What is the best way to cure a hang over?

1 Answer

Answer :

lots and lots of water, and sleep.

Related questions

Description : What is the best way to get over a hangover?

Last Answer : In my experience the best way to get over a hangover is two aspirin (cause it thins the blood), a glass of water (cause it dilutes the blood and rehydrates the body) and two hours of sleep (cause it gives the previous two time to work).

Description : Sooooo.... How hung over are you?

Last Answer : I was at work ;-( and again tonight & tomorrow & sunday….. boo hoo….

Description : How do you get over a hangover quickly?

Last Answer : answer:Go back to bed and sleep as much of it off as you can. Alka Seltzer might help with the nausea and headache, but it tastes vile so trying to keep it down when you feel rotten is quite tough (I ... just have to sleep it off and wish for the next day to arrive, when you'll feel back to normal.

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Last Answer : That’s called drowning. If one chugs down a drink beyond the ability to swallow it, your body will gag on it, you will spit it out all over everything in front of you, and most people will find the whole act disgusting.

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Last Answer : I’ll PREE tend! BUTTE I might bbee otta focus.

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Last Answer : I drank it once, at a midsummer night’s feast put on by a Swedish exchange student. This was a long long time ago. It was okay, no worse than doing tequila shooters.

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Last Answer : Way back when I used to go out to clubs and drink we would stop at White Castle. Burgers were 10 cents each. I wouldn’t go there sober.

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Last Answer : answer:It won’t hurt you. It is usually suspended in alcohol, so if you drink enough (a lot) you could get drunk. But that would have to really be a lot, and the way it tastes would be hard to take. But mixing a few drops in a hot chocolate is a good idea!

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Last Answer : answer:Gonna be a close race between coffee and a moderately priced sparkling white…If I can find a good sparkling white based on the chard grape…yah, I could go there. Or maybe a nice Spanish cava. Coffee is a for sure. Coffee is ALWAYS a for sure around me…

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Last Answer : Intelligence does not make one immune to the effects of peer pressure and drug addiction.

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Last Answer : Yes. Otherwise people will call for help less often, and more people will die from overdoses.

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Last Answer : No, but I sampled the new 1893 Pepsi just yesterday. Awful! I’ve never liked Pepsi in any of its forms. I’m strictly a Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola man.

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Last Answer : No. But I am a regular at a Vietnamese restaurant.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. Anything that makes you it's bitch is a disease. You don't control compulsions and this alone should put any whole person ill at ease. This includes substances, any innocuous ... of it requires will power, among other things, depending upon the individual and the pathological source.

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Last Answer : I wasn’t drunk implies that you could have been drinking. If you had any booze in you will probably mean that you are fucked.

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Last Answer : So he got pissed twice, stop the world I wanna get off.

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Last Answer : answer:You can control only your behavior, no matter how much you want your 19-year old to behave differenty. You listen to what she does and not what she says. Remind her that she is breaking the law, ... having a drink a deal-breaker for you? If so, you tell her and then stick to your guns.

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Last Answer : answer:I have no idea as to statistics, although they must exist somewhere. I can tell you at Lake Lanier (large reservoir north of Atlanta) there have been several deaths and injuries recently because of BWI (Boating While Intoxicated).

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Last Answer : answer:How very odd. Have you called your local DMV? If your birthday is on a legit driver’s license, how can that not be proof of age?

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Last Answer : Most likely booze-less eggnog, with a wee sprinkle of cardamom ; – )

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Last Answer : Nothing, that’s mean.

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Last Answer : Your friend (eyes roll) could wait and see if the person that was drunk dialed or drunk face booked answers. If they don’t answer the drunk pm on facebook, then I would send another one explaining it was a drunk message and appologize.

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Last Answer : On a lower level of intoxication, I wouldn’t feel it as much if I’m being physically active. However, on greater levels of alcohol consumption, really doesn’t make much of a difference after a bit. I feel it whether I’m active or not.

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Description : How do I fix this..if I even can?

Last Answer : Let this be a lesson, never text drunk again. I would wait for it to blow over. I wouldn’t be contacting him, let him contact you. You’ve appologized, he has to get over it now in his own time.

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Last Answer : answer:In the words of Groucho Marx: Time Flies Like An Arrow. Fruit Flies Like A Banana.

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Last Answer : answer:It is unfortunate that American Indians have a genetic pre-disposition toward alcoholism. I do not think that you can blame the makers of alcohol though, Because alcohol can be homemade. They need ... make people aware of it. No one can stop someone from drinking who is determined to drink.

Description : How do you fight heartburn while drinking?

Last Answer : answer:Well the most sensible thing might be to quit drinking alcohol if it’s causing you severe heartburn. Most likely the alcohol is irritating something in your esophagus that isn’t healing. Do you drink everyday? Have you tried no drinking for a while to see if it heals?

Description : What great booze should I buy to celebrate New Year 2012?

Last Answer : answer:Make a jellyfish cocktail. Cake flavored vodka with pineapple juice goes down very easily too. I’m a beer drinker though. I won’t be offended if you ignore my suggestions.

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Last Answer : 2 words-Grey Goose http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=grey%20goose%20fashion&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=3b4c810174e5b2d9&biw=1161&bih=705&pf=p&pdl=500

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Last Answer : They are all whiskey, made from fermented grain. Bourbon has 51% corn, Rye uses at least 51% rye grain in the mash. Scotch is another whiskey.

Description : Deserted Island type question # 364 - one drink, just one beverage - forever - drink think wisely?

Last Answer : Water. Definitely water.

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Last Answer : Harvey Korman

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Last Answer : Beer and tomato juice is about as wild and crazy as I get with my mixed drinks. It’s hard to do much with beer.

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Last Answer : Really?? Everyone??? Nope! Never OK…..you drink alone….you are alone.

Description : Does the shape of your tea bag matter?

Last Answer : Loose leaf is still better but in general the more space there is for the tea-leaves to circulate, the better it will be. So the pyramid shaped bags are better than flat round ones, and flat round ... square ones. A perfect sphere as big as the teapot would be the best. But kind of impractical.

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Last Answer : Invite them over and then proceed from there :)

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Last Answer : No, I have not. I’m sure one could have a serious conversation while under the influence – it depends on the person I guess.

Description : What's the worst alcoholic beverage that you've ever tasted?

Last Answer : No such thing… Well there was this one drink I had and they put too much salt in it. Plus, I don’t like low quality anything except whiskey.

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Last Answer : answer:I drink just about every day. 0_0

Description : Name this drink!

Last Answer : I think they call it a Suicide.

Description : Where should I get a good hydrometer?

Last Answer : answer:Pretty much any brewing supply store will sell them, and I'm not aware of any qualitative difference between them. (You may want to buy one that comes with information that will help ... as acetobacter, which will turn your alcohol into vinegar) if the sanitizing wash wasn't 100% effective.

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Last Answer : I do that for free.