Where does yeast come from?

1 Answer

Answer :

Why, it comes from Redstar, of course!

Related questions

Description : Can I mix dried yeast with other dry ingredients for a recipe beforehand? If so is there a time it will be good for?

Last Answer : While I am not any where near expert in this field, I know that yeast must be activated and growing to make bread. If you mix it into the dry ingredients, I don’t belive this would properly activate it or give the yeast time to do it’s thing before baking.

Description : Can you share your favorite bread recipes and tips?

Last Answer : No knead has been a staple of mine for years. It’s best for beginners but I never felt the need to try anything more “advanced.”

Description : What is the difference between baking and roasting?

Last Answer : You bake a pie or cake or muffins and roast a ham or rib roast or turkey.

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Last Answer : When I had them I used them to eat canned smoked oysters with toothpicks.

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Description : Do you prefer fruit pie warm and runny or cooler and more congealed?

Last Answer : Depends. If there is vanilla ice cream available that I can scoop on top, I definitely prefer warm. If it’s to be consumed sans-ice cream, I prefer cooler (room temp).

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Last Answer : I like bake today – frost tomorrow; are we soaking the layers in anything (rum, orange liquor or plain? ?

Description : Would you bake the brownies (Read details)?

Last Answer : Buy the brownies and bring some wine. And have some fun. And feel better, Little Penguin!

Description : What would happen if I added little bits of chopped canned peaches to a banana loaf recipe?

Last Answer : I think you should give it a go and see what happens! If it's very soggy, just add custard and make it a pudding. You can use peaches for upside down cake and other desserts, so I don't ... pretty sure people would die. Looking forward to reading more responses and please do let us know how it goes.

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Last Answer : Planning to have apple pi. Not sure if I should make it Dutch Apple pi.

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Last Answer : answer:In the interest of science, I would open it and try to bake something with it. I would say that there is a 98% chance that it will come out perfectly well; that the 11 years in the ... all. But there is a far more serious question here-do you not clean your cupboards from time to time?

Description : If I'm making Banana bread, could I substitute for the butter with an equal amount of Avocado or would a different ratio be needed ?

Last Answer : answer:Lol… I don’t think so. IT would taste weird. Might be better to use a healthy oil…

Description : How do I convert egg white powder to liquid egg whites?

Last Answer : answer:Never heard of Royal Icing. Also see. G’luck!

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Last Answer : You probably could get a similar result on a stove top, but if I had the option, I think a slow cooker or crock pot would be better. BTW, you have my mouth watering.

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Last Answer : I would say I’ve been seeing them in the last five years or so. It is so odd how the old types are disappearing and new ones appear. I’m sure it does have something to do with shelf life, travel-ability, etc. but a lot gets lost.

Description : Does anyone know the following brand of bagel?

Last Answer : Face Book page hasn’t been updated in THREE years sounds like the website has been Hi-Jacked!

Description : I have a business idea, will it work? (details inside)

Last Answer : answer:Sure. If you want to keep it small, and do it just for the holidays, see if there are any craft fairs in your area over the next couple of months. You'd probably have to rent a freezer or ... depend on what size town you live in - if you're in a smaller town, it might make this easier.

Description : Are you a "from scratch" baker?

Last Answer : Yes, only from scratch. I am known for my fudgey brownies.

Description : Can you recommend vegan cookie recipes that you have actually made and enjoyed?

Last Answer : I haven't tried any of her cookie recipes, but I do love The Minimalist Baker (the majority of her recipes are vegan and have gluten-free options.) She has plenty of other non-cookie sweets ... and muffins. Not Baby Shower food, but her pancake recipes are awesome, filling, and quite nutritious.

Description : Will you help me put the icing on the cake?

Last Answer : answer:What a great idea! I love it! Here are some of my favorite words: Indubitable (or indubitably) Immense Ok now I'm drawing a blank. :/ What kind of words are you going for? ... probably has some great vocab lists, which she would recognize and understand why you chose the words you did.

Description : Have any of you ever cooked bacon in the oven?

Last Answer : answer:I have seen bacon baked in an oven when I was working in a university’s cafeteria kitchen. It’s quite good. I saw the cooks separate the individual slices and layer them on top of each other in a pan and then bake it. I’m sorry that I can’t tell you the temperature or duration.

Description : How can I get my cheesecake off the bottom of the springform pan?

Last Answer : I usually run a thin metal spatula under the crust. If it's really stuck on there, then I go around the edges first. Often I have some sort of glaze around the cake (sour cream based, or ... , depending on the flavour), but even without that, few will notice if the crust is not perfectly intact.

Description : Do you know of any good cake recipes?

Last Answer : Roughly what kind of cake do you have in mind?

Description : What can I do to make this Ice-cream cake more interesting?

Last Answer : answer:Are you doing this for him or you? Sprinkle on sprinkles, M & M's, Reese's mini-peanut butter cups, Star Wars figures or other little toys that might make him laugh. Fresh flowers wrapped ... Mix all ingredients and press into pie plate. Chill 45 minutes or bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes.

Description : Do you think putting foil over south and west facing house windows has the desired effect?

Last Answer : Put it on the outside, with an air gap between window and foil. Maybe on thin wood frame.

Description : Whats your best tip for making a graham cracker crust?

Last Answer : Butter. Sugar. Evenly crush the crumbs,

Description : How do you make chocolate chip cookies?

