Do you own a generator?

1 Answer

Answer :

We own three. They are really good if you live in a place where the power goes down for long periods of time every few years.

Related questions

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Last Answer : It was 7°F when I left for work this morning, which is an improvement from yesterday’s -1°F. It’s currently a balmy 23°F, however (in MA).

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Last Answer : Making chili tomorrow and chocolate bars on Saturday so I guess I’m prepared!

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Last Answer : Redacted by me because apparently I can’t tell the difference between north and south.

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Last Answer : No

Description : Weather app with past events?

Last Answer : I don’t know about apps, but there is at least one great web page that does that, for the known history of weather around the world, even.

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Last Answer : I just saw an online article, that Farmers Almanac is predicting another tough winter for Texas. We don’t want to deal with that crap again. Someone tell me they are full of it. Please.

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Last Answer : No, they wouldn’t waste the money on cloud seeding that produced no good for the state. Cloud seeding is usually done to promote rainfall for crops or to eliminate fog around air ports.

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Last Answer : She’s like it sometimes. Just relax and enjoy it.

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Last Answer : Hell to the no. But I know it’s coming.

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Last Answer : I can't even believe that total bullshit. I do have Texans on my Facebook writing that Texans got out and helped each other, we don't need the government. I'm pretty sure every single ... . I have just as many Texans furious about the situation and certainly are not blaming the central government.

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Last Answer : Nope. I’m in the frozen northlands. The winters suck here, but we at least know how to deal with them.

Description : Will the cold blast in Texas and other parts of the south help push solar energy for houses?

Last Answer : Better to institute a carbon tax and let people sort it out for themselves. Texans should probably have solar panels everywhere, anyway, considering their massive needs for cooling. If they don’t it’s probably because other energy sources are improperly cheaper.

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Last Answer : I’m checking. This could take awhile…

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Last Answer : It is moving to the North East

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Last Answer : I think this is something that we really need to try, to be sure. I think that any speculation about what would happen (or not happen) as a result of nuclear war is just pure spitballing. No ... billions of people would be dead but the environment would be much improved. The Sierra Club's wet dream.

Description : How's the weather over there?

Last Answer : I am in NY today.. The 89 F here is much more uncomfortable than the 95 F in California on Saturday when I went running at noon.

Description : Do you think they're making mountains out of mole hills about the weather again?

Last Answer : Don’t confuse weather with climate. Climate change refers to the worldwide, long term changes, which scientists have been tracking for years. And yes, changing our habits worldwide could delay the inevitable.

Description : What is hydrocution?

Last Answer : Thanks for pointing this out. The take away message is: “Enter cold water gradually.”

Description : Do some cities water plants during rain, and why?

Last Answer : Probably to make sure that each has there designated amount of water as rain only covers the surface.

Description : Will our Tweeter-In-Chief call today's record high temperature in Western NY an example of Global Warming?

Last Answer : Our sixth graduate will cluck and crow about how he’s smarter than all the scientists and generals, and members of Congress. He is singularly the smartest person he knows !! Just ask him.

Description : Midwesterners in the frozen zone: are you ok? Please check in.

Last Answer : I live in a place that is 65 degrees. I texted my cousin in Chicago and she texted me back a picture of an upraised middle finger. I called my other cousin who is a farmer in Illinois and he is ... of Michigan had her pipes freeze up but the heat was working. She called a plumber and got it fixed.

Description : What's the coldest temperature you have ever been out in? and where was it?

Last Answer : Well, I can’t really answer the question. I can tell you the coldest cold I’ve ever felt, but I didn’t stay out in it. And really, I haven’t spent the time outside in winter like I did as a kid so all the cold I experience is brief.

Description : For those who live in the northern hemisphere, how has your winter been so far?

Last Answer : We have had below freezing mornings, and a fair amount of rain in our temperate Coastal Norther California Area. Normal winter!

Description : Does a little bit of rain or snow damage a building being constructed?

Last Answer : Like mold.

Description : Has a tornado ever struck a sky-scraper?

Last Answer : I remember in 97 Miami had a tornado, which is extremely rare. Here's a clip. It's a little long, I fast forwarded a little, skipped around, I didn't watch the whole thing. It wasn't a very strong tornado. ... that's very similar to F1,2,3 at the eye wall. I don't know if you want to count that?

Description : Can you help me figure out if this is real, or the weather reporter is actually faking it?

Last Answer : Snopes says it's real, but there is something about the kids that doesn't seem right to me. The wind doesn't seem to be blowing their clothes and they seem totally unaffected by it. They never go ... meridian. Their stroll doesn't seem to be actually natural for the scene but Snopes says I'm wrong.

