Recent questions tagged civil war

Description : How likely is a Civil War?

Last Answer : 1) I don't think the impeachment trial is up to him. 2) What do you mean by blackballing? What do you mean by anybody who supported them? 3) I guess he could calm this type of thing down, but ... parts of media who are talking about all people who voted for Trump, not Biden, not that I've seen.

Description : Why was the use of chemical weapons in Syria the 'red line'?

Last Answer : answer:Great question. I think it's a manifestation of our struggle to believe that war can be honorable. In the face of the horror of mass slaughter, we see our own savagery and fear the loss of our humanity. ... of the line as evil makes us feel better about what we do on this side of the line.

Description : Should we arm the Syrian rebels?

Last Answer : I think it sounds very dangerous and would require a lot of investigation and thought.

Description : Did Civil War-era cannonballs fragment on impact?

Last Answer : They used a hollow ball at times that had black powder stuffed in them. Caused a lot of shrapnel on the battlefield, they can be very dangerous.

Description : A news reporter risks his life to get this information to us. Is this what courage is?

Last Answer : Susan; Your link is to the NYT article and not a video.)

Description : Does the main Marvel Universe still know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man?

Last Answer : Yeah they found out on the web.

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