You know you're old when...

1 Answer

Answer :

you go to bed before midnight on New Years eve.

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Last Answer : A BAR ;)

Description : Looking for the name of an old hand held fishing game?

Last Answer : Bass masters?

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Last Answer : Do you mean like THIS or maybe THIS ? ?

Description : Does gamestop still buys used games and old consoles?

Last Answer : I know they still buy used games and consoles, but I think which ones they will buy depends on their current supply and the demand for the item. If they have a ton of PS2’s already in stock, they may not buy yours.

Description : Is there any way possible to convert your old NES and SNES game cartridges to make them playable on your computer?

Last Answer : I don’t believe so. ROMs are your best bet.

Description : Have you ever invented a new and unique game (or strange twist on an old game)

Last Answer : Well I designed a browser MMORPG but I haven’t gotten it working yet :(

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Last Answer : Any chance it wasn’t dwarfs, but rather lemmings?

Description : Can you help name this old dos game?

Last Answer : Trade Wars?

Description : Any good online stores to buy old games from?

Last Answer : They don’t focus only on old games but Play has a pretty expansive PlayTrade section as well, which is a bit like eBay mixed with Amazon.

Description : Does anyone remember this old ps1 game?

Last Answer : Running Wild.

Description : Any Good Old Xbox 360 RPGs?

Last Answer : The elder scrolls 4: Oblivion is a great RPG and in my opionion, it more beautiful done than Fallout 3.

Description : Is the game runescape unhealthy/ bad for a 17 year old senior to play?

Last Answer : It’s silly, pointless, and completely lacking any entertainment value, but I’m 100% certain it does not carry any communicable disease.

Description : Where will I get the most for my old Xbox 360 Games?

Last Answer : Ebay and Craigslist may be your best bet. Check on ebay to see used selling prices. Definitely don’t sell them at local game stores such as Gamestop. You won’t get nearly as much than if you sell them online.

Description : Red Dead Redemption suitable for 13 year old?

Last Answer : In the UK the BBFC has rated it 18. As they are pretty sensible and realistic about these things I’d have to say that it’s probably not suitable for a 13 year old.

Description : Looking for an old Kirby game.

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like the first Kirby Game for the NES, but I’m not sure if there was a version that was released on the computer. Did you mean a Kirby style game?

Description : Looking for title of old PC game.

Last Answer : Was there fighting involved, or just exploring?

Description : What games should I get for my 2 year old macbook ?

Last Answer : Have a PS3 for games but I really liked spore for my mac.

Description : Would you support remakes of old games? And why (or why not)?

Last Answer : Depends. If it's FFIV DS, ruining my childhood, no. If it's Bionic Commando Rearmed, hell yeah. A remake of VII, as we all know, is inevitable. Square just has to smarten up and do it already. ... 't get into that. I say give me quality remakes. Not just a simple port or a new graphical engine.

Description : Does anyone remember this old Windows game?

Last Answer : Some more info - I think this game may have been pre-installed on our computer. Also, it's 3D with some pretty bad graphics (compared to today's)...

Description : What's the name of this old PC game, and where can I get it? ("Inside" maybe?)

Last Answer : wizardry?

Description : Does super monkey balls work on the old iPhone?

Last Answer : answer:Heh…I think it’s Super Monkey Ball. Super Monkey Balls has an entirely different meaning. Images of the president on Viagra come to mind.

Description : Some fun activities for a 3 year old?

Last Answer : answer:My daughter is three and loves to pretend. She loves to play baby and be the baby for pretend. She loves to examine new things. Like going for walks and looking at flowers and rocks. She loves dress up. Very much. I hope that helps.

Description : Can someone "explain like I'm 5" what D&D is?

Last Answer : Statistic gaming when you play from a child to godhood. With a large bunch of reference material for those curious for more.

Description : What are some games in which you can play an evil main character?

Last Answer : Dungeon Keeper, War for the Overworld, Mafia, Hatred, Mass Effect, Hitman, Spec Ops: the Line, HunieCam Studio (You play as a pimp), Plague Inc, Tropico, Undertale (if you choose).

Description : What changes to games would be fun, to try at least once?

Last Answer : In soccer and ice hockey make the goal areas much smaller and play without goalies.

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Last Answer : Like boring video games on a casino website? People are easily entertained, and it’s a chance to show ads and datamine your users.

Description : What is the most funny thing that ever happened to you while playing a video game?

Last Answer : I've been playing video games for decades, and SO many funny things have happened, that who knows what the funniest thing was? However, I used to run a Minecraft server where I set up various adventure ... traps were set off and they both fell to their deaths and died! They gave up for the night.

Description : Who remembers "spyro: shadow legacy"?

Last Answer : I love Spyro but haven’t played this one.

Description : What are some real-life inspired restrictions, that you would put into games, to intentionally piss people off?

