Recent questions tagged oxygen

Description : Have you ever tried an oxygen bar?

Last Answer : answer:Ah, no. If I want the air to smell pretty, I’ll burn a candle or light some incense.

Description : What is an oxygen bar?

Last Answer : Oxygen bar is a place where units of oxygen are sold for recreation. However, inhaling only oxygen would not create eagerness among people. Hence, artificial flavours are added to this oxygen ... questionable as it could have been extracted from impure air, which may cause more respiratory problems.

Description : Oxygen Sensor Location

Last Answer : Back in the 1980s, oxygen sensors became an important part the emission control system of every car and vehicle. Cars needed to have the proper amount of fuel-air mix during the internal combustion of ... your resident car expert for advice as to what kind you should have installed in your vehicle.

Description : Blood Oxygen Sensors

Last Answer : You're walking down the street and all of a sudden you feel out of breath. Your knees go weak and you feel as if you are going to faint. You stop to gulp in some air and decide ... oximeter. This was invented and made available precisely for enabling you to monitor your blood oxygen even at home.

Description : The Guide to Oxygen Sensors

Last Answer : If you ever come across a person who tells you that the universe does not have enough oxygen left for everyone to breathe, challenge him or her with an oxygen sensor. An oxygen sensor ... , the Scion oxygen sensor, the Volkswagen oxygen sensor, Walker oxygen sensor, and Chevrolet oxygen sensor.

Description : Oxygen Sensor Replacement

Last Answer : If you drive around a late model vehicle, then chances are keeping your car in shape will require more than just your run-of-the-mill tune-up. For older generation vehicles, replacing the oxygen sensor on ... lot of money by doing the task yourself, instead of having it done at the car repair shop.

Description : Oxygen Sensor Mounting

Last Answer : Oxygen sensors are devices that measure the amount of oxygen in a given amount of liquid or air. This process is important both in the automotive and medical field. Cars need their air-fuel mixture ... 're not sure as what kind to get for your automotive oxygen sensor, consult a car specialist.

Description : OXYGEN FACTS

Last Answer : Dry air is only twenty one percent oxygen. The rest is seventy-eight percent nitrogen, and the remaining one percent is a variety of other gases. Oxygen doesn't burn, but it does support the combustion ... dizzy. It's actually the fact that you're forcing too much carbon dioxide out of your lungs.

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