Is chewing ice bad for you?

1 Answer

Answer :

Its bad for your teeth from what I have heard, weakens the enamel.

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Last Answer : I don’t see why it would be bad at all? Why does it matter where you brush your teeth?

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Last Answer : answer:Always, always, always wear your retainer. If you need to get it adjusted for your wisdom teeth, tell your ortho on your next retainer check or call to make an appt. No, not everyone needs there wisdom teeth removed. If they come in fine, then you are okay.

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Last Answer : Two actually. One of my baby teeth in an apple, and one adult on a hard pita pizza.

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Last Answer : I’m rebellious, when it comes to my teeth, so I just estimate it!

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Last Answer : I floss and then brush, because I want to brush away bits of food loosened by the floss. I hate mouthwash and never use it.

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Last Answer : Generally, implants can cost $2,500 to $5,000 US, or more, depending on the difficulty of the patient. Implants are very successful if you have enough jawbone to anchor the implant. People with extensive tooth decay lose a lot of bone over time.

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Last Answer : I have three implants and I tell people all the time that they're great. Yes, they're expensive but they are worth it. They don't rot, they don't come out at night, there are no visible wires, you clean ... to put the bridges on. I didn't like that idea. I also didn't like the idea of visible wires.

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Last Answer : Okay ! Glad you’re back don’t need anything !

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Last Answer : If it’s an infection they can give IV antibiotics. More often than you might think dentists undermeducated serious dental infections and sometimes the patient winds up in the ER.

Description : How to treat itchy teeth?

Last Answer : Do you mean your gums are itchy? Get some clove oil and rub on them. You can also use Anbesol, or Oragel. found in a drug store or online. There are different strengths. Anbesol Maximum strength https:/ ... An itch is actually a low form of pain. Lastly, could it be due to medications you're taking?

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Last Answer : As long as you don’t suck ‘m up.

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Last Answer : Nope. Never been in a serious fight since grade school. Got some bloody lips in martial arts classes in recent years. Honestly wanted worse for bragging rights.

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Description : How much time and effort do you dedicate to your oral hygiene?

Last Answer : I brush 2 Times a day and floss Once every 2nd or third day. I rinse with Listerine Whitening mouthwash, you guys are luckyI have autocorrect. If I drink alcohol it sterilizes my Teeth. Just do what I do and it will work out. Thanks. : )

Description : What is the proper way to use mouthwash?

Last Answer : Brush your teeth with toothpaste, then rinse with water. Floss. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash for 10 seconds, spit that out, then rinse with water. Don’t leave anything in your mouth for 30 minutes.

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Description : Do I have a cavity?

Last Answer : answer:Only a dentist can tell you for sure. Sometimes braces can make your teeth hurt, with the movement. Have you had them tightened recently? I’d not panic if I were you. I’d wait and see in a day or two if it still hurts.

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Last Answer : Bloody hell, Jan. The day started out so good, too. I’m sorry this happened to you. No good advice, just sorry. You need @trailsillustrated, but she hasn’t been around since 10 Feb. (Wonder why?)

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Last Answer : I would live with the gap

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Last Answer : Ask the dentist while you are there.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think your face will cave in. But chances are you will favor chewing on the side without the missing molars. The side with the missing molars will have more tooth decay because chewing ... molars to help keep them in place, upper molars can begin to move downwards into the open space.

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Last Answer : They won’t be as clean in all the nooks and crannies as they would with a brush. The decay will settle in the corners and cracks between your teeth, and they will rot.

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Last Answer : I think it was Dave Barry that wrote about this in his column a while ago. Evidently gum erosion isn’t unusual at all. The vigorous brushers get it all the time. I believe his went fine.

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Description : If part of my brace falls off, what should I do when the orthodontist is closed?

Last Answer : If your mouth is comfortable, just wait until tomorrow and call them. If you are in pain, see if there is a walk=in emergency dentist in your area.

Description : Can we clone teeth?

Last Answer : I’d say dentures come pretty damn close.

Description : How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth extracted?

Last Answer : I was 27. It’s not a big deal, don’t worry.

Description : Why do I still have a baby tooth?

Last Answer : Is there no adult toorh behind it? What did the dentist say about it? How old are you?

Description : Hard and fast or soft and slow aka what type of toothbrush should I use?

Last Answer : You should buy soft bristled tooth brushes and brush easy, you don't want to hurt your gums. Also, if you brush too hard you can make your gums recede which will start exposing your roots over time. ... walk around the house or even out on the deck while I brush because I get bored while brushing.

Description : Does brushing your teeth with baking soda really work?

Last Answer : Baking soda will work in a pinch, however it is very abrasive and regular use can wear tooth enamel away.

Description : What is the most physically painless way to bleach sensitive teeth?

Last Answer : Swish with a little hydroge peroxide and water every say for a couple of weeks. Then brush with Synsodyne

Description : Another question about teeth whitening. Does this make a difference?

Last Answer : What are the ingredients in the whitening and at what percent? I would think they are trying to ensure that there is no damage to a person’s enamel by slowly bleaching the teeth instead of leaving the product on for an extended period of time.

Description : Do teeth really do a "popcorn thing" if they get too hot?

Last Answer : I just watched it and was wondering the same thing.

Description : Do you judge people who don't have completely straight teeth?

Last Answer : answer:No I don’t :) I went to the Gyno the other day and the doctor there had very crooked teeth. She was so helpful and nice, I didn’t care. I did notice her teeth but it didn’t make any difference. You can always fix that, no matter what.

Description : Is there anything besides drilling that can be done for a very shallow surface cavity?

Last Answer : Long run PULL it! Get over the drilling, it will only get deeper. get it fixed! Maybe a laser drilling instead. or get Nitrous Oxide.

Description : Have you had your teeth professionally whitened?

Last Answer : Yes, did it about 10 years ago. Teeth aren’t movie star white b ut better than they were. I have a lot of crowns now too so it is hard to tell how lasting the whitening was.

Description : Best way to relieve tooth pain (cavity I think) until I can get to a dentist?

Last Answer : Pain relievers help. Ice can help, too. Put an ice bag on the outside of your jaw. Numbs the pain.

Description : Why don't more people take care of their teeth?

Last Answer : Good Question! One thing comes to mind, laziness. Which is a horrible excuse! Laziness shouldn’t be near personal hygiene concerns! But, it is what it is with some people.

Description : Do you use your hand or a cup to wash out your mouth after brushing?

Last Answer : I rinse out my mouth by drinking from a water bottle.

Description : Is it a good idea to brush teeth exclusively with baking soda over the long term?

Last Answer : I’m not sure about this but I believe that it is too abrasive to use over the long term. It would wear down the enamel on your teeth. Once in a while is okay though.

Description : Why is my jaw painful?

Last Answer : Have you had your wisdom teeth out?