What do you think of these statistics?

1 Answer

Answer :

You do realize that just reading that data makes me want to crawl in a hole…damn scary world

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Last Answer : Yes. It is obvious that he cannot relate to people outside of his own class and therefore will not be able to respond to their needs. This, at a time of high unemployment and great domestic strife. This ... and he seems on the edge of panic. It would be hilarious if he wasn't running for president.

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Last Answer : OK I bit. and I posted it on facebook too. funny!

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Last Answer : This is further evidence of the Republican war on Science. It’s amazing how many pregnant virgins there are these days, according to the Conservatives.

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Last Answer : answer:She’s a Tea Party Ditto head, who would lean Republican. She is not a Democrat. I’ve always wondered where those people were in December and January ‘08/‘09. But once a black man came into put the brakes on the free falling economy, suddenly there was an uproar.

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Last Answer : answer:The stand your ground law is being mis-identified as the problem. Zimmerman pursued the victim, at great length, with intent to confront. That's not standing your ground, that's chasing. The ... defense whatsoever. I am a Democrat, a liberal, and strongly in favor of stand your ground laws.

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Last Answer : Society has no choice but to ditch right-wing policies if they want to join the 21st century. Am I wrong, or does social and fiscal conservatism have a place in 2012?

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Last Answer : answer:Statistically as of today and if nothing changes then Romney will be shy 6 delegates and no other candidate will even come close so statistically it is probable there will be no candidate ... all appearances Romney would be the one to attract that support from the to be pledged delegates.

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Last Answer : answer:If the Constitution says we must have a postal service, you can't sit here and question whether or not that's still valid. Because if you did, then everything in the Constitution becomes ... that everyone not of their religious beliefs are going straight to hell tomorrow. Not a good idea.

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Last Answer : Don’t think it matters, Obama is a stone cold shoe-in whichever misfit….Republican shows up. Speaking as an impartial observer of course.

Description : Can a GOPer even be too right wing these days?

Last Answer : David Duke made an appeal to the far far right, and got nowhere. I've never seen a neo Nazi make a run for office that got farther than a backyard cookout. So I suppose THAT far right ... long while. Nearly all candidates, right and left, are hoping their constituents haven't figured that out yet.

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Last Answer : I agree. But the same is true of Liberal, Libertarian, etc.

Description : How are New Hampshire residents feeling about the totally crazy laws their new Republican legislature has passed?

Last Answer : answer:Pissed. Not so much about any individual example you have provided, as we take pride in having a huge legislature, and I anticipate kooky people holding office. But the state is literally under ... we are under assault by a political cult. It feels invasive, and as you indicate, embarrassing.

Description : How well off would the USA be today if John McCain and Sarah Palin had won in 2008?

Last Answer : answer:We almost certainly would have gotten ourselves more militarily involved in the so-called Arab Spring, which would likely have bolstered the ancien regimes. So far I as I can imagine, the economy would be in more or less exactly the same place that it is now.

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Last Answer : answer:Because if he stands up to the Tea Party on this, he won’t be Speaker anymore. And there is a Tea Party challenger for him in the primary election in 2012. Right now the challenger is a proxy for an anti-abortion activist, but if Boehner isn’t careful it could be a real challenge.

Description : How can the GOP claim Obama has made their job-loss crisis worse when jobless claims just hit a low not seen since April of 2008?

Last Answer : I'm with you! But, the one thing the Republicans do well is to promote hate for Obama! Through Rush Limbaugh and others, they have a huge following who believe in their dogma including my husband. ... not being tough enough, but he stands for what I believe in and unfortunately the others don't!

Description : If Newt is the only one that shows up for the Trump Debate, should he debate himself?

Last Answer : Santorum has accepted the invitation also. If it ends up being just the two of them, I would like to see a Lincoln-Douglas style debate. Let one talk for 45 minutes, then the other for an hour then let the first one finish for 15 minutes.

Description : Is Cain able? (See details).

Last Answer : No, he is not. The 9–9-9 tax idea is regressive and unfair.

Description : Is "a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction” justification for bullying gays at school?

Last Answer : What the fuck.

Description : Voting in general elections, If you abstain from voting for either Pres, candidate will all the other choices made elsewhere on the ballot count?

Last Answer : They should, but it depends on the state. Some states have a not voting or none of the above option that you have to take, others just let you skip the candidates if you have no preference.

Description : Would Paul Ryan's voucher plan help control medical costs, or drive them further up?

Last Answer : It will drive down the demand for health services, because seniors will have to forego health care once their voucher runs out. It will lead to lower costs because seniors will die sooner, thus not have to be supported by what is left of Medicare.

Description : How likely is it that the Republican 2012 presidential candidate will be white, protestant, and male?

Last Answer : answer:I'd say it's about 95% certain. You exclude Romney on the basis of being Mormon and not traditional Protestant? I don't, but a lot of evangelicals will. Cain is on a vanity trip, he ... Bachman is a real threat but will make enough gaffes to ruin her chances. Palin doesn't have the stamina.

Description : We have a deal! No Government shutdown! Was $38.5 Billion in budget cuts enough?

Last Answer : Enough for what? For the poor and the unhealthy and to get screwed – yes!

Description : What won't the Republicans do to control congress?

Last Answer : I’d say it’s a decent tit for tat. Most of those bozos have already caused cancer of my checkbook. In exchange for my inconvenience, they can drink out styrofoam and maybe shut the fuck up.

Description : Should Rep. Michelle Bachmann named to the House Intelligence Committee?

Last Answer : answer:I see the irony, cuz she's a complete moron. I have no idea how the people in that district continue to vote for her. Seriously, I mean I don't for a second claim to not be a liberal ... and you end up adding like weaving on because you needed 2 more credits and it was all that was left?

Description : Have conservatives gone mad?

Last Answer : I have wondered about this. It certainly seems like non-thinking and fear-mongering have become the party’s mantras.