Recent questions tagged nfl

Description : Does the US government really pay the NFL millions of dollars to honor the military?

Last Answer : Well the DOD almost certainly buys commercials at any televised testosterone laden event for recruiting purposes.

Description : Is it the right or wrong thing for the NFL to make kneeling during the anthem finable?

Last Answer : In this situation, I would say yes. As a player, you are a representative of your team and the NFL. Your behavior speaks out and reflects on those organizations. As we saw last year, it had a negative impact ... here. And if you refuse to follow the rules, you can, in the real world, lose your job.

Description : Are naked football players' butts really a national issue?

Last Answer : We in the US have not yet outgrown our Puritan roots.

Description : Sports Gurus: Why was Jerry Rice so special on the field?

Last Answer : Besides the ability to funnel in a football as if his hands were scoops, Rice had a nearly mystical ability to position himself ahead of defenders. It was almost as though they had sudden ... was the greatest quarterback the game ever saw, followed by the second greatest quarterback SF ever saw

Description : What is OJ Simpson's deal?

Last Answer : That’s easy, narcissism, plain and simple.

Description : Should Coach Pagano be allowed to coach the rest of the year for the Colts?

Last Answer : No

Description : Who is the greatest NFL quarterback of all time?

Last Answer : Whitetigress. Joe Montana might beg to differ. I’m not saying that I disagree with you, just that Joe probably would do so…

Description : NFL Gurus: Start Heat Miller or Steven Jackson?

Last Answer : Heath*

Description : Sports Gurus: If Aaron Rodgers wins one more Superbowl will Green Bay forget about Bretty "The Unretired" Favre?

Last Answer : answer:I think that Favre has made his mark on the record books and the hearts of the Green bay fans no matter what he does. Can Aaron Rogers surpass him? Only time will tell. I think that he can.

Description : NFL Fans: Do you prefer a defensive or offensive dominant team?

Last Answer : I love, love, love defense. I am a Seattle Seahawks fan, and I love watching their opportunistic defense.

Description : Sports Fans: Has there ever been a quarterback who has experienced two bad years in their prime but rose above the adversity later on to become a champion?

Last Answer : Sure. John Elway had some awful years with the Broncos before going on to win two Super Bowls.

Description : Shannon Eastin will be officiating the Chargers vs Packers game, do you support a woman officiating in the NFL?

Last Answer : answer:Hmm, isn't the only thing making the game historic the fact that there will be a female official on the field? So you pretty much have to have a woman officiating to make it an ... to not have female officials. They will be in bikinis and patent leather high-heel boots, won't they?

Description : How could NFL football be made safer?

Last Answer : Design and use a soft helmet. It should eliminate them using their own heads/helmets as a weapon while still protecting them from accidental hits to the head.

Description : On my NFL fantasy team, does it matter if you start your players versus benched players?

Last Answer : answer:Huh? Every commissioner can setup her team with different ways of scoring. I have never known of a way to get points for benched players though. Are the wins and losses you are talking about maybe the stats for the team that particular player plays on?

Description : Who are some great quarterbacks who have never played for the winning team in a Superbowl?

Last Answer : Probably Fran Tarkenton – 3 Super Bowl appearances, zero wins. I would have said John Elway until he won 2 Super Bowls late in his career.

Description : Why did Barry Sanders quit the NFL?

Last Answer : answer: Several years after retirement, and repeated refusals to discuss the abruptness of it, Sanders finally admitted that the culture of losing in the Lions' organization was too much to deal with even ... play another game for Detroit. I sobbed for 3 months, Sanders said.[10] Wikipedia

Description : Who is your pick for this years Super Bowl? and Why?

Last Answer : Remind me what a Super Bowl is?

Description : Can an NFL player have TOO much hair?

Last Answer : I wonder how he even wants to play with that hair, but if they can stand it, I don’t see a problem with it.

Description : What NFL team do people from Staten Island generally root for?

Last Answer : Well the general rule of the thumb that my dad told me (he lived in NYC for most of his life) is that Yankee fans root for the Giants, and that Met fans root for the Jets. The Giants are vastly more popular by fans and the media. In terms of that particular borough, I’m not sure. I hope that helps.

Description : Which NFL player has the most super bowl rings?

Last Answer : lots of steelers from the 70s have four. i dont think any recent players have that many, but i could be wrong. terry bradshaw, mel blount, john stallworth, lynn swann, several more.

Description : What's going on with the camera in the Carolina Tampa game?

Last Answer : I didn’t see it, but most likely it was a white balance adjustment problem on the camera. Here’s a good basic description of it:

Description : What does NFL stand for?

Last Answer : Not for Long?

Description : What's the correct way to iron on a patch to an NFL jersey?

Last Answer : Steaming it onto the shirt. Also, don’t apply direct heat to the shirt, it can burn.

Description : Best halftime show?

Last Answer : Janets Boob!

Description : Where can I find streaming NFL games?

Last Answer : I only know that and Yahoo sports have play-by-play; I feel your pain, I live in the NY market, so I can’t get all the games, either.

Description : O.K. NFL fans. What is the green dot on the back of the quarterbacks helmet for?

Last Answer : it means he has a microphone/radio

Description : In National Football League games and playoffs do the teams get to see all the TV camera angle replays inorder to decide to challenge a field ruling?

Last Answer : officially, they are not supposed to have access to any replays before throwing the challenge flag. In reality, however the replay in the stadium usually comes on before the next play and coaches will often decide to challenge after seeing it.

Description : who was number one pick in1999 NFL draft?

Last Answer : answer: 1 (1) Cleveland Browns – Tim Couch, QB Kentucky

Description : Who won the super bowl in 1996?

Last Answer : Dallas Cowboys

Description : Why is ESPN making Brett Farve's retirement such a big deal?

Last Answer : Because he has played for so long and he will be in the hall of fame as a great player

Description : What time will the NFL Draft start on April 26?

Last Answer : I think 11 or 12

Description : Why are the Madden games a year ahead?

Last Answer : answer:I think it has something to do with car model years being a year ahead: you feel like you are playing the future now; this is to be contrasted with releasing a game (around now) ... think they are playing an outdated game. It all has to do with market perception of software deprecation.

Description : What does GU mean on all the NFL players jerseys?

Last Answer : Gene Upshaw.

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