Recent questions tagged professional-information

Description : The education of primitive man included the elements which today would be termed as Options: A) Vocational B) Moral C) Religious D) All the above

Last Answer : D) All the above 

Description : Primary responsibility for the teacher's adjustment lies with Options: A) The children B) The principal C) The teacher himself D) The teacher's parents

Last Answer : C) The teacher himself 

Description : Which of the following is the most correct statement about the relation between marital status and the personal social adjustment of teachers? Options: A) Empirical evidence favours the married ... married male teachers but single female teachers D) Marital status bears no relation to adjustment

Last Answer : A) Empirical evidence favours the married teacher 

Description : In education the term 'Gang' represents adolescents Options: A) Anti-social group B) Secondary or territory marginal groups C) Male group only D) Social phenomena

Last Answer : D) Social phenomena 

Description : Which of the following is not a reason for the small scale use of radio for educational purposes? Options: A) All subject-matter does not lend itself equally to its use B) Many teachers ... to give up our preconceptions of educations D) The evidence relative to its effectiveness is too inconclusive

Last Answer : D) The evidence relative to its effectiveness is too inconclusive 

Description : The primary function of the school as an agent of society is Options: A) To develop in children an adequate level of vocational competence B) To prepare the child for life C) To provide ... environment D) To provide youth with a uniform set of experiences as the basis for effective communication

Last Answer : B) To prepare the child for life 

Description : Which of the following is not one of the aims and purposes of UNESCO? Options: A) Held an educational isolationism B) Promote intellectual inter dependence C) Helps to unite peoples of the world D) Promote pride in nationalistic groups

Last Answer : D) Promote pride in nationalistic groups

Description : Which of the following is least acceptable in the light of the modern concept of education? Options: A) The personal and social adjustment of the child is a responsibility of the school must ... directly involved in the methods and procedures by means of which these products are to be attained

Last Answer : B) Despite the importance of its other responsibilities, the school exists primarily for the purpose of developing the intellectual and the academic atmosphere

Description : To Plato, the main role of education was to Options: A) Cultivate the personality of each individual B) Develop the power of contemplation C) Strengthen the power of perception D) Train each person for a vocation

Last Answer : B) Develop the power of contemplation 

Description : A pupil should definitely be encouraged to go to college if Options: A) He has better than the average intelligence B) He has financial backing to see him through C) He has met high-school graduation requirements D) All the above are true and he wishes to go

Last Answer : D) All the above are true and he wishes to go 

Description : Probably the best reminder a beginning teacher might take with him into his class room is Options: A) Knowledge of one's subject is the crucial thing B) Liking children is a necessary and ... D) Learning is effective to the extent that it involves the goals and purposes of individual children

Last Answer : D) Learning is effective to the extent that it involves the goals and purposes of individual children

Description : The phrase Equal Educational Opportunity means Options: A) Equal opportunity for all children to have access to higher education B) Equality of the type of education available for each child C) Equality ... for each child D) Equal opportunity to have the type of education which one is suited

Last Answer : D) Equal opportunity to have the type of education which one is suited 

Description : In making use of employment information, it is well to remember that Options: A) The more general the information, the more useful it is B) One should select one source of information ... Descriptions in term of absolute adjectives are best D) Recent primary sources are better than secondary ones

Last Answer : D) Recent primary sources are better than secondary ones 

Description : A basic ideal of a democratic society is Options: A) Powerful leadership B) Belief in the opinions of the leaders C) Respect for the enlightened individual D) Might makes right' 

Last Answer : C) Respect for the enlightened individual 

Description : Teachers need to study educational philosophy mainly, because Options: A) Few, if any, teachers have a philosophy B) Most teachers follows a wrong philosophy C) Teacher's are incapable of formulating their own philosophy D) Teachers may improve their work by clarifying their philosophy

Last Answer : D) Teachers may improve their work by clarifying their philosophy 

Description : The primary purpose of the inclusion of out of class activities as part of the overall school programme is Options: A) To meet accreditation requirements B) To keep children under ... pupil's self realization D) To provide students with a means of acceleration through earning extracredits

Last Answer : C) To provide other avenues of pupil's self realization 

Description : Much of the disciplinary and motivational difficulties experiences by teachers stem from Options: A) Personal mal adjustment on the part of teachers or pupils B) The failure of the curriculum ... education D) The relatively greater appeal of other interests competing for the child's attention

