Recent questions tagged universe

Description : How many of you are big fans of Carl Sagan?

Last Answer : answer:The movie Contact (based on his book) shaped my childhood in big ways. I must have watched it every year growing up, and I was always reading up on SETI news. I wanted to be Ellie Arroway. I ... Neil Degrasse Tyson reboot religiously (ha). Sagan is a pretty big hero of mine, I'd have to say.

Description : How do we know the Universe had a beginning?

Last Answer : I think it’s all days and nights of Brahma…

Description : Will the universe ever find its zero point energy state?

Last Answer : I’m not sure what you mean by a ground state.

Description : How do experts calculate and interpret large distances in the universe?

Last Answer : IIRC, a lot of astronomical range-finding works out to trigonometry and physics.

Description : If the universe is infinite, how big is what it is expanding into? (Strange Universe 2011)

Last Answer : There is no answer to that question, since there is no space beyond the universe.

Description : Can nothing exist without the Universe? (Strange Universe Series)

Last Answer : The other side. Remember last weeks talk on multiverses! I like it there much better BTW!

Description : (Strange Universe Series) How can order emerge out of chaos?

Last Answer : You may find these interviews interesting. Guy is called John Duffield.

Description : Where is the center of the Universe?

Last Answer : answer:We are at that point. All points, actually, are at that point. It's a confusing concept, but if you consider that at one time all of matter was in a single point, upon expansion, ... would remain the center of the universe. The fact that the universe is flat supports that point greatly.

Description : If CERN proves there are parallel universes, will you move?

Last Answer : This one has served humans perfectly well for tens of thousands of years. I think I’ll stay.

Description : What is the expanding universe expanding into?

Last Answer : This is one of those questions we peobably won’t know because it essentially asks where we came from. I used to think about this a lot, but there’s no answer.

Description : Does a blackhole decrease entropy in the universe?

Last Answer : I can't shed too much light on the problem, beyond this one thought: scientists are always discovering new things about how our universe got to where it is and how it continues progressing. ... and theories presented by Stephen Hawking, you may also find some good leads from this Wikipedia article.

Description : Is it humanly possible to imagine nothing?

Last Answer : It’s called being dead. Imagining nothing would mean having no activity in the part of your brain responsible for imagination, which will only happen once you have quit this mortal coil.

Description : How can we tell the Universe is billions of years old?

Last Answer : Count the rings. Sorry. I had to do it.

Description : What are the constants of the universe?

Last Answer : answer:From Wikipedia: According to Michio Kaku (1994: 124-27), the Standard Model of particle physics contains nineteen arbitrary dimensionless constants that describe the masses of the particles and ... than can be modelled by the cosmological constant, yet more constants will be needed.

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