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Last Answer : There’s one 3 miles from my house here in Boston. I’ll check it out and let you know.

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Last Answer : You're lucky. I've heard horror stories about inexpensive Android tablets. This is different. I buy almost all my aloha shirts off eBay. Most new aloha shirts cost $85 to $150. I can get almost new shirts on ... are 20 years old. As a matter of fact, the shirt I'm wearing today is 20 years old.

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Last Answer : answer:Prime Pantry charges flat rate for shipping for each box. You can put one thing in the box, or you can fill the whole box. Same shipping rate. The shipping cost is the same as the ... they make me say that anything I write here is my own opinion and not a reflection of blahblahblahblah

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Last Answer : omfgTALIjustIMDu I am also a happy Toyota owner. I just bought a 2 year old Camry LE and it’s a very nice car. Was driving a 1996 Corolla. This my 2nd Camry and my third Toyota. IMHO it’s hard to go wrong with a Toyota.

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Last Answer : Two words: power outage.

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Last Answer : Never saw those. I guess in certain areas, shopping cart theft is a big problem.

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Last Answer : How would we know such a thing?

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Last Answer : Growth X Gainer?

Description : What kind of mattress do I need?

Last Answer : answer:Try as many as you can and get a feel for what you like. Do you like your current mattress? What’s wrong with it? Ask advice from the sales people. I did not like the memory foam mattress that someone gave us. It felt hot and sweaty.

Description : Why do some people seem to feel a need to touch everything in order to shop?

Last Answer : Some are just touchy feely types, I tend to pick up and look (inspect) just the items I might be interested in, but I have seen what you are saying and some people just have to touch freakin everything for some reason, weather they are interested in the item or not.

Description : How do you shop?

Last Answer : I take help wherever I can find it.