Last Answer : B) The failure of the curriculum to meet pupil's needs 

Description : A fundamental difference between the radio and the motion pictures is that of Options: A) Radio is more responsive to public opinion B) Movies more deliberately try to influence behaviour C) Radio programmes are less subject to control D) Movies employ no self-censorship like the radio

Last Answer : A) Radio is more responsive to public opinion 

Description : The major contribution of the ancient Greeks to modern education was their Options: A) Emphasis upon the development of individual personality B) Subordination of the individual to the welfare of the state C) Stress upon physical fitness D) High moral and religious standards

Last Answer : A) Emphasis upon the development of individual personality 

Description : Dewey liked best, the following definition of education Options: A) Education as a product B) Recapitulation C) Acquisition of knowledge D) Preparation for life

Last Answer : D) Preparation for life

Description : The study of occupational information should be Options: A) Postponed until the pupil is ready to choose a vocation B) Introduced in connection with a programme of self-appraisal C) Handled only by the school's occupation counsellor D) Made a regular 10th and 12 th grade subject

Last Answer : B) Introduced in connection with a programme of self-appraisal 

Description : According to school authorities Options: A) Children should be allowed complete freedom of choice in viewing TV B) Community leaders have a responsibility for influencing television standards C) All TV ... young children D) Children should never be permitted to choose the TV programmes they view

Last Answer : B) Community leaders have a responsibility for influencing television standards 

Description : In early Athenian education the Paidagogos was a Options: A) Foreigner B) Slave C) Teacher D) Craftsmen

Last Answer : B) Slave 

Description : Experience has shown that the most feasible plan for utilizing occupational orientation programme broadcast by radio is Options: A) The recording of the programme for inter communication playback B) The direct ... on the programme D) The bringing of pupils to listen to and report on the programme

Last Answer : A) The recording of the programme for inter communication playback 

Description : A career course should be aimed at Options: A) Obtaining from every student a realistic self-appraisal B) Securing from every student a choice of his life's work C) Developing the ability to make intelligent choice of jobs D) Answers 'A' and 'C'

Last Answer : C) Developing the ability to make intelligent choice of jobs 

Description : The teacher's major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the child is best affected through Options: A) Constant fulfilment of the child's needs B) Strict control of class-room ... C) Sensitivity to pupil needs, goals and purposes D) Strict reinforcement of a academic standards

Last Answer : C) Sensitivity to pupil needs, goals and purposes 

Description : By emotional maturity is meant a Options: A) Low degree of sensitivity coupled with a high level of intellectual growth B) Extreme patience or sympathy towards problems involving other people C) Lack of ... other people D) Lack of control or inhibition of the emotions appropriate to one's age-group

Last Answer : D) Lack of control or inhibition of the emotions appropriate to one's age-group 

Description : Which of the following is most likely to be characterized the in-effective teacher? Options: A) Emphasis upon standards B) Emphasis upon pupil discussion in the clarification of group goals C) ... the control of the immediate situation D) Refusal to help children until they have helped themselves

Last Answer : C) Emphasis upon the control of the immediate situation 

Description : Research has shown that maladjustment among teacher is Options: A) Relatively non-existent B) Relatively rare among ‘Career' teachers C) Exceedingly widespread, especially among women teachers D) Of greater incidence than in comparable professional groups

Last Answer : D) Of greater incidence than in comparable professional groups 

Description : Research has shown that the most frequent symptom of nervous instability among teacher is Options: A) Absenteeism B) Digestive upsets C) Explosive behaviour D) Worry

Last Answer : D) Worry 

Description : Concerning educational films, it can be truthfully said that Options: A) They differ from commercial films chiefly is the basis of nature of the film B) Motion picture production by school children ... use of films by decades D) The interest factor in educational films was stressed from the start

Last Answer : C) War developments advanced the educational use of films by decades 

Description : The field of education is permeated by conflicts and misconceptions largely because Options: A) The problems encountered in teaching call for subjectivity of interpretation B) There are no best ... scientific investigation D) Education has first to be practical and only secondary to be scientific

Last Answer : C) The problem encountered in teaching are not amenable to rigorous scientific investigation

Description : The primary task of the teacher is Options: A) To teach the prescribed curriculum B) To stimulate and guide student's learning C) To ensure that all students belong to socially acceptable peer groups D) To promote habits of conformity to adult demands and expectations

