Will red **** come out?

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Related questions

Description : At work, when having a pot-luck party, what's a polite way to request people don't come to take food if they have not contributed?

Last Answer : Have a bouncer. Either they contribute an entrance fee, a dish, SOMETHING. Otherwise, b’bye.

Description : What do you think is an adequate time frame for sending out invites to a kid's party?

Last Answer : I would say 2 weeks. Longer and people tend to forget, less and it may be hard to get around to buying a gift.

Description : How often did you "go out" in your young adult days?

Last Answer : There are many places I know of with drink specials for almost every day of the week. I used to go out a lot, but now only thurs, fri, and sometimes sat.

Description : If I think there may be another party on the same day, what's a good time frame for sending out party invitations?

Last Answer : I would put them out three weeks in advance.

Description : How would you handle this dilemma about two parties on one night?

Last Answer : Depends on specifics of relationships etc., but I would tell the truth (but no need to over-share things like you prefer another party to the first party people, but I would likely tell the second party ... go only to the party with her friends and skip the first party if that's what she prefers.

Description : Are sociopaths the life of the party?

Last Answer : I found NO benefit to being married to a sociopath!!! Yes, he was ALWAYS the life of the party. Women found him exciting…at least until they knew him in a one on one relationship. Men hated him. He was the happiest when everyone around him was miserable!!!

Description : If you are invited to an adult birthday party do you expect to give a gift?

Last Answer : Specifically designating it a “Birthday Party” will definitely trigger gift-giving, unless one specifies “No Gifts”. There will still be gifts, but not as many. I always take a gift to a birthday party unless told not to. ETA: “Adult birthday party” sounds so naughty! ;-)

Description : Help me with DIY lighting ideas for a party?

Last Answer : LED lights have long lasting batteries, more than enough for the duration of a party. They do the coolest things any more.

Description : Is there a way to do this tactfully?

Last Answer : I would suggest she tell her sister she thought about it and would like to make her own speech. Let the sister make her lousy generic speech and then have your wife say what she wants to say. I think that’s the cleanest.

Description : Does this make me a loner or just lazy?

Last Answer : You are an adult . Its your choice. Do what you want. You might be an introvert.

Description : If you were going to host an annual party every year, which holiday would you pick?

Last Answer : My birthday. Because of the presents.

Description : ask-public masquerade ball; would you participate?

Last Answer : answer:That’s a pretty damned big restriction. You could say it restricts you to exactly one thing: Your biggest fear. In which case I would be dressed up as an oxygen-free environment.

Description : Have you ever heard of a birthday party where the guests are expected to pay for their own meal and bring a present, or is it just that I have lack of experience living in this world?

Last Answer : That sounds like a load of crap to me. Most of the parties I go to are family, and the host always takes care of the food. I always ask what I can bring, and if the answer is nothing, I'll still ... always appreciated. But to tell the guests your meal is on you. That doesn't sound like I'm a guest.

Description : If there were televised or streamed executions and people threw parties around the event, if there was a pool on how long or at what minute death was called would you enter it?

Last Answer : God no!

Description : If you hosted a lurve threshold party, what would your reaction be if the honoree didn't bother to show up?

Last Answer : Maybe the honoree just isn’t into the parties? I’m not sure we can really impose this sort of responsibility onto other jellies, especially if they were never interested in lurve or lurve parties to begin with.

Description : Would you like to join me in New Years party bash?

Last Answer : Some pure Canadian Glacier ice, and some Canadian made Vodka.

Description : How long should I stay at my office holiday party?

Last Answer : answer:I’d stay until after the food but once the band arrives and you can sneak away, do so. Nobody is likely to notice by then. Our Christmas party was cancelled due to lack of interest :D Thank goodness. I hate work parties.

Description : Can today be the day of the ask-public Autumn Party?

Last Answer : answer:Great idea! I’ll post the clothing-optional signs! Also, I’ve changed my avatar to a some fall foliage on a St. Lawrence River bank.

Description : When going to a "house party" where you are also bringing a gift (birthday party, graduation party, etc.), will you also bring a food item or other contribution, other than the gift?

Last Answer : It depends on the person. If you feel close to him then yes, it is common to bring a food item. Another thing you could do is to buy an expensive bottle of wine or something like that. Doing this you ... must do what you feel you want to do, not what other people want you to do or what others do.

Description : Are you an introvert that has recently learned something that helps you in social situations?

Last Answer : Note: Something I forgot to mention. Previous suggestions by those that have been ok at socializing have told me to focus on simply asking questions. I do this, but have found that it can only go so far. Then the conversation stops.

Description : What did you do for your 40th birthday?

Last Answer : I’ll let you know in 16 years.

Description : Let’s create some universal holiday rules for holiday driving, shall we?

Last Answer : Stay home. No exceptions.

Description : How can I liven up my basement?

Last Answer : answer:I lived in my sisters basement for a few years and it was cinder block and cold and damp. I got a lot of cardboard and painted it white and hung it up on the walls with some tile caulking I ... a warning. Don't leave the cardboard on the walls for long. I found out about mold the hard way.

Description : Would our new jellies like in on a Fluther celebration?

Last Answer : Why the deuce is that discussion closed?

Description : Are Halloween parties a false sense of security over house-to-house tricks or treating?

Last Answer : Seriously, what point are you trying to make here? I think some people give out candy, and some folks who like to dress up go to parties where other people dress up. I am not understanding the safety issue you bring up.

Description : If this was your daughter what would be your reaction?

