Recent questions tagged manbearpig

Description : What are effective ways to convey emotion through text?

Last Answer : answer:“bitches love smiley faces” just use a bunch of smileys. no im can use adjectives to describe the way it feels, like the emotion. as if it were like “warm love” or something.

Description : Vehicles these days, where are we going?

Last Answer : answer:I would say this really depends on what you're buying. Certainly, getting a good car is more expensive. I personally believe that onboard computers make cars safer and more enjoyable to use, ... That said, lockpicking older cars is often very easy so you wonder where the winning mark is.)

Description : How would I save youtube videos and save them to a dvd?

Last Answer : I don’t know how to answer your question, but nice topic tag! My bad, back to the question…

Description : Jail Time?

Last Answer : Hopefully, both.

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