Recent questions tagged letters

Description : Your parents have both passed away. One day you find a letter from your mother, adressed to you, with instructions : "Not to be opened until after my death." Will you read it? When?

Last Answer : Of course I will. I will read it the minute I find it.

Description : How do you deal with memories? Do you embrace them or turn them away?

Last Answer : They are part of package. And it isn’t a matter of going back. If we could go back, there would probably be plenty of places we would all go. Without memories, good or bad, you might as well be a bean plant.

Description : We ran out of letters...., after Generation X, Generation Y, and the current generation, Generation Z, how are we going to name the next Generation?

Last Answer : If Generation Z and Y both had other aliases, I’m sure the next generation doesn’t have to be denoted with a letter. It could be a word, a number, a numeral, a phrase, or anything else…it could even be in damn binary code for all I care.

Description : How do letters make you feel?

Last Answer : answer:I prefer sans serif fonts, because I often trip or stub my toe on the serifs. And italics are usually so biased, always leaning to the right in Oh, wait. That's not what you meant by ... aren't cut from newspapers and magazines and pasted up on a backing. I don't like those letters much.

Description : How was alphabetical order determined? When and what was it's origin?

Last Answer : The alphabet (ei bi si di i ef yi eich ai yei el em en ou pi qui ar es ti llu dllu ex guay si) was invented and put into soup in 1066 by Vanna White to satisfy the hunger of her ... first. First designed by Scrabble, the Alphabet was later turned into a wall of letters so Vanna could turn them on.

Description : Cover Letters

Last Answer : So you've finally graduated and got your diploma, congratulations. Now, the real test of your life begins. From this point on, you are a part of a bigger world, one that will not allow you ... that and you will always be at the back of their minds, leading to your consideration and eventual hiring.

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