Recent questions tagged current events

Description : People who have favored Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice, how do you feel about this article?

Last Answer : The author finds her account more believable than his. But there is no corroboration. No evidence. When even her best friend said she has no memory of this gathering and has never met ... against Kavanaugh. The Atlantic has been running a LOT of anti-Kavanaugh pieces and live interviews lately.

Description : Reporting boundaries?

Last Answer : In the middle of rescue operations to save lives, I don’t think he ought to distract authorities to protect a flooded supermarket. He was grandstanding. The twitter reaction was appropriate.

Description : Is ISIS more active in recent weeks or is it just media coverage?

Last Answer : Don't buy into the media is full of lies and mistruths propaganda. I believe ISIS is just as active as always, if not more so, I. They are getting their asses kicked and are/would becoming more ... you can find on the topic of ISIS. If many different sources confirm one POV, it is probably true.

Description : How do we decide who was really born in the wrong body?

Last Answer : answer:Do you have a link to support that Rachel Dolezal believes that she was born the wrong race? I haven't seen anything from her, other than her generic resignation announcement, which didn't ... s a very interesting question and I look forward to responses. But I question some of your details.

Description : Can the democrats win the election?

Last Answer : answer:Which election are we talking about? Which democrats? What state? Details matter.

Description : Is there a controversial topic or issue that you're apathetic about?

Last Answer : Probably lots of them, but I’m too apathetic to list them.

Description : Steve Jobs is dead. Would you like to share some thoughts?

Last Answer : I can’t beleive it, it really sucks :(

Description : Does ending poverty cost less than letting it continue?

Last Answer : In the long run, yes. In the short run, no. Ending poverty isn’t about giving people money. Its about building infrastructure, changing people’s mentality, improving schools, etc… It’s a huge project.

Description : Is Osama bin Laden's death President Obama's 9/11?

Last Answer : I don’t think so. Getting back the American economy back on its feet will be President O’s 9/11 significant term defining event.

Description : How would you describe your engagement between the worlds within and around you?

Last Answer : While doing my best to live the present realities of my life, finding a job after I just lost one I had for 9 years, supporting and helping loved ones survive, pursuing dreams I still make ... enough to understand, even forgive each other. Instead of meeting for the first time guns already drawn.

Description : Is it safe to donate money through Red Cross?

Last Answer : Yes. I was just watching a news report on Japan relief donation scams. They said that anything red cross was fine and trustworthy. I can’t find the link to it, but I didn’t really look that hard so you’ll probably find it if you want it.

Description : Are "pregnancy counseling centers" misleading and should they be more direct about what they offer?

Last Answer : It would be great if they had a list of their services and what they don't offer readily available so that people could determine if this was the right place for them or not (honestly, ... that the person misses their timeframe for an abortion, that is wrong and definitely needs to be addressed.

Description : What's your opinion on this billboard? Is it racist or not?

Last Answer : answer:umm no. I misread that part in te middle. FUCK YES! wy the hell would they do this?

Description : What do you think of NPR's firing of host Juan Williams for stating his opinion which is a fear of Muslims being on the same plane with him?

Last Answer : It was a totally inappropriate comment for a professional journalist to say, and he deserved to be at least reprimanded. NPR very carefully tries to keep itself above controversy. They also told their members to stay away from the Colbert/Stewart rally.

Description : How do you feel about the economic inequality in modern America?

Last Answer : I don’t mind not being rich, but I don’t think that I’d want to be poor. It may be worth noting here that “rich,” “poor,” and “middle class” are all relative terms: our domestic poor would appear phenomenally wealthy to, say, Somalian poor.

Description : Who thinks it was a waste to send out notifications of the census questionnaire?

Last Answer : Keeps the Clerks employed and paying taxes…

Description : What do you think of the Japanese Whalers in the Southern Ocean?

Last Answer : Do we have the right to tell them not to whale? Why are whales not allowed to be killed but cows and pigs are? Just because our culture does not eat whales doesn't mean other cultures ... and diversity show that they have no clue what they are talking about when they complain about whaling.

Description : What are your views on the RFID chip? Don't know what it is check out the link.

Last Answer : Don't put it in anything that I buy, not in brand new clothes, not in anything, not in any object I buy in a store, don't put it in my car, don't put it in anything I am likely to have on my person ... car, or in my house and well, if you don't do that, then you can do whatever you want with it.

Description : Did balloon boys' parents get a just sentence?

Last Answer : Good! The media has enough trouble recognizing real news as it is without hoaxes such as theirs.

Description : Do you think there's a shared sub- or unconscious at work?

Last Answer : If you think about it, every human is similar in some way to every other. Our lives have differences, and maybe even be unrelatable in extreme circumstances, but I like to think that everyone has the same goal ... lot of room for variance. Sorry if my logic is a bit convoluted, I'm in a hurry =)

Description : If you did not live in the US (or EU or Great Britain) how did the events of 9/11/2001 affect you?

Last Answer : I used to think my government only killed the other team.

Description : Is anyone else following the Prop 8 hearing?

Last Answer : Is this about the legal case?

Description : What other interesting websites do you visit daily besides Ask-public?

Last Answer :

Description : How do i stop the propoganda mail?

Last Answer : answer:[at]zack; Jewish households can have some very complex dynamics. Been there and done that. How old is your grandmother and where was she born? I ask for a very specific reason and ... every Erev Shabbat and try to put her opinions in perspective. Demonstrating respect is a mitzvah. SRM

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