Recent questions tagged compassion

Description : Have you ever showed mercy or compassion to an enemy?

Last Answer : No. Wasn’t getting any in return.

Description : What amazingly compassionate thing have you ever seen a very little kid do?

Last Answer : I have seen a little girl feed and nurture an injured demon. As reward, the demon revived her when she died and made her his pet.

Description : Why don't more people sign their driver's licenses to become organ donors?

Last Answer : I’d say it is because of the fear of a wrong death diagnosis, where they diagnose your death even though you are not really dead and then take out your organs and by that kill you.

Description : Do you notice when fellow ask-publicites suddenly seem to be missing or have gone quiet?

Last Answer : I miss my, Tits. She dipped out or a while. And EmilyNathon, and Alfreda, and Nimis, and elijah when she disappears and the four awful days I had without casheroo…

Description : When people who are compulsive assholes are finally broken, do you feel vindicated or sorry for them?

Last Answer : I think one gets tired of hating once there is nothing to hate.

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