what good web applications are there for the iPhone?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I frequently use this site :) and irevew Ive been the last two featured irevews on there.

Related questions

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Last Answer : It's a work in progress. I have (admittedly very slowly) been getting stuff out, and trying to only bring in consumables, and a few things that help with organization, Having a ereader helps ... left! Some days I look at my surroundings and think that napalm would be a pretty good solution.

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Last Answer : Painters tape or post-it’s. Just start labeling stuff. Even if you can’t physically pack them just yet, mentally sorting them will help you get some psychological momentum. Doing the easier stuff first will make the harder stuff easier. Mental inertia. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Plant I killed, Nalgene, Stapler, Labelmaker, Bugs

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Last Answer : answer:Probably. I am used to living in a very quiet ( minus animal sounds like honking geese and braying donkeys lol ) rural environment. While an extrovert at heart I also embrace silence and ... drives me nuts 45 minutes of total silence would really just be a meditation session for me..

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Last Answer : Responsibility, Respect, Equality, Tolerance, Love

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not quite sure what you're asking here, but they are both real guns, if that's what you mean. The 44 in BF3 is based off of a Taurus model, and the G18 is made by, well, Glock ... airsoft form either. The tech doesn't seem to be there to just vomit out bullets/pellets like the G18 does.

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Last Answer : Mementos. Dear ones. ( if not then otherwise a forgotten collection of mini compacted trash ) Lol.

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Last Answer : After I had to sort thru all my mom’s stuff after she died, I swore I wouldn’t make my kids do it. Since then, my mantra is “Less”. I have only been somewhat successful. I hope to continue paring down the clutter.

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Last Answer : answer:Worldwide 6,571,497,332 people live on earth 1,200,000,000 people live on $0.23 a day 2,000,000,000 people have no electricity 80% of people live in substandard housing 1,000,000,000 people ... food in the U.S. and Europe $105,000,000,000.00 spent on alcohol in Europe ~World Challenge Inc.

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Last Answer : When looking for something else, I found a cool jade calligraphy brush that I had packed away.

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Last Answer : Whatever happened to A&W?

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Last Answer : answer:Is your house in order, if you died this day? Lol, no. I have informally told certain friends which of my valuables they can have.

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Last Answer : A cab fare, I think.

Description : What is something you wish everyone in the world understood?

Last Answer : The way @queenie smells.

Description : Do you have a junk drawer?

Last Answer : It’s a huge drawer filled with yarn.

Description : Could the act of collecting things be counterproductive?

Last Answer : answer: what would be the end purpose spending a life collecting them if none of your friends or relatives wanted it when you died? To bring you joy while you're alive, of course. That said, I'm ... I don't really think that's collecting, but more like investing. And a risky investment, at that.

Description : What does "RMJ" mean when written on a pile of stuff on the street?

Last Answer : Probably yes, Remove My Junk.

Description : Do you have any unique hobbies (interests), that other may find odd or unusual?

Last Answer : Geocaching

Description : Do you have a lot of garbage to throw out every week?

Last Answer : Even with kids, that's hard for me to imagine. I take a 30-gallon bag with a knot pretty far down from the top of it to the dump about once every four or five weeks. Granted I live alone, but ... us it wasn't much different. Do you separate your recyclables, etc? What the heck is in those bags?!?

Description : How many Q&A sites are on the Internet?

Last Answer : I would guess thousands.

Description : Why do we all want more and more and more?

Last Answer : Speak for yourself. I want less and a whole lot less of it!! More money only means more grief. Take everything but my guitars!!

Description : Can anyone explain to me the physics (and chemistry too, I imagine) of things getting stuck in other things?

Last Answer : (Oh dear. The temptation offered by the subject line.) I have no idea what you are really trying to ask. It makes little sense.

Description : Can you put Video's on the Ipod Nano?

Last Answer : You need to convert the video to mp4. I always use aimersoft iPod converter suite to convert dvd video for my ipod, it works very nicely. After you finished the conversion, just open iTunes and click File ... of iTunes, click Movies tab, check the videos you want to sync and click Apply , done.

Description : How does one fight materialistic urges?

Last Answer : If you work hard for your money, then enjoy it a little.

Description : What are some good ideas for a last minute diy Halloween costume?

Last Answer : Where’s Waldo is easy to do in a jiffy & fun to spot in a crowd.

Description : Do you think lockerz is real or fake?

Last Answer : i suspect it is fraudulent, a phishing site or some sort of pyramid scheme. there are countless posts about it on /b/, so i would be careful will that. (they post recipes that they claim will produce crystals when in fact it creates mustard gas, so there )

Description : Do you have silly things you are still afraid of?

Last Answer : yeah i still look in my closet before i go to sleep lol.

Description : Do you store things in a storage unit?

Last Answer : My mom has had a permanent storage unit for as far back as I can remember, at least 15 years, but not for personal junk (for other junk, instead). She uses it to store work stuff that doesn’t fit in her home office or garage.

Description : What should I remember to pack for school?

Last Answer : Toilet paper Windex- tons of uses. Kitchen- type towels laundry soap bandaids Quarters Depending on your roomate you may want to bring Lysol.

Description : What is "stuff"?

Last Answer : Stuff! Definitions of stuff on the Web: * cram into a cavity; The child stuffed candy into his pockets * material: the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; coal is ... component; suspense is the very stuff of narrative Or did you want me to be less literal?

Description : How do you show your love for 'stuff'' (not people or pets)?

Last Answer : You buy a lot of stuff from them, I guess. Also if the brand is in direct competition with another, you relentlessly, aggressively, and verbally assault anyone who prefers the competition. Or so I’ve seen.

Description : Have you found that more is less?

Last Answer : As I age and dispossess myself of too many possessions, too many shoes, too many knick-knacks, too many sets of china, I feel I have more. Free at last.