Last Answer : How many does your current batch make? Most home recipes that I know make 3 dozen regular sized cookies. Double it and you’ll have leftovers for your freezer. Or to send to me. If you’re making big cookies – like 3 ounces pre-baked weight – you might need to triple it.

Description : Should strudels be crispy or soft?

Last Answer : Crispy on the outside and softer inside, closer to the filling. I think phyllo is best, but I’m not certain.

Description : For those of you who bake a lot for the holidays: when do you start?

Last Answer : I like to make shortbread. It usually start a couple of weeks before Christmas.

Description : What biscuits (otherwise known as cookies in the US) can I make that go well with coffee?

Last Answer : Do you mean cookies? In America we would use the word cookie fot sweet biscuits.

Description : What creative recipes can you stir up with food pantry items?

Last Answer : Apple sauce makes a great substitute for veg oil in cakes. Helps them be moist. I would make chili, stir fry, or just serve corn as a side to a meat dish along with rice or mashed potatoes.

Description : Why do yellow things, when baked, begin to bounce?

Last Answer : answer:Are we referring to mainly popcorn? I did bake an egg in a convection oven and it did bounce and then it exploded !

Description : Is there a trick to keeping chocolate dipped fruit looking pretty?

Last Answer : I add a tablespoon of crisco when melting my chocolate for peanut butter balls to keep the chocolate held together. I don’t know if this would work on fruit also, but you could try it.

Description : Twofold baking question: How do I translate a fruit bread loaf recipe to muffins? How do I go about substituting honey for sugar?

Last Answer : For the baking time, I would just check it regularly. I would probably start checking after about 20 minutes. I would also keep track of how long it takes so I could write that next to my recipe for future reference. I have no idea about the honey.

Description : What burned my cookies?

Last Answer : answer:Were they all burnt or some on one side or the other. Maybe the temp for the oven is off and needs calibration. Is it gas or elec. You always go with ungreased, why did you put foil ... some parchment paper of if you want to spend the money some silpats Pass those yummy treats around now!!!!

Description : Easy baking tips for the absolute beginner?

Last Answer : It is never necessary to use any electric mixer or appliance to mix the ingredients of baked goods. You can make cakes, muffins, bread, and all manner of baking by hand. The only technology required is an ... to bake them in. I have baked things in a solar oven, without any technology what so ever.

Description : Can canola oil or olive oil be used in a recipe for cupcakes?

Last Answer : Use the canola.

Description : How can I make oatmeal cookies to be less crisp and more "cake-like?"?

Last Answer : Make sure that your mixture is moist and not very dry. Try not to make them too thin when your putting them in the oven either.

Description : What is the best way to keep my Famous banana muffins fresh for several days?

Last Answer : Put them in the refrigerator or send them to me and I will keep them safe. XD Or when they get hard,shoot out the windows of speeders in your neighborhood with a slingshot.

Description : Do you have a recipe for strawberry rhubarb pie that isn't runny/watery?

Last Answer : answer:No. But…what if you stewed the Rhubarb seperately and then skimmed it out of it’s juices before adding? It is the culprit, over the Strawberries for extra water. I can give you a recipe for my apple/blackberry pie though. lol Where’s Kardamom?

Description : Do you turn off your air conditioner in your home during the summer if you are going to be gone for a few days?

Last Answer : No. My house is like an oven too….just ask @Vunessuh. XD

Description : How can I bake some brownies without an oven?

Last Answer : answer:Here if you are determined. Or here Or here This is a single serving…sounds OK.

Description : Why do my bundt cakes end up looking like a baboon's butt?

Last Answer : My guess would be the oven you’re using. Maybe it doesn’t heat evenly.

Description : I want to try my hand at baking something, but...

Last Answer : Eh? Either you are joking or that is much too complicated a recipe. Go to the food store; look at a package of chocolate chips in the baking section. Read one of the recipes on the back and get the ingredients from that.

Description : Baker's Help:How can I change a chocolate cake recipe to a vanilla one?

Last Answer : Last time I made chocolate chip cookies, I used a recipe for chocolate chocolate chip cookies. I think it had ¾ c. of cocoa in it, and I ended up substituting about ½ c. or so of regular all-purpose flour ... be exactly the same but .I don't see why it would be much different? So like, ¼ c. flour?

Description : What's your favourite cheesecake?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Using Gulf Wax in a recipe for chocolate covered cherries?

Last Answer : I would think that ‘cake’ and ‘bar’ are the same thing, and use ¾ of one bar.

Description : If anyone has Joy of Cooking 1967 - Would you please look up a recipe for me. It's either Almond Rum Cake or Lemon Almond Rum Cake?

Last Answer : Not 1967, but I checked the 1964 edition, and it isn’t there by either of those names or anything similar.

Description : Where else should I look for this cookbook?

Last Answer : Trillian Could you possibly be looking for the All-American Cookie Book instead? If the Great American Cookie isn’t the right one you may just be misremembering the title.

Description : Which do you prefer when making a pie crust, butter or vegetable shortening?

Last Answer : I can't seem to make pie crusts, for some reason they stick to my hands. But I have a niece who makes the best I have ever tasted and she always uses regular crisco. She says you use butter ... you need crisco for the shell. I agree the butter flavored kind is disgusting to even look at or smell!