Recent questions tagged black

Description : American Jellies, when you hear a black person from Britain speak, does it throw you for a loop?

Last Answer : Innit?!

Description : Do you think this was racist?

Last Answer : I mean, do you really have to ask?

Description : Is it worse for a person of European DNA to mix with DNA of non-Europeans, or is it more a plus for non-Europeans to mix DNA with Europeans?

Last Answer : answer:It wasn't. At our house, though, we had a clear consensus that mostly couple of mixed color had better looking children. I was extremely white, my skin would burn from the sun, even if I wore a ... color in their lineage. So from a personal perspective let's mix. (Too late for me, though.)

Description : Should Amish buggies continue to wear orange and red warning placards?

Last Answer : answer:Whoever is riding or driving unsafely on public thoroughfares is at fault. That may include the Amish, if they're driving much slower than conditions would warrant and failing to display any sign of ... others, then they have to make allowance for others - as others have always done for them.

Description : Do you find this offensive or racist?

Last Answer : It’s hard to discern the intent without seeing the actual floats, but I do wonder why they didn’t use Black people.

Description : Why did 70% of African Americans back Prop. 8?

Last Answer : Another shiny new account asking a contentious question. Find an article that can offend both Gays AND Black people and you are in troll heaven. All the same person, or is school out?

Description : How to Use Black Lights ?

Last Answer : How to Use Black Lights Introduction The term black lights may at first seem to be a contradiction. In fact, black light refers to ultraviolet or infrared radiation that the human eye cannot see. It ... scenes. Blood spatters on a wall can be detected even under a fresh, thick coat of paint.

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