Recent questions tagged plant

Description : Tree doctors and city officials, what do the color codes blue, green, orange, and red mean?

Last Answer : You don’t have to be a tree doctor or a city official to answer

Description : What's your 2016 gardening plan?

Last Answer : Those basil plants make my mouth water for summer and its bounty.

Description : What is in the works to prevent/battle Japanese Knotweed?

Last Answer : Here you go Roundup for Japanese Knotweed.

Description : What is the word for mineral in flora, fauna and ...

Last Answer : Mineral, seriously.

Description : How do you prevent Horsetail and is it the most impossible plant to get rid of?

Last Answer : Prevent it from doing what? Spreading?

Description : What kind of plant is this?

Last Answer : It looks like a sort of philodendron Maybe not of this variety but you can’t help but notice the similarity. Love those philodendrons, totally unkillable! They take tons of abuse and neglect.

Description : Are these two corns the same?

Last Answer : Golden Cross is a hybrid, while the 8 row is the heirloom (what the hybrid was created from). So to answer your question, no these are not the same seeds.

Description : Science jellies, "NASA Finds New Life". Thoughts? (details inside)

Last Answer : It is very exciting. More exciting still is that it was discovered here on Earth. It leads to the possibility of other lifeforms as yet unknown around ocean volcanoes.

Description : Do you know any endangered/extinct plants that can ameliorate/cure diseases?

Last Answer : answer:Go to some early homeopathic work. Perhaps begin with Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., the father of homeopathy'. The approach to healing is altogether different than what you are used to. There was a ... well. The key is finding a great one. And, finding sources with excellent standards. Good luck.

Description : When is the best time to water sunflower?

Last Answer : The best time to water outdoor plants is usually in late afternoon or evening. This saves water and the soil stays moister longer, in that less is lost to evaporation due to the warmth of the sun.

Description : How to revive a potted house plant (Hawaiian Schefflera)?

Last Answer : If putting it in the house overnight doesn't do the trick, the plant got too hot and is gone. Thus, the solution is to buy another plant and put it in the same pot. It gets very hot in a car in ... , hot enough to kill plants, animals and babies, so next time don't ever leave a plant in your car.

Description : How do vegans feel about carnivorous plants?

Last Answer : Well… I’m not a vegan, but a vegetarian. I have a Venus flytrap at work. I always get a little sad and grossed out when a bug dies (I know, I know…) but the plant doesn’t have the option of getting the necessary nutrients from another source. Such is life.

Description : Why do my dark red cyclamens turn pale pink?

Last Answer : It could have something to do with the amount of sunlight.

Description : What are the best plants to use with artificial light?

Last Answer : I have a mother-in-law-toungue plant that is okay with virtually no light. I have a co-worker who has a philodendron that has survived in an office with no light, too.

Description : When is the best time of year (northern hemisphere) for me to plant a herb garden?

Last Answer : answer:MUCH too vague. You have to find out what zone you live in, and that is just the first step; here are some sample zone maps of N. America, Mexico, Hawaii, Australia where's ... in at the local gardening center or nursery. Gardening in Anchorage is quite different from planting in Acapulco.

Description : A question about a houseplant...

Last Answer : answer:Hahaha, it sounds like you;re about where I am in life right now - as in my sibling has decided I might be grown up . It really depends on what kind of plant it is. I'd put it as close to the ... all help. IF you know what kind of plant it is, I might be able to give you more help. Have fun!

Description : Is urine bad for a houseplant?

Last Answer : answer:Your own urine? Do you drink a lot of sugar? I heard from a scientist-wannabe that dog urine is fantastic with plants. I am not guaranteeing this information though. I found this: http: ... Hopefully that helps. It's wordy but educational.

Description : How do I take care of a Japanese fiber banana during the winter?(musa basjoo)

Last Answer : It should come back in the Spring. During hard Winters mine freeze then die then return. If I am correct the tree section is below ground all the “stuff” that you can see is merely the “branch” and leaves. If the plant stayed overly wet in the Winter then it could have rotted it out.

Description : Maranta - Arrowroot Plant, Herringbone Plant, Prayer Plant, Rabbit Tracks (Maran'ta)

Last Answer : DESCRIPTION: These frost tender perennials are native to tropical America and are grown for their beautiful foliage. They can be grown outside in frost-free climates only. Their leaves rise ... bicolor; M. leuconeura and its varieties are: kerchoveana, massangeana, erythroneura; M. arundinacea.

Description : Neomarica - Apostle Plant, Twelve Apostles (Neoma'rica)

Last Answer : DESCRIPTION: These are tender, herbaceous, perennial plants that belong to the Iris family. They grow wild in tropical America. They have plump rhizomes from which arise sword-shaped leaves that are 1 to 2 feet ... time. VARIETIES: N. caerulea; N. gracilis; N. luctea; N. Northiana; N. vittata.

