Recent questions tagged jewish holidays

Description : Jewish People: did you get a gift every day during Chanukah?

Last Answer : answer:We three got gifts every day but only a few big and important one. There was the gelt, the mittens, the socks and a few other boring items. But it was fun to open something each ... ten years) sister is still resentful of having Christmas taken away from her when she was still very young.

Description : The sun never came out today, so therefore it can't set. Does that mean passover can't start?

Last Answer : It’s OK. It never really sets or rises. The earth you live on revolves, and sunset and sunset are illusions. PM me if you need a better explanation.

Description : Does anyone here celebrate Passover? What do you normally eat during Passover?

Last Answer : Every couple of years, my half-Jewish friend will decide to celebrate, and invite myself and other friends (of all beliefs and non-beliefs) to dinner. We have matzaball soup and potato latkes.

Description : Great Passover recipes?

Last Answer : ill get back to you on this because i havent started yet and my recipes are in a box, but my mom makes great chicken marbeya(spelling????), which is chicken marinated in olives, apricots and ... duplicate but was amazing was matzah baclavah. its matzah, honey, syrup, nuts, pretzels(if you want).

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