Description : Do we have any jellies in the path of Hurricane Florence?

Last Answer : Yupper Doodles, Forecast is for Hurricane 1 or 2. We are about 120 miles inland from the coast. The wind forecast is 74 MPH to about 100 MPH. This is not going to be a parade with pretty hats. I don’t ear pretty hats. Rainfall up to 3 and half feet.

Description : Is it snowing where you are?

Last Answer : Beautiful California Spring here in the Bay Area, should be gtting into the 70s to low 80s everyday here. @janbb This is the time to be visiting your family.

Description : What are some important weather formulas (mathematical) (with units)

Last Answer : I’ll add a few more to the list Albedo Reflectivity Transmissivity

Description : What is a good weather app?

Last Answer : I like AccuWeather.

Description : How's the weather in your area?

Last Answer : Gorgeous. About 65 degrees, sunny, light breeze. (Suburban Atlanta) We had snow and ice early this past week, but that’s long gone.

Description : What is the oddest weather event you have personal experience of?

Last Answer : I don’t know about odd but Hurricane Sandy was pretty traumatic to go through, particularly the aftermath of 12 days without power.

Description : During this extreme cold snap, are you preparing your house so the pipes don't freeze?

Last Answer : I also moved stored bedding, towels, toilet paper rolls and food items away from the outside wall so there is an air gap. I don’t want any water to condense where they are in direct contact with the wall. That can damage the wall and the food.

Description : Do jet planes (757, for example) use more or less fuel in cold weather?

Last Answer : I have no certain knowledge, but I'll offer a hypothesis: I would expect that the plane's fuel consumption at takeoff and landing (can't forget that landing also requires fuel) in cold weather ... seems to me that the plane's wing surfaces would be more efficient then, leading to lower consumption.

Description : How cold are you right now?

Last Answer : 24* F right now, low 30’s for a high, tonight low of 17* F; no accumulation of snow, we had a few flakes mixed in yesterday.

Description : What do you think about the trend of naming winter storms?

Last Answer : It’s to sensationalize it, and I think it’s both.

Description : How's your weather?

Last Answer : Our summer was the hottest driest in decades, causing the worst forest fire season we have ever seen here in BC but our fall is starting out pretty normal and hopefully winter with a good snow pact will put these remaining fires out.

Description : How does the WMO decide what to name the Hurricanes other than by the alphabetical order part?

Last Answer : They also alternate between male and female names. Prior to 1979 all hurricanes were female.

Description : Would you like to read live updates of Hurricane Irma as it passes through the Tampa Bay area?

Last Answer : Thanks for letting us know you’re all okay. Please keep us posted.

Description : Our Fluther friends in Florida, what are you doing to prepare for hurricane Irma?

Last Answer : Stay safe Florida friends!

Description : How do you feel about several states having weather modification programs?

Last Answer : I’ve been aware of cloud seeding for several years. Do you consider it a bad thing?

Description : Is a microburst the opposite of a tornado, if so why?

Last Answer : It isn’t the opposite of a tornado, but it is different. A microburst is a sudden downdraft blows straight to the ground; a tornado must by definition be a rotational system, Both involve weather phenomena of high winds descending from high altitude to ground level.

Description : Where is the cuttoff between humidex and wind chill?

Last Answer : Humidex measures the relationship between temperature and humidity and gives a comfort level score. If you have a high temp but low humidity, your comfort is greater than a high temp and high ... makes it feel several degrees cooler. These are two different things so they are not comparable.

Description : With all this dangerous weather, who is safe?

Last Answer : No probs here. Light rain, wind 9 knots out of the SE. 24°C/76°F at 0600hrs AST, 13° North of the Equator at Greenwich minus 3hrs.

Description : Is snow clearing after a snow storm an essential service?

Last Answer : Depends on the city and the amount of snow and weather prediction. Personally, I like my city to do nothing and let people have a break from routine until it melts, since snow rarely lasts more than a day or two here.

Description : What, to you, is your ideal temperature and weather?

Last Answer : answer:Temperature: no idea, I never check on that. Weather: sunny, if possible (not necessarily), but not hot. Like in winter, when it’s sunny, but still cold-ish.

Description : Do you check the weather report every day?

Last Answer : I have no choice, got the weather app on my phone’s home screen & there it sits complete with temperature & everything.

Description : Wouldn't the zombies on The Walking Dead be cleaned up by hurricanes?

Last Answer : Most would have been practically gone in a month or two just from decomposition.