Recent questions tagged apocalypse

Description : If forced to choose, what type of Post-Apocalypse would you elect to live in?

Last Answer : Zombies, obviously.

Description : Why would we want you there?

Last Answer : A listener, adviser, people’s person willing to go to great lengths to help out. Excellent with children too!

Description : Do you not hate it when doomsday mongers refuse to man up to their failure?

Last Answer : I don’t know. I can’t imagine what BS reason they come up with why the world didn’t end when they said it was going to.

Description : The sun has collapsed, or is about to collapse, into a black hole, all sunlight will be / is now gone, and you have to keep the planet alive. How do you go about it?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t bother. Move on, like our ancestors before us. All I need is an interstellar spaceship and a towel.

Description : Supposing one day the sun didn't rise?

Last Answer : How long would it take? 2 hours, tops.

Description : So the world is ending Friday, what must you absolutely get done before it's all over?

Last Answer : Get in a better mood.

Description : Are you a 'Prepper"?

Last Answer : …not I. Seems a little more…well, crazy than safe or prepared.

Description : How will you spend your last day on earth?

Last Answer : Depends on the weather. I still have stuff to plant in the garden.

Description : What do you think of this hypothesis for the welcoming the apocalypse?

Last Answer : I’ve told you before – you’re just like Linderman! I don’t think the majority of people consciously want to ‘reboot the system’.

Description : Why do you think people love scaring people about 2012?

Last Answer : They like to scare the hell out of others, by some way or the other.

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