Description : Sedum - Ice Plant, Stonecrop (Se'dum)

Last Answer : DESCRIPTION: This is a large group of hardy and tender succulent annuals and perennials. Only one of the annual kinds, S. caeruleum, is of any garden importance, however. Sedums, commonly called Stonecrop ... S. bellum; S. compressum; S. cupressoides; S. dendroideum; S. Nussbaumerianum; S. Palmeri.

Description : Lunaria - Honesty, Money Plant, Moonwort, Satin Flower, Silver Dollars (Luna'ria)

Last Answer : DESCRIPTION: These annuals and perennials are found naturally from Europe to eastern Siberia. They are grown for their pretty flowers and decorative seedpods, called silicles. Lunaria (commonly called Honesty, Money Plant ... or fall. VARIETIES: L. rediviva; L. annua & var. alba, Munstead Purple.

Description : Ricinus - Castor Bean, Castor-Oil Plant (Ric'inus)

Last Answer : R.communis DESCRIPTION: This annual is from tropical Africa and is grown for its decorative foliage. These plants have upright growth, 5 to 15 feet. Their leaves are palmate (palm-shaped) and ... poisonous. R.communis VARIETIES: R. communis & varieties Gibsonii, Sanguineus, cambodgensis.

Description : How to Revive a Plant

Last Answer : How to Revive a Plant If your plant is looking a little bent out of shape and sad, don't turn sad yourself. There are still some ways that you can do to revive your plant back to its ... virus that's laying waste to your plants.You might need professional help in order to contain that effectively.

Description : How to Prune a Bamboo Plant

Last Answer : How to Prune a Bamboo Plant Bamboo is a very beautiful garden plant that can give depth and a sense of calmness in your garden. The problem is that bamboo can grow too tall or too dense for ... to grow healthy tissue. Pruning a bamboo grove can also save you big money on monthly gardening bills.

Description : How to Plant Cucumbers

Last Answer : How to Plant Cucumbers Required Materials Growing cucumbers is quite easy. You only need the basic tools and materials in gardening. Cucumbers can be grown from seeds so you can purchase them and ... is because the cucumbers would have already become over ripe and this makes their flavor bitter.

Description : How to Plant Bulbs

Last Answer : How to Plant Bulbs Flowering bulbs are a beautiful addition to any garden and are relatively easy to take care of. Here are the steps to plant flowering bulbs in your garden. Tools Bulbs ... Mark the spot where you planted your bulbs to avoid accidentally planting something else on the same spot.

Description : How to Grow a Plant

Last Answer : How to Grow a Plant Growing a plant from a seed is a magical experience. From a small seed, we can grow huge plants, trees, bushes, flowers and even delicious foods. Just like we as ... forests. The destruction of these rain forests means that the orangutan cannot eat and will eventually die off.

Description : How To Make Plant Containers ?

Last Answer : A quick colorful way to decorate plant containers that can be changed from season to season - Papier-Mache containers covered with your favorite fabric. Materials Fabric (polished cottons, ginghams, and ... heavy plastic bag; then add a water-soaked block of florist foam, and insert the stems.

Description : What’s the difference between a moon and a ring particle? 

Last Answer : The rings are nothing more than a dense swarm of tiny, interacting moons. In principle, you could find an orbit for every ring particle around Saturn if the particles did not interact with ... to see just what definitions evolve once Cassini begins making its closer examination of Saturn's rings!

Description : Who discovered all these moons?

Last Answer : In 1655, Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch astronomer, observed Saturn through a telescope and discovered Saturn's largest moon, Titan, although it wouldn't be named this for another 200 years. Titan's diameter ... still excited, because this was the first time the F ring clumps had been seen from Earth.

Description : How big are the rings?

Last Answer : Saturn's ring system is both very broad and very thin. The inner edge of the rings begins approximately 6,700 km (4,200 mi) from the cloudtops of Saturn. The outer edge of the A ring is ... of a football field. At its outer edge, the E ring increases in thickness to several thousand kilometers.

Description : Do the rings move? 

Last Answer : Yes, but not like a solid would move. The bits and boulders of Saturn's rings each orbit like tiny moons. They move around Saturn in the same direction as Saturn rotates and the same direction as ... a much longer time (millions of years), some of the rings may spread out and eventually disappear. 

Description : Outline the process of accounting.

Last Answer : Process of accounting An accounting system tracks and controls the income and expenses of a business. Accounting systems can be as simple as a pen and notepad, and can be as complex ... find themselves required to create reports for external stakeholders, such as lenders and private investors. 

Description : Explain law of demand and law of supply.

