Recent questions tagged heart

Description : When in dilemma do you listen to your heart or head?

Last Answer : My heart can play a role but it is my head that makes the final decision.

Description : Do birds have heart attacks?

Last Answer : I don’t know about heart attacks, but most human leftovers are good for birds.

Description : What does a pacemaker feel like?

Last Answer : You really don’t feel anything. You may have some mild heart palpitations, but most people don’t feel anything abnormal.

Description : So, how does a transplanted heart beat?

Last Answer : The heart has its own pacemaker that acts independently of the rest of the nervous system. So the transplanted heart brings its own pacemaker along.

Description : Is this a reasonable excuse to have never worked a day?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Who wears which pendant for this heart necklace?

Last Answer : you should wear the male icon and your boyfriend the female icon.

Description : What is you most prized possession and how have you preserved it?

Last Answer : My memories. I’m not fond of collecting souvenirs, it doesn’t have as much significance as memories.

Description : How did the heart symbol become the heart symbol?

Last Answer : answer:In European traditional art and folklore, the heart symbol is drawn in a stylized shape. This shape is typically coloured red, suggesting both blood and, in many cultures, passion and strong emotion. ... ritual, which resembles the heart shape. (Which would be my guess.) From wiki and others.

Description : Can a person who had a VSD [heart defect] smoke pot, without consequences?

Last Answer : I am not a medical professional but I would have to say don’t do it. Drugs are never good for you anyway and having a medical problem with your heart could end pretty badly.

Description : What would your heart be made of?

Last Answer : A strip of bacon, like a squeaky dog toy.

Description : Anyone experiencing irregular heartbeat now and again?

Last Answer : Yes and I was told mine is a heart murmer that they are keeping a watch on. She told me it wasn’t anything to worry about really. But that is not to say that is your problem. I think if the symptoms you describe are yours, you should go and get a diagnosis from your doctor.

Description : Those who have had a heart attack, what did it feel like?

Last Answer : it felt like there was a strong, lively fish in there flopping around, then I saw sparklies and my ears were ringing

Description : Girlfriend's heart issue(s?)

Last Answer : My Dad, who is in his seventies, has been living with this a similar condition for four or five years, now. He's got atrial fibrillation. Your heart still beats, but there is a greater danger of stroke ... although it may be a modified life. It is doubtful that she will ever climb Mt. Everest, now.

Description : Can your heart stop working just for a second?

Last Answer : Of course it can. We all have our heart skip a beat now and then. People can be “dead” for a while and then be defibrillated back to life.

Description : Does the sound of a beating heart calm you down?

Last Answer : Not if it’s my own, but then that may be because I have hypertension and if I hear my own heartbeat I figure the blood pressure must have gone up again….

Description : How to Recover from Heart Surgery

Last Answer : How to Recover from Heart Surgery Heart surgery is a major surgery that leaves the body weak and in a delicate condition. Recovering from heart surgery requires very specific steps and regulated actions. Recovery ... go to work until your doctor gives you the go-ahead or after six to eight weeks.

Description : How to Slow Your Heart Rate ?

Last Answer : How to Slow Your Heart Rate Tachycardia or palpitation is a condition where your heart rate is higher than the normal value of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm) . This is usually a symptom ... An early detection of any illness is very important to prevent it from getting worse and avoid complications.

Description : How to Prevent a Heart Attack ?

Last Answer : How to Prevent a Heart Attack Heart attack or myocardial infarction happens when the coronary artery is blocked and blood flow through the heart is interrupted. It's usually a result of coronary artery disease ... you fit and keep diseases away. Live right, take care of your heart and be happy.

Description : How to Calculate Your Heart Rate ?

Last Answer : How to Calculate Your Heart Rate The heart rate reflects your current state of health, more specifically, it shows your fitness level and at some point, your metabolic rate. It is only a rough estimate ... often feel light, active, and happy each time, since they are clear signs of good health.

Description : How to Prevent Heart Disease ?

Last Answer : How to Prevent Heart Disease Heart disease is a very serious condition that affects thousands of people worldwide. As you grow older, you are more susceptible to getting these heart diseases, ... other factors that may necessitate more frequent cholesterol level tests, then have them by all means.

Description : How to Eat for a Healthy Heart ?

Last Answer : How to Eat for a Healthy Heart Heart disease is a major cause for concern for many people. Unhealthy eating habits can take a toll on your heart, increasing the risk of a stroke or a heart ... way to a healthy heart, you can prolong your life and rid yourself of any risk of cardiovascular disease.

Description : What are the different heart rate monitors and how to make a choice?

Last Answer : What are the different heart rate monitors and how to make a choice? The time when only professional athletes could afford training with a heart rate monitor is already in the past. Today literally anyone ... is that the device can withstand dives to a depth of more than 10 meters. Happy choice!

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