The youth vote...What have you heard? Voting or Not?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’ve heard out in record numbers. I HOPE SO.

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Last Answer : answer:Google helps. I searched simply ‘wesser’. Fourth result : Some nice stories here both good and bad, should help a lot!

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Last Answer : I don’t get stressed at all around the holidays and you can’t make me! ;)

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Last Answer : Probably because their parents are paying their tuition and they don’t feel the pinch themselves.

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Last Answer : answer:Chances are there will be some very minor differences, but the bulk of the text will be the same. I took a business law course last semester and used an old edition of the book (the 2008 ... is double check on the internet if a law is still current if you reference it in a research paper.

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Last Answer : Toshiba Satellite. It is very durable. I have had mine for four years now and it still works.

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Last Answer : answer:By substitution means they moved everything but the value of b to the left side, since the formula is no longer the same, but the values of the variables remain the same so it doesn't ... trying to insult you, but your student is probably better off with someone who already knows this stuff.

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Last Answer : Seems like you’re supposed to read the hand out and make notes summarizing the main points of the article. I don’t know what the format or jette rules are.

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Last Answer : Cell Phone Your share of utilities, which would include electricity, water, sewer, garbage. Your share of cable if the house has it. Food. Books. (If you are in school) Clothing. Transportation (a car and car insurance if you have one) Entertainment Health insurance

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Last Answer : answer:I have no advice, I’m sorry. But, I wish you luck. Kids graduating from University with general BA’s are having a rough time finding employment at the mall, even (where I’m at, anyway). It’s a tough time.

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Last Answer : Have you tried looking at UN reports? Or investigating some of the NGOs? They all do reports and whatnot outlining problems they face. I'm sure there must be a gazillion reports about Aceh Tsunami recovery ... maybe Aceh NGOs or Aceh recovery and see what turns up. Let me know if this is helpful.

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Last Answer : I generally smoke during study breaks.

Description : Durham, Nottingham, Sheffield, York, Bristol; at which University should I study MChem? (UK)

Last Answer : Durham, Bristol and York are all great, lively cities – I lived in Bristol for two years and loved it and the surrounding countryside. I know Durham has a great reputation as a university; only a step down from Oxbridge. As far as which is best for your program, I have no idea.

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Last Answer : Yes, if you’re providing 50% of his expenses.

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Last Answer : I have seen ads where artists take an apprentice and get paid for it, that could be another option.