Recent questions tagged plumbing

Description : If fiber cleans out your colon then would the equivalent be useful in plumbing?

Last Answer : No NO NO !

Description : Will it kill the pipes if I pour boiling-hot liquid down the drain?

Last Answer : I guess it depends on what you are looking to clear in the way of a clog. Acid (vinegar) can attack the metal of the pipe. But the problem is that it would never touch the pipe at least not in ... calcium or iron deposits off the pipes, the vinegar will do great. Other than that, I'd go with Drano.

Description : What are some services shortages that you have, or had, in your area?

Last Answer : Also airport staff.

Description : Sump Pump won't pump; how to fix?

Last Answer : Did you prime it to get it sucking? Small pumps will often need to be primed, especially if they were sitting dry for 20 years. Honestly, I am surprised that the motor is humming in the first ... years in a box, I would have expected the oil/lubricant/grease inside the housing to have dried out.

Description : Which energy drink is best for unclogging the kitchen sink?

Last Answer : Quit putting sour cream down the drain. ;>0

Description : Can sour cream and ketchup plug a kitchen sink?

Last Answer : Try baking soda, vinegar and boiling water.

Description : Can you move a sink two feet without opening up the slab foundation?

Last Answer : If you look at the plumbing under your sink you will see two flexible supply lines and pvc drains all of which can be replaced to accomodate a new sink location. Not a big deal. If you want to relicate the plumbing in the slab that is a huge hairy deal.

Description : Where does the poop go?

Last Answer : answer:If you live in a town/city with a sewage system, through the sewers to the sewage treatment plant. Or, you may have a septic system where it is stored in a septic tank.

Description : Does digested grease plug up toilets?

Last Answer : Grease is usually not “digested” it just passes through, some of the fat is absorbed but not all of it. So yes, grease is grease. So yup !

Description : Any plumbing tips for a DIY maintenance novice?

Last Answer : Shower head, fairly easy fix if you don't have to replace the stem going into the wall. And, even that is not hard as long as the line feeding it is securely attached. Can be a bit of a ... locks; although it wouldn't hurt to have a pair of needle nose pliers handy to pull out recalcitrant parts.

Description : What is this brownish goo coming from a bathroom faucet?

Last Answer : Sounds like shit. I won’t speculate further.

Description : What do I need to do and know to replace a part in the toilet tank?

Last Answer : answer:Unless it's an expensive weird stunt toilet, toilet fixes are easy and cheap. Does this describe the situation? There's a flap at the bottom of the tank. Reach in there (ewww, yeah, but in ... water rushes down and flushes the bowl. Drop the flap and the tank fills, ready for the next flush.

Description : Has anyone heard of pouring car engine degreaser down your drains to keep them from clogging?

Last Answer : I have not heard of using a car engine degreaser to keep drains open. However, upon the suggestion of my city's sewer department we have been using Dawn dishwashing detergent for this purpose ... -cup down the kitchen sink on the disposal side to keep emulsification from clogging the drain lines.

Description : Can I easily move the faucet for a tub in new slab construction?

Last Answer : answer:Slab may have to be jack hammered and have pipe “broken in to” and end moved. I always hated slabs for water or sewer. Is concrete already poured?

Description : What are the disadvantages of motion sensor toilets?

Last Answer : You can’t make moonshine in prison. Also you can’t tell your health by looking at the colour of your fluids. Finally you can’t keep quiet, you would wake everyone up.

Description : Does any one know how to fix a bathtub faucet?

Last Answer : Call a plumber to fix. It will need to be soldered or compression fit. Take the bill out of next months rent.

Description : Why does the hot water hose to my washing machine keep unscrewing late at night?

Last Answer : Beein slick, broken threads combind with pressure maybe ?

Description : What's the best way to make a barb fitting that's a bit small for the tubing give a water-tight fit? [See details].

Last Answer : answer:I'm thinking teflon plumber's tape might do the job. Would that work? It seems like it would give you a nice seal, if understand what you are trying to do. I'm not good at math at all, really, ... is. I did that calculation on google; not by myself. That's the only way I could do the math.

Description : What do you do with the plunger when you're done?

Last Answer : Flush toilet clean, dip it a few times in clean water, dip again for good measure then lay it on paper towels or newspaper to dry. What REALLY got to me was when the neighbor across the road came and asked to borrow it!

Description : Where does the water come from in a sump pump hole?

Last Answer : At our parents's house (built in 1962), the water that goes into the sump pump hole in the basement floor comes from the washing machine and utility sink when they are draining. Once the water gets to ... kicks on. The sink and washing machine are hooked up to the rest of the plumbing in the house.

Description : What if a bathroom doesn't have vent pipes on the roof above it?

Last Answer : answer:You can vent them in a different way: However, the traps should still be keeping that smell out. Maybe there’s gunk in the traps? Edited: this link:

Description : If the world ends, would gas stations/plumbing/the phone system still work?

Last Answer : That’s called “Artistic License”.

Description : Do you think the schools should make some blue-collar skills classes manditory?

Last Answer : I agree on the mandatory job education, if only the jobs were available.

Description : Where can I buy Drain Gel?

Last Answer : I’ve heard that exterminators carry this product. Try calling a local exterminator and see if you can purchase some directly from them.

Description : Can you help me identify this part to my well plumbing?

Last Answer : Yours is a Rusco Spin-Down sand and sediment filter. Here’s the company’s website. This place sells parts.

Description : Is it normal for an electric hot-water heater to drip?

Last Answer : Sort of. It could just be the moisture coming off from the hot water.

Description : How do I get a large hair clipper guard out of my toilet pipe?

Last Answer : break it in a million pieces and flush it down. We have apartments and have had to throw away entire toilets because of this. People swear they don't know why it's clogged and we take the toilet off, ... you can't break it, you may be in trouble. I'd don the shoulder length gloves and go fishing.

Description : Is vinegar bad for pipes/drains?

Last Answer : I don't know about straight vinegar, but a common solution for clearing out clogged drains is to dump half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar and then a whole lot of ... you pour some baking soda down before your foot soak, and you'll have a very clean drain! =)

Description : Why only one "low" urinal?

Last Answer : The closer they are to the source, the better the accuracy of the aim. It’s probably a lot more of a pain to clean the lower ones.

Description : Non-chemical alternative to draino?

Last Answer : I haven’t actually tried this, but I heard that Coke, the beverage, will work!

Description : How do drains work?

Last Answer : Down your indoor plumbing then out into the street plumbing then to either a water treatment plant then the sea or water treatment plant to a water recycling plant (like in singapore) or from the street straight out to the sea.

Description : How to re attach faucet base to granite counter top?

Last Answer : answer:Faucets aren't typically glued down to counter surfaces, because you'll likely want to change facets before you'll want to change counter tops. Usually, a roll of plumber's putty is pressed ... the epoxy putties that are on the market, but the faucet would be forever wed to the counter.

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