Last Answer : The Law of Demand The law of demand states that, if all other factors remain equal, the higher the price of a good, the less people will demand that good. In other words, the higher the price, the lower ... ). At point B, the quantity supplied will be Q2 and the price will be P2, and so on.

Description : Describe the concept of fixed cost, variable cost and total cost.

Last Answer : Total cost  Total cost refers to total expense incurred in reaching a particular level of output, if such total cost is divided by quantity produced average or unit cost is obtained. The ... . Direct material, direct labour, direct expenses, variable overheads are some examples of variable cost.

Description : Explain the procedure of detailed energy audit.

Last Answer : Detailed Energy Audit Detailed audit provides a detailed project implementation plan for a facility, since it evaluate all major energy using systems. This type of audit offers the ... Management aspects of design and operating data collection, field measurements, data analysis, and training

Description : Outline any four duties and responsibilities of energy manager.

Last Answer : Responsibilities and Duties of Energy Manager Responsibilities Prepare an annual activity plan and present to management concerning financially attractive investments to reduce energy costs Establish an ... and manner as may be provided in the regulations of the Energy Conservation Act.

Description : List the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower. 

Last Answer : Hydropower plant Advantages Renewable - Hydroelectric energy is renewable. This means that we cannot use up. However, there's only a limited number of suitable reservoirs where hydroelectric power ... MW under construction. Only one of these projects was started in the last two years. 

Description : Illustrate the benefits of hydrogen energy as a future energy.

Last Answer : Benefits of Hydrogen Energy The use of hydrogen greatly reduces pollution. When hydrogen is combined with oxygen in a fuel cell, energy in the form of electricity is produced. This electricity can ... sources of fuel. This ideally means that you need less hydrogen to complete an enormous task.

Description : Explain any four important properties of petroleum fuel.

Last Answer : Properties of petroleum fuel The flash point of a volatile fuel is the lowest temperature at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air. The flash point is an important concept in ... of combustion contain the water vapor and that the heat in the water vapor is not recovered.

Description : State various types of energy losses with their control measures in any utility.

Last Answer : Energy loss and control in any utility Energy saving opportunities in cooling tower (These measures will save electrical energy used in fan or pumps) 1. Follow manufacturer's recommended ... Preheating combustion air 10. Switching from steam to air atomization Switching to lower cost fuel

Description : Explain construction and working of solar water heater.

Last Answer : Solar Water Heater  Construction A typical domestic solar water heater consists of a hot water storage tank and one or more flat plate collectors. Inlet and outlet pipes are connected ... the tank continues automatically due to density difference between hot and cold water (thermosyphon effect).

Description : Define calorific value. Differentiate between net calorific value and gross calorific value.

Last Answer : Calorific value of fuel  The amount of energy produced by the complete combustion of a material or fuel.  Measured in units of energy per amount of material, e.g. kJ/kg. Difference between NCV and GCV ... is not an actual heat available for use. It is an actual heat available for use.

Description : Describe profitability evaluation by rate of return on investment. 

Last Answer : Profitability by ROI Return on investment, or ROI, is the most common profitability ratio. There are several ways to determine ROI, but the most frequently used method is to divide net profit by total ... investment types. Return on investment = (revenue − cost of goods sold) / cost of goods sold

Description : Explain energy conservation and its importance.

Last Answer : Energy conservation Energy Conservation is the deliberate practice or an attempt to save electricity, fuel oil or gas or any other combustible material, to be able to put to additional use for ... are produced. e) Generally to relieve shortage and improve development. f) Advantage in PAT scheme.

Description : Explain construction of biogas plant.

Last Answer : Fixed Roof Biogas Plant  Construction It consits of inlet tank, digester and outlet tank. Sluury is prepeared in inlet tank. Mass is digeated in digester. Gas is collected at the top dome. Digested mass ... digester gas can supply useful energy in the form of hot air, hot water or steam.

Description : Classify energy sources with two examples each.

Last Answer : Types of energy Source  Primary energy source is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any conversion or transformation process. The primary energy sources are derived from: the sun, ... energy sources: These sources can renew again and again. e.g Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydro

Description : State two objectives of energy audit.

Last Answer : Objective of energy audit  To determine ways to reduce energy consumption per unit of product output or to lower operating costs. Energy Audit provides a bench-mark" (Reference ... effective use of energy throughout the organization. Provide detailed documentation for monitoring of energy use

Description : List the two factors affecting on cost estimation.

Last Answer : Factors affecting cost estimation 1) Labor Wage Rates 2) Inflation Factor 3) Project Schedule 4) Quality of Plans & Specifications 5) Reputation of Engineer 6) Regulatory Requirements 7) Insurance Requirements 8) Size and Type of Project 9) Location 10) Contingency