Tiny oranges dropping off tree?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t have answer but I’d like to know where you live that you can have potted orange tree. I want one. Tell me more.

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Last Answer : Cherries!

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Last Answer : You can buy them here…in Hawaii…Well, you asked about elsewhere in the USA…I know it’s far, but there you have it. :)

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Last Answer : answer:It doesn't just happen when you eat one. That just speeds up the process. Bananas left outside will begin to turn brown within a few days. This occurs because bananas contain an enzyme called ... oxygen and coats the banana with a sort of rust that accounts for the dark brown color. Source

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Last Answer : answer:Stone Fruit Peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, etc. should be stored at room temperature until ripe. Storing in a paper bag with ethylene-producing fruit such as apples, pears or bananas will hasten ... temperature, so she leaves them in a bowl on the counter until she wants to eat them.

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Last Answer : because it is fermenting on you.

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Last Answer : Wow…I never thought about that….......

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Last Answer : So…they were different from just regular green grapes?

Description : What are the price of Seedless Grapes in Your area ?

Last Answer : In areas where I've lived (Providence, Boston, San Francisco), I've seen seedless grape (red and green) prices fluctuate between $0.99/lb to $2.99/lb at the local grocery store. I only buy when ... 99/lb because they are really quite heavy and a bag will normally run me $3-5 even at that price.

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Last Answer : Apples, bananas, and grapes :)

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Last Answer : intertsing.. im not suer but you coudl go and ask a artist or something who nows about fruit

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Last Answer : Well, yeah, maybe a little bit.

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Last Answer : That depends upon so many other considerations than taste.

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Last Answer : I think it’s all bullshit.

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Last Answer : well, never heard of eating the skin. i always peel it. but it can’t hurt to try it. :)

Description : What came first, orange the colour or orange the fruit?

Last Answer : Fruit first. Language later.

Description : A question involving fruit

Last Answer : Ha ha!! Orange fart!! I don’t have the answer, but I’d be kind of afraid to eat it!!

Description : Fruit Flies?

Last Answer : See, when a guy fruit fly decides he likes a girl fruit fly… well, you get the picture. Basically other fruit flys. :)

Description : What is this fruit?

Last Answer : Could be a jackfruit, a foul-tasting Asian fruit. Where’s the picture of it?