Last Answer : B) To stimulate and guide student's learning 

Description : Modern Indian education at the Elementary school level can best be described as being Options: A) Curriculum-centred B) Project-centred C) Pupil-centred D) Subject-centred

Last Answer : C) Pupil-centred 

Description : Which of the following has no potential for occupational information? Options: A) Sharing activities in the elementary school B) The general class of a Junior high school C) A biology class in a senior high-school D) None of the above

Last Answer : D) None of the above 

Description : The greatest single cause of failure in beginning teachers lies in the area of Options: A) General culture B) General scholarship C) Subject-matter back ground D) Inter-personal relations

Last Answer : D) Inter-personal relations

Description : Which one of the following can truthfully be said of non-school, active agencies of social interaction? Options: A) The less education people have, the more they use established recreational ... has proved undesirable D) The community council should conduct activities, not just to co-ordinate them

Last Answer : B) The largest items of the expenditure for leisure time activities are for those of a passive nature

Description : The best way to prepare students for the transition to the next step in the educational ladder is to Options: A) Make a visit to the school building B) Receive visitors from the new school C) Prepare a booklet about the new school D) There is no best way for such orientation

Last Answer : D) There is no best way for such orientation 

Description : In helping students to make educational plants, it is unwise to for them to Options: A) Mix general with vocational subjects B) Select all their subjects from one field C) Take typing with college preparatory subjects D) Plan their programmes more than a year ahead

Last Answer : B) Select all their subjects from one field 

Description : Educational psychology should provide prospective teachers with Options: A) Insights into the various aspects of modern education B) Principles, insights and attitudes as points of departure for effective ... current teaching procedure D) Rules of thumb to deal with everyday class-room situation

Last Answer : B) Principles, insights and attitudes as points of departure for effective teaching 

Description : UNESCO has as one of its many promising activities, a campaign to provide Options: A) Education for all adults of the member nations B) Universal, free, compulsory primary education C) Free education to those who desires it D) Indoctrination against the dangers of communism

Last Answer : B) Universal, free, compulsory primary education 

Description : Plato's theory called for an educational programme in which Options: A) The unfit were to be eliminated and the fit located B) Education was life itself, not a preparation for it C) The validity of mental discipline, his dialectic for rulers D) His 'Science’ was for workers, his dialectic for rulers

Last Answer : A) The unfit were to be eliminated and the fit located 

Description : In making occupational field-trips, the pupils should Options: A) Be accompanied by the teacher at all times B) Be prepared to ask questions from their guide C) Discuss their visits upon returning to school D) All the above

Last Answer : D) All the above 

Description : Which of the following is not a positive factor in the teacher's Mentalhealth? Options: A) A programme in which routine is reutilized B) Personal and professional competence C) A schedule allowing for hobbies, friends responsibility and adequacy D) A strong need to love and to be loved by children 

Last Answer : D) A strong need to love and to be loved by children 

Description : The first kindergarten was started by Options: A) Friedrich Froebel B) Benjamin Franklin C) Johann Pestalozzi D) De Witt Clinton

Last Answer : A) Friedrich Froebel 

Description : Which of the following is the most important single factor underlying the success of beginning teacher? Options: A) His personality and ability to relate to the class B) His attitudes and outlook on life C) His verbal facility and organizational ability D) His scholarship and intellectual ability

Last Answer : A) His personality and ability to relate to the class 

Description : To educate according to nature means Options: A) To return to the nature as opposed to the artificial in life B) To educate according to the law of nature of human development C) To study natural laws and apply them to the education process D) All of the above

Last Answer : D) All of the above 

Description : The major responsibility with which school personnel have been entrusted is that of Options: A) Changing human nature of conform to social expectations B) Adjusting the child to conform to the demands of ... D) Harmonizing the needs of the child and the demands of society for the benefit of both

Last Answer : D) Harmonizing the needs of the child and the demands of society for the benefit of both

Description : The primary goal towards which the modern school is oriented is that of the development on the parts of its students of Options: A) Adequate behaviour B) Socially acceptable behaviour C) Personal adequacy and independence D) A sound system of ethical values

Last Answer : A) Adequate behaviour

Description : When Locke spokes of 'Tabula rasa' he referred to his belief that Options: A) The doctrine of innate ideas is essentially correct B) The organism reacts as a whole to stimulus C) The mind starts from scratch in gathering sense data D) The mind itself is a result of the process of evolution

Last Answer : D) The mind itself is a result of the process of evolution