Recent questions tagged organic food

Description : Do organic eggs taste differently from regular eggs and why should we pay the price?

Last Answer : answer:Organic eggs will have a richer taste than the eggs you buy at your local supermarket. The yolks will likely be dark orange rather than yellow and stand up taught, like a ball, in my ... a dozen for eggs from chickens, versus eggs from the store (70¢ at Walmart yesterday, I noticed).

Description : Which of these things have almost cured my knee pain?

Last Answer : answer:My wife had some relief to knee pains from turmeric. Check your shoes, too. The only time I've had knee pains was from running shoes that have special orthotic features (anti-pronating) that I didn ... out of alignment and hurt my knees. Getting rid of the shoes was the right way to fix that.

Description : Do employees at Health / Natural / Organic food stores in your area look healthy?

Last Answer : The health / natural / organic food stores I visit the employees look healthy and well nourished (to me). But then I attribute that to them being fairly young. And honestly, I have yet to see ... the piercings and such, it seems most businesses are becoming very lenient when it comes to body art.

Description : When they say the strawberries aren't sprayed, do you believe them?

Last Answer : answer:Words are cheap. You are correct. If you’re asking this question, I assume you have suffered no ill effects of the strawberries. That’s good. I guess the bottomline is that we have to trust some people, especially with the food we eat.

Description : Portland, OR, CSAs with flexible membership options?

Last Answer : answer:LocalHarvest is the #1 stop to find CSAs near you. Although you can't search by share option, each page lists their options: ... week share options, but there are plenty of others out there:

Description : Co-op food market, independent grocer, or chain-store?

Last Answer : answer:Chainstore would most typically carry a wide assortment of goods, including organic products. Prices at chainstores would tend to be less expensive than independent grocers as they have the economies of scale ... cater to a special crowd. Needless to say, I am not part of the special crowd.

Description : Those of you who choose to eat organic food, what are your reasons?

Last Answer : The lack of pesticides and other harmful things.

Description : Is high coffee consumption REALLY so bad for the environment?

Last Answer : answer:shade grown simply means that it was grown, well, in the shade. It's sort of like free range (for various values of free ). Here's what wikipedia has to say (and ... be encouraging deforestation in ecologically sensitive regions.[31] (under Cultivation)

Description : Where should I buy whole bean coffee in Portland, Oregon?

Last Answer : I hear everywhere in Portland is good coffee…

Description : What do you think about organic food?

Last Answer : answer:Costs too much, dies quicker than regular food , contains everything regular food does anyway but wasn't grown with miracle grow. Most people who order a glass of water at a restaraunt will ... into their bodies. It is delicious though, and it is possible to achieve a higher flavor peak.

Description : Are organic pesticides/fungicides really better than synthetics?

Last Answer : answer:Considering certain synthetic pesticides break down into radioactive isotopes of elements like polonium in the presence of air, heat, light, and water (all needed for growing things ... but also provides trace micronutrients, virtually any pest problem can be prevented, or eradicated.

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