Recent questions tagged bath

Description : Do you have trouble drying your back after a bath?

Last Answer : You’re a big guy, like me. I use two towels. One for my lower body, one for my upper body. If I use just one, it won’t completely dry me… I also shake off, like a dog, before I get out of the shower.

Description : What age can a child be left alone in the bath?

Last Answer : I would not let a three year old take a bath alone they are still a little too inquisitive. I would though let a six or seven year old because then they have a better understanding of what is ... . Leaving children alone at all can be a dangerous situration. I think its more of a judgement call.

Description : What are your ingredients for the perfect bathtime?

Last Answer : Bubbles, candles, and music.

Description : Is it bad to not use conditioner after shampoo?

Last Answer : I don't think it's necessarily bad not to use conditioner - however I know that if I didn't, my hair would go like straw, I just couldn't brush it! Everyone's hair is different, so if you can ... , it's a good idea to use some kind of protective conditioner or oil so that you don't toast yourself!

Description : Bath Rugs

Last Answer : Every bathroom is in need of a rug. If you think this is another of those sales plots to get you to buy something that you don't really need, think again. Bath rugs are, in fact, one of the ... obsessing over rugs, you may even hang some of them on the walls to achieve a unique look and feel.

Description : How To Make Bath Salt

Last Answer : Ocean Blue Bath Salt Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup epsom salt 1 cup baking soda 4 drops blue food coloring 3 drops Jasmine essential/ fragrance oil 4 drops vanilla essential/ fragrance oil 2 tablespoons ... placing in a bottle. Once dried, layer the colors red first, then orange then lastly yellow.

Description : How To Make A Bubble Milk Bath

Last Answer : Materials Needed: 1 Cup Powdered Milk or powdered buttermilk 1/2 cup Oatmeal 1 Cup Baking Soda 4 Tablespoons Corn Starch 2 Tablespoons Cream of Tartar 1/4 cup Handcrafted Soap(cut in chunks) Optional, fragrance ... in glass jar. Directions for use: Use 1/4 cup per bath, add to running hot water.

Description : How To Make Instant bath Salts

Last Answer : Materials: 1 cup salt 1 cup epsom salt 1 cup baking soda Instructions: Add a little of the mixture to your tub for a revitalizing bath. For bubbles, just add 1 cup of shampoo. For a nice scent, add a few drops of fragrance oil.

Description : How To Make Soothing Bath Oils

Last Answer : Ingredients: 1 cup honey 2 cups milk 1 cup salt 1/4 cup baking soda 1/2 cup baby oil Fragrance oil of desired scent Instructions: Combine honey, milk, salt and baking soda in a bowl. Fill your tub and pour the mixture in. Add the baby oil and a few drops of the fragrance.

Description : How To Make Peaches and Cream Bath Bar

Last Answer : Makes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar Castile soap (or pure white unscented like ivory) 1/4 cup distilled water 1/4 cup powdered milk 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil 1/8 teaspoon peach fragrance oil 1 drop ... stir until well-blended. Spoon the soap into its mold and let set for four hours or until hardened.

Description : How To Make Earth Bath Salts

Last Answer : Earth Bath Salts 1/2 cup epsom salts 1 cup baking soda 1/2 cup rock salt 1/2 tsp vitamin E 2 tsp light oil (almond, sunflower ) 20 drops Patchouli essential oil 15 drops Cypress essentail oil 5 ... very light green as it does not look as artificial. To use: Add a few heaping tablespoons to bath.

Description : How To Make Bath Bombs

Last Answer : A bath bomb is a form of bath fizzy that, when placed in water, dissolves and effervesces, giving off a wonderful tickle while you're in the water. Some bath bombs give off a scent or color or any ... it in a plastic of Dead Sea salt and mix thoroughly. They will make for some good fizzing salts.

Description : How To Make A Milk Bath Recipe

Last Answer : Materials: 2 cups dry milk powder 1 cup cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon fragrance oil of your choice 1/2 cup of mixture to hot bath water. Instructions: Put 2 cups dry milk powder, 1 cup cornstarch and 1/8 ... Just add 1/2 - 1 cup of dried milk to your bath water for a softening and soothing bath.

Description : How To Make A Herbal Bath

Last Answer : Add herbs to your tub by either making an infusion of them and adding directly to the bath water, or putting the herbs into a muslin bag and tie it directly under the tap as the ... skin irritation Black tea - relieving sunburn pain Mint - soothing and relaxing Lavender - relaxing and aromatic

Description : How To Make A Bubble Bath

Last Answer : Materials: 2 cups soap flakes or grated soap 1 gallon water 1/4 - 1/2 cup glycerin 2 cups shampoo or liquid dishwashing detergent Scented oil of your choice Directions: Mix the soap flakes, water and 2 ... room temperature. When you're ready to bathe, add about one cup to your tub as it's filling.

Description : How To Make A Bath Bomb Recipes

Last Answer : Recipe 1 Mix 1 part citric acid (you can get this at a pharmacy) 2 1/4 parts baking soda Add several drops of essential oil and a few drops food coloring Moisten by spraying with water or witch hazel ( ... its own candy cup. Store bombs in a closed container. To use drop, 1 -3 into warm bath water

Description : How to Give a Sponge Bath

Last Answer : How to Give a Sponge Bath A sponge bath is usually given to someone who is confined to bed and can not wash on his or her own. Here are instructions on how to administer a sponge bath. ... genital area. Again, pay special attention to the skin creases. Dry the genital area using the same motions.

Description : When is a shower stall more profitable than a bath?

Last Answer : The bath is a useful invention, invented somewhere in the 4th-5th centuries BC. The benefits of water procedures with its use were known both to the ancient Greeks and the inhabitants of ... complex equipment implies a lot of subtleties when choosing, and during installation, and during operation.

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