What will be the next webdesign trend in 2009?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m interested in seeing some examples of what you would call “Vintage” and scrapbooking designed websites. I wouldn’t really say that was the trend of last year. I would say the general web 2.0 trends continued (more social features integrated in to sites like AllRecipes and Google search) and a focus on making things clean and not cluttered were the trends (AllRecipes and Snopes website redesigns come to mind). Although, there have been a lot of sites using the style seen here in Fluther, I in fact designed a site with a similar one back in January (a gradient pattern background and a centered fixed width design), and I would call it vintage-y. As for what comes next, I would say more integration of social aspects, more mashups from one site to another. Hopefully HTML5 will be gradually adopted by more browsers so that we can start using it to add in other content semantically. I would not be surprised to see some new developments from Facebook that might extend past their site into other websites.

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