Last Answer : A discussion on underage drinking and the reasons I need to know where she is and who the responsible party is is in order. If this is a first offense, and no one was harmed, I don’t see why it need go further than that.

Description : Would you have a birthday party for your child, but only let a handful of the guests spend the night?

Last Answer : answer:I can understand not wanting to host a giant slumber party, but I’d go with everybody or nobody.. Maybe if they had some other connection. If they were cousins, for example.

Description : Those of you who prefer('ed) a small wedding or to elope for yourself, are you not a big party person in general?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I am an introvert and don't like crowds. I have hundreds of friends around the world and would love to have them all present for one huge party, though. However, I do not like the pomp and ... actions, and he doesn't resent that he never had a huge party at a banquet hall with a band.

Description : I need my fluther therapists (You know who you are?). How do I love my family when I dislike them immensely?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to my sisters wedding. You won't like my answer. My sister had her wedding at my dads brothers house. Racist homophobic trash. She married a dude and we spent all day doing yardwork to ... haven't seen or talked to the racist homophobes in well over a decade. And that makes me happy.

Description : If you were invited to a birthday party for twins (twin adults) but you only knew one of them, do you feel you should bring gifts for both of them?

Last Answer : Bring something for the sister, and something small for the brother.

Description : What are some songs to play on the piano for background music for a housewarming party?

Last Answer : Great balls of fire

Description : How should I handle the noise issues coming from the guys that live below us?

Last Answer : Tell the Landlord that it's you or them. Does she want to keep the residents that take care of the property and pay their rent on time or does she want to evict the party animals that run good ... documented with dates, times, and what you did to try and get the situation corrected. keep a journal.

Description : May I take this opportunity to wish all my jellies a SAFE New Year's?

Last Answer : You too @WillWorkForChocolate , It’s already 12.22 2013 here, and we are safe :)

Description : If someone dressed as you for a costume party, would you be embarrassed or amused?

Last Answer : answer:I’d be initially curious. Then pleased. Salt and pepper wild hair, granny glasses and scratch marks on both arms..a cheap costume.

Description : What beautiful Sea just blew into the 20K mansion.

Last Answer : Congo Rats! I am so glad you are a contributor here! WTG!

Description : What should this birthday party invitation say?

Last Answer : Hold on, what are you doing during the day, and what are your censors on what it says? (Cussing, ex: kick-ass) xD

Description : Care to share your favourite drinking games?

Last Answer : I never really understood the point of drinking games. I don't need any competition or punishment to get drunk However, I was pretty good at flip cup in college. And I just learned a game that the ... friend's bottle of beer. if you succeed in knocking it off, your friend has to take a drink.

Description : Do you like going to parties?

Last Answer : There are very few things I loathe more than parties. They are event that seemed to be designed with my discomfort in mind. They also seem to be the complete opposite of fun. I have always felt this way – even before I was an cranky old man.

Description : When you bring food/drinks to a party, do you expect to take the leftovers home?

Last Answer : No. I bring it expecting it to be eaten, and if it’s not I assume that the host will enjoy it later. It’s like a very small token of appreciation to them for opening their home.

Description : What are some "non-goody bag" goody bag ideas for a 5 year old's party?

Last Answer : Little cans of Play-Dough, Silly Putty, Bubbles, penny whistles!

Description : Do you have any suggestions for an excellent girls' night?

Last Answer : Sounds good to me. Girl party sleepover, have everyone bring some sort of snack or dish for a late night party potluck, walk to the bars, have a few, come back to the house, have a few more, eat, ... I have a few drinks I want to keep the momentum going and watching a movie would put me to sleep.

Description : Question about a woman's behavior at a party...

Last Answer : Perhaps the woman in question was under the influence of a drug.

Description : Would you not go to a party to avoid the problem of gifting?

Last Answer : No. I would hope that I’d been invited for more than just a gift. I can’t imagine anyone I know being offended because I’d failed to bring something. Likewise, I don’t mind if others come to my parties empty-handed. These things tend to even themselves out.

Description : How would someone go or get invited to fashion shows ?

Last Answer : You need to know the fashion designer or buy tickets to one. “To be one ask one” It’s that kind of industry. I go to fashion shows, you have to be very into fashion to understand it.

Description : In this day and age, do online parties also make for good excuses when informing your boss the morning after about why you are late in the job?

Last Answer : Nope, that wouldn’t pass muster with me. Unless it’s an event like yesterday’s football game, being late because of a party generally doesn’t work anyway.

Description : Do you love to "entertain"?

Last Answer : I rarely have the time or energy to “entertain”. Mostly, I just go out when I have the opportunity instead of staying at home and inviting others over.

Description : Do you always put the dress code on invitations you send for a party?

Last Answer : I'm probably the wrong person to answer this, since I have expressed my dislike for weddings in general, but especially this aspect of such events. People showed up to my wedding in jeans, and I ... likely I am to get dressed up and assume there will be a chocolate fountain at the dessert table.

Description : Do people still attend Operas ?

Last Answer : I still go to the opera. I used to live in a city with its own opera company, so I'd see three or four a year. Now I see one every other year. Never felt the need to go all tailcoat and monocle ... 't know why more people don't go, other than lack of opportunity, but it's a great experience to have.

Description : Have you ever heard the name Curtis DelRay?

Last Answer : answer:Del Rey, as in Marina Del Rey. Sounds like a wrong number to me.

Description : What are some manly Halloween costume ideas?

Last Answer : Malcolm Reynolds Captain Hammer Blade