Recent questions tagged wisdom teeth

Description : Is wisdom tooth removal the new racket in dental care?

Last Answer : Some wisdom teeth create problems as they grow in or become impacted. I never had a problem but both my sons had theirs removed years ago. This has been being done for a long time.

Description : For those who have had their wisdom teeth or tooth removed did you go under anesthesia?

Last Answer : I did, I honestly don’t remember how long it lasted. On moment I’m getting stuck with an IV and quite literally a second or two later my dad is sitting in front of me and I’m like “WTF are you doing here?” I did not even realize that it was over.

Description : What should I do about this wisdom teeth issue?

Last Answer : Call your dentist and tell them what you have told us, that you have heard too many bad stories on this oral surgeon and need another reference. I would never go to an oral surgeon or dentist or ... bad reputation. Also, ask your dentist if it is possible to wait until your next break from school.

Description : My wisdom tooth hurts; how worried should I be?

Last Answer : Do Not worry at all. It will not do you any good. Call your dentist and make an appointment as soon as possible and you will solve the issue.

Description : Oral surgery and stitches are coming out. Uh oh?

Last Answer : Were you supposed to go back and get the stitches taken out? I only got two stitches taken out, I think one of them fell out on it’s own. I’d call your surgeon to see what he says.

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