Last Answer : In a middle of a shooter like Resident Evil, make the character wanting to go to the toilet now and then. The urge to use the toilet increases when the character is in a dark and scary place with scary noises without any enemy in sight.

Description : Have you ever played super tic-tac-toe?

Last Answer : Um… maybe, when I was designing graph paper games on a daily basis back when I was 9 to 12 years old. I definitely played 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe on the Atari 2600, but that’s different, just a 4×4 x 4 grid.

Description : Can you help me ponder this puzzle?

Last Answer : The way it is possible is that they start slow and gradually speed up. They also tilt their heads slightly to change the orientation of their ear canals. Both are ways of tricking ... mediative consciousness is itself an interesting topic and can be revealing about how one interprets the world.

Description : I'm looking for a book trilogy/saga/series (NOT a standalone) in which a group of people are cut off from the world and each of them starts dying.

Last Answer : Did you read “The Hunger Games”? It doesn’t fit all your criteria but it is a series that comes fairly close. You could also try The Enders series by Orson Scott Card.

Description : Spice in your life: ESports?

Last Answer : If E-Sports means watching sports on an electronic device, instead of actively participate in sports, then I’m doing it already for close to 50 years.

Description : Is there a special word in backgammon when you pass each other and there’s no chance of attack?

Last Answer : Never heard of such a thing. And my rule book makes no mention, either.

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Last Answer : Hans.

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Last Answer : Since there are unlimited numbers of Minecraft seeds, no one knows what the scariest Minecraft seed is. That fact does not seem to stop people posting articles claiming to know the scariest ... world generates differently for the same seed, possibly changing what a seed world is like entirely.

Description : Should a teen be allowed to play with a valuable chess set HE paid for?

Last Answer : Of course he should. He bought it. It is his property, and as long as he does not damage it, what does it matter? Besides, it may be listed for 1000$, but does it sell for that? Honestly, this just sounds like envy.

Description : How do you make a Minecraft mod?

Last Answer : Go to Mcreator dot net

Description : Anyone know where you can download Age of Empires 2 for a Mac?

Last Answer : I was weened on Windows & have never owned a Mac. Did a search & this seemed to be the best of the results. In being transparent, I know nothing of the safety of this site so you might want to check into it further before jumping in.

Description : Constantly disconnecting from games online.

Last Answer : I'd try turning off any anti-virus software you're running, and check your firewall settings to see if there's a way to make an exception for the games, and/or also turn off your firewall, and ... for issues. e.g. Blizzard has And, welcome to Fluther!

Description : Do you think a poker player would be always able to catch angle shooting from a more dirty poker player?

Last Answer : I'm not sure I get the question. In poker you don't announce your cards and don't reveal your hand until the end of the round. Though part of the game does involve deception, as trying to ... even more). However there's no lying about your cards, as you never actually say anything about your cards.

Description : Do rich people get to take the toys out of the box?

Last Answer : It would depend on what they wanted them for. If they were still looking at them as an investment to resell then no, they wouldn’t. If they truly wanted to play with or read them, they could.

Description : I want to know if this simulated boxing product is made already (details inside)?

Last Answer : No, but if you get funding, and pay me for my time, I'll help you design and build it. However I'll say up front that it's a nearly-impossible request to make an actually accurate Wii ... a swipe and then very generously interpret that as a canned attack by the player's character in the game.

Description : Suppose you are playing Jenga, and an earthquake hits, knocking the tower down. Who wins?

Last Answer : Whoever was the last to touch the tower. When I pull a piece, it is still stable to make it through an earthquake.

Description : What are some small online games for PC?

Last Answer : Try Gamegames you can play all they offer through your browser, you don’t have to download anything.

Description : How complex would you define the rules of the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" card games, anime, etc.?

Last Answer : I have only played Magic the Gathering and compared to it “Yu-Gi-Oh!” rules that you provded and I find that it is very complex .

Description : Can someone teach me how to play go (baduk)?

Last Answer : Watching the anime Hikaru no Go while learning from youtube made it really fun and actually really motivating.

Description : Do any of you have a PS4?

Last Answer : I do. I play Elite Dangerous quiet a lot. It's kind of a open-world MMO space sim that features a supposedly 1:1 recreation of the Milky Way Galaxy. The developers estimate that, to date, ... m also playing Red Dead Redemption II, Star Wars: Battlefront II (occasionally) and the new God of War.

Description : How many Unown are there in Pokemon really?

Last Answer : I know nothing about Pokemon, so they are ALL unknown to me!!! I’ll ask one of my ADHD kids who knows everything there is to know about Pokemon & get back to you.

Description : How do you play Clue?

Last Answer : There are character cards, room cards, and weapon cards. One of each goes in an envelope, and nobody sees them. Dice are rolled, and you go around the board, which is a blueprint, sorta, of a ... to it. I have an Xbox games which includes Clue. The more players involved, the more challenging it is.