Do you feel differently about the S.F. Giants now that Barry Bonds is gone?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, they have a better shot at constructing a complete team now—with that wheelbarrow full of money that’s been freed up. But as far my interest in them? Meh. While I lived in SF (and still being a Cubs fan) I rooted for Barry, not the Giants,

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Last Answer : Here’s a bat display company that has several different types of bat holders. You may be able to get an idea of what you should do from this site; the pictures are clear.

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Last Answer : I am somewhat familiar with how the odds work but could never explain them, especially since I don't bet so I found the information. I would have given a link but I don't think the mods would ... shop around for the best odds and of pick more winners than losers. Best of Luck - Doc's Sports