Recent questions tagged health issues

Description : I have a weird sensation in chest and throat, can anyone relate?

Last Answer : It could be GERD. It sometimes causes a chronic cough but with out the heartburn etc that you would normally associate with it.

Description : Do you know of anyone who despite being on the wrong side of the fence as regards health risks, hasn't actually suffered anything major?

Last Answer : answer:If it's a matter of only not having a heart attack or stroke, my father. He lived until just short of his 82nd birthday, very overweight, gout, uncomfortable, unable to sleep well. But ... last fifteen years, his not having had a heart attack or stroke was not the same as not suffering.

Description : How to beat constipation without the use of medicine?

Last Answer : Water, mineral oil, Epsom salts.

Description : Does anyone know what ingredient is used in hibachi cooking (Benihana, etc. ) that can make you "sick"?

Last Answer : MSG maybe? Does it happen in Chinese Restaurants?

Description : Has anyone with Diabetes type2 experienced periodic numbing of toes heal and tingling foot aches?

Last Answer : This latest series of events has got me a little paranoid. Anyone out there have similar symtoms and if so what was the outcome?

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