Recent questions tagged winter

Description : What is your plan in winter ?

Last Answer : I live in Wisconsin. It’s a winter paradise. I like to visit state parks and hike. I also like to explore other nature areas to find migrating birds so I can photograph them. Walking on frozen lakes is fun as well.

Description : What is the worst winter you have ever seen?

Last Answer : In Central Texas, winters are usually mild. This is the worst one I have ever seen, no holds bared. I remember a bad snow in Jan. of 72, I remember that vividly because my girl friend and I had ... seen anything so bad since. Until now, cant even get my damn car out of the frozen ass drive way.

Description : During the Winter Season, whats the second best thing to a nice Fireplace?

Last Answer :

Description : What are the things you most like about Winter?

Last Answer : I love snow, and the quiet it brings. I love the cold, crisp air. I love cuddling under layers of blankets. I enjoy driving in snow (I miss having a manual transmission in snow). I used to enjoy skiing ... anymore. I enjoy the hearty meals of winter, and hot soups. I don't know what CLE is, though.

Description : Who else is in the great US deep freeze 2013?

Last Answer : It’s a balmy 38 degrees F in upstate NY. The fun stuff doesn’t arrive until tonight. I think I’ll run around in my boxers for a few when I get home. And our drivers are always idiots. The ice might even help cull a few. (My attitude isn’t 100 percent yet.)

Description : Do evergreen trees photosynthisize in winter?

Last Answer : They do. This is what allows gymnosperms to persist in poor climates (high elevation and/or latitude) even though angiosperms (flowering plants) are better competitors.

Description : Winter tires, studded vs non studded tires can you offer advice?

Last Answer : answer:Just around town? Winter tires should do depending on the town. I lived in Alaska, at 19 mile Richardson Highway ( outside of Fairbanks ) and never used anything but winter tires. Lots of snow ... hits freezing there it stays frozen. Of course studs are the creme de la creme of winter tires!

Description : Is cabin fever setting in for anyone else (besides me)

Last Answer : Today is a beautiful day at our house. I have the door open and a light breeze blowing through. It was bitter, record breaking cold last week, and rained yesterday. It might rain tomorrow too, but I took a great walk today and I’m feeling groovy.

Description : Is it dangerous to sit in front of a gas heater?

Last Answer : answer:Read the manual if you still have it or get the .pdf for the brand on line. Why didn’t you read the manual at the outset?

Description : In winter (during cold weather) I pee more than I usually do. Is this a known phenomenon and, if so, why would that be the case?

Last Answer : There is a book you should consult:

Description : Do you live in snow country and stay during the winter or do you leave to warmer places?

Last Answer : Not retired, but I love the Finger Lakes. Spent four years at CU, love the Wine Trail, and now there’s the Cheese Trail. Plus I picked up a love of hockey at Lynah.

Description : Tips on snowmobiling (without killing yourself)

Last Answer : Dress well. I did it one time with just a good coat and jeans. 60 miles an hour later and I got wicked frostbite on my legs.

Description : Why don't human beings hibernate or at least go dormant in winter?

Last Answer : I do go into a kind of psychological dormancy; more reluctant to go out at night, a greater desire for sleep. I think we do respond to the cold and the waning of the light but the needs ... societies, there is a greater disparity in activity between the long, growing days and the short, fallow ones.

Description : How much snow are you expecting this winter?

Last Answer : At any one time we will probably have between one to two feet or .67 meters on the ground. We’ve had as much as four or five feet at times. Not a good time.

Description : Is snow beneficial for anything?

Last Answer : To make us all slow down, stay indoors, cuddle up in front of the fire and appreciate the beauty of the world :o)

Description : What's the ideal amount of snow you would like to have?

Last Answer : I agree, my desire for snow is also in the two to three feet range.

Description : Over 1,000,000 left without power by winter snow storm. What's with America?

Last Answer : It’s the goddam Obama Socialist Communist Nazi Gay agenda, that’s what it is.

Description : What type of heater do you use?

Last Answer : Is there no gas supply and central heating?

Description : How would you feel about human hibernation?

Last Answer : Ah, but then everything done would have to be regional. You wouldn’t be able to talk to anyone from the other hemisphere during summers/winters.

Description : How do stray dogs and cats survive in frigid temperatures?

Last Answer : GQ. I’ve heard that cats and other small animals sometimes go up under a recently-driven car where it’s warm, but I know they don’t stay warm too long.

Description : What type of wood burns best in the fireplace?

Last Answer : For us oak burns hot and slow.

Description : Why doesn't snow accumulate on manhole covers?

Last Answer : Manhole covers tend to be warmer because of the air from the sewer pipes also being warm. I assume sewer pipes are heated or at least insulated, because they can't get cold enough to let their ... heat does, and cause the manhole cover to become warmer, thus melting any snow that lies on it.

Description : What did you get YOURSELF for Christmas?

Last Answer : A trip to the dentist. Please note, this is an awesome gift to self.

Description : What are your favorite winter fun activities?

Last Answer : Here's another one. For really awful days nothing beats staying in and making gingerbread cookies! My favorite part is decorating them. I've purchased a set of edible food dye gels from Wilton Cakes, ... and who can't get caught up decorating cookies if you have all sorts of sprinkles and candies!

Description : What do you associate with the holiday season?

Last Answer : lots and lots of chocolate. i always get chanukah gelt. i get it with every gift, and 8 nights of gifts with 3 gifts on average a nigh from family and friends means 24 bags of gelt a season, ... chocolate for every day in december. i dont think i ever made it past the 3rd without eating it all.

Description : what do I do with a giant silk moth that birthed itself in my dorm room in the middle of winter?

Last Answer : answer:man o man. i love animals so i would try and keep it alive! but out of your rabbits cage or the rabbit might hurt it. should go in an aquarium maybe. seriously that is so ... moth.html The Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus, Cramer, 1776)

Description : How to Preserve Strawberries for Winter ?

Last Answer : How to Preserve Strawberries for Winter A delicious strawberries and cream dessert or strawberry milkshake on a warm summer afternoon is awesome, but unfortunately this fruit don't last the whole year ... steps, you can have strawberry shortcake or strawberry milkshakes any time of the year. Enjoy!

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