Recent questions tagged attention

Description : What funny responses could you give to any unwanted attention from a secret admirer?

Last Answer : I went on date with a guy once, and IMO it was HORRIBLE! He thought it was great though, and I could tell he was going to try and kiss me good bye. I uh, kind of jumped back and said, Did ... 5 years you get to reclaim virgin status?? True story. Have NO idea where it came from, but it worked!

Description : Attention Deficit Disorder

Last Answer : It was once said that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be outgrown - that it's just a phase that children undergo when they have too much sugar in their system. This is ... , psychotherapy, coaching, and counseling are also used to treat and control the negative effects of ADHD.

Description : Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Last Answer : Frank has been working hard as a carpenter for almost 30 years. When he was young, he dreamt of becoming a bank manager, but his poor grades in school discouraged him from pursuing his ... be achieved. With the numerous treatments available today, controlling ADD's effects may not be too difficult.

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