Recent questions tagged registers

Description : What Are The Boons And Banes Of Having More General Purpose Registers In A Microprocessor.?

Last Answer : Answer :If there are more general purpose registers the program writing process is more flexible and convenient. The number of bits that would be required to detect the registers would increase with more ... on the chip. This can create problems in adding / implementing other functions on the chip.

Description : What Are The Various Registers In 8085?

Last Answer : Answer :Accumulator register, Temporary register, Instruction register, Stack Pointer, Program Counter are the various registers in 8085.

Description : Describe the functions of General purpose registers of 8086 microprocessor.

Last Answer : (i) General Purpose Registers of 8086 1. AX (Accumulator) - Used to store the result for arithmetic / logical operations All I/O data transfer using IN & OUT instructions use A ... Index - acts as the destination for string movement instructions Used to hold offset address of Extra segment.

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