Are clothes important to you?

1 Answer

Answer :

yes. because otherwise, i’d poke people in the eye. i kid. or do i? in what sense? To determine my status? No. I dress in a way that’s comfortable and what, to me, is cool. but i most likely am not cool based on my clothes. i like what i like.

Related questions

Description : Do you keep your half-worn clothes separate from your clean clothes?

Last Answer : I keep my clothes with pet hair separate from my clothes that don’t have pet hair. Ugh is what I call the pet hair covered clothes.

Description : Can one use a body scanner to fit yourself with new clothes?

Last Answer : Why not just try on the clothes or go to a tailor? Really, sometimes the wheel doesn’t need to be overthought.

Description : How can I get mold off my clothes?

Last Answer : answer:Forget bleach! Rinse them in a solution of vinegar and water. If you can't get them to the laundromat right away, hang them up and let em dry after you've treated with vinegar until you can clean them ... grow, so if you can get to it before the black stuff sets in, you should be good to go.

Description : Would you give us a best "guesstimate" of the number of clothes hangers there are in your home?

Last Answer : 200

Description : Do you live in an area where you have two different sets of clothes - summer clothes and winter clothes?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, in the San Francisco Bay Area you stop wearing the rain clothes in April, and start wearing your cold clothes from May 1 to July 15. I am wearing a heavy wool sweater today ... in San Francisco. We stop wearing jeans during the day because of the heat from September 1 to Halloween.

Description : Why is it usually considered poor form to wear the same clothes two days in a row?

Last Answer : Was there a shower in between?

Description : How would you clean out a washing machine after using it to dye clothes?

Last Answer : Run it through the whole cycle with bleach.

Description : If you don't need to leave the house, what time do you bother to change your clothes?

Last Answer : answer:It's cold here. When I get up I immediately put on the clothes I wore the previous day. That gives me time to take care of morning things: restart the fire, turn on the coffee maker, get the ... going out. Note: I also get up and get dressed when there is a storm. I like to be ready.

Description : Clothes from a deceased wife?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like a nice gift, gently given, and with maybe some good karma in the history of the garment. (That last bit was lightly said, all you rigid “there is no such thing” purists) I would accept it with grace and appreciation. What a nice thing for him to do!

Description : How does Walmart get by with selling clothes that look like crap the first time you wash them?

Last Answer : Crap is in! If there is anything more asinine than politics, it must be fashion. I can remember decades ago sitting down at lunch to read the Wall Street Journal and there on the front page was ... to destruction torn up American jeans were going for hundreds of dollars a pair in Russia. Go figure!

Description : Does anyone dry clothes on the line anymore in the US?

Last Answer : I do! We have a huge clothesline here on the farm.

Description : What did you do with all your casual clothes when you started working in an office?

Last Answer : I am about to graduate and I plan on keeping my most favorite casual clothes, to wear on weekends, but I have pared down this portion of my wardrobe significantly. All of my old clothes go to the thrift store.

Description : When you're depressed how long do you go with wearing the same clothes?

Last Answer : I take a shower every other day and change clothes then.

Description : Men: If it were up to you, what type of clothes would you like to see women wear?

Last Answer : As long as she is comfortable in them,it makes no difference to me.

Description : Suggestions of warm, comfortable yet stylish clothes?

Last Answer : Amazon

Description : How particular are you when you wash / dry / fold your clothes?

Last Answer : answer:I have some basketball shirts that get messed up in the wash/dryer if I don't put them in inside out, so I make sure to wash them inside out. Other than that, It doesn't matter. ... holds clothes I want to wash. So far, the system has been effective; there are less clothes sitting around.

Description : What do you usually do to just-purchased clothes?

Last Answer : Usually launder them. Once in a while I get clothes that I like so much I wear them immediately, or at least before washing. Once in a great while the clothes I try on are so much nicer than the clothes I’m wearing that I’d like to ask to swap before I pay. I have not asked, so far.

Description : What would you do if 95% of your clothes vanished?

Last Answer : It couldn’t have been that many clothes if you brought them down in one load and didn’t notice they weren’t in the car. Time for a new summer wardrobe! Maybe each of your guy friends would be willing to part with one piece.

Description : What is your relationship to your clothes?

Last Answer : For me, comfort is key; looks are secondary unless I’m going out on a (potentially) hot date or on an interview. L.L. Bean is my dearest companion.

Description : How long do you set the time on the clothes washing machine?

Last Answer : I’ve recently started to put it on the lowest (shortest) setting. I find that my clothes take an unacceptable amount of wear just from the washing process. Now, they still come out nice and clean, they’ll last longer, and I’m using less water and energy. Full of win.

Description : How do fashion bloggers (models) get all those new clothes in pictures?

Last Answer : Buy, try and return?

Description : Can you find stores that sell reasonably priced clothes that are manufactured in fair conditions?

Last Answer : answer:Great question. Thanks for bringing it up. I've been wondering the same myself. Those incidents are horrific. We are not used to thinking about shit like that in the First World anymore. That ... , though. That stuff all seems to be made in Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Pakistan, or Vietnam

Description : Do your clothes wear out?

Last Answer : Mine wear out when I grow. When you stop growing… maybe.

Description : Does dry cleaning get clothes as clean as soap and water?

Last Answer : answer:As far as different washing intructions on items that are the same fabric, sometimes manufacturers put in dry clean recommended as a failsafe. Meaning there is less likelihood something will go wrong if you dry ... heat maybe kill off any germs? I really have no idea and I do want to know.

Description : Do you have a psychological criterion as to when to wear or stop wearing a particular style or type of clothes based off the time of year temperature notwithstanding?

Last Answer : answer:Regardless of the weather when I was a child people had certain criterion that after certain months of the year you started to wear or not wear certain clothes even if the temperature swung up or ... never did figure out that Labor Day thingy either. So wear white whenever it suits you. :-}

Description : How do I photograph used clothes to sell?

Last Answer : answer:Are you selling these on ebay? If so, Ebay has tips for creating better photos Here's an ebay clothes selling for dummies article. This is a good starter for clothing terms to use when selling ... (no face shots) does sell items quicker either that or find a stock photo of your item online.

Description : What's this (clothes) thing called?

Last Answer : Looks like an ascot to me.

Description : Men as a child did you ever wear your mothers clothes ?

Last Answer : Negative. I came into this world as a male and my family kept me that way.

Description : Does it seem babies and young children have cooler clothes than adults?

Last Answer : No. I don’t think you are paying attention. Most kids clothing is patterned after adult clothing. That’s sad but true. Maybe you are buying in clothes in the women’s department rather than juniors or misses.

Description : How many times a month do you go shopping for clothes?

Last Answer : I barely go to the mall…

Description : Maintaining the presentability and integrity of clothes?

Last Answer : Sort your laundry before washing : colors and whites.

Description : Who likes clothes shopping? I hate it and would love my own personal shopper?

Last Answer : yeah well shopping can suck because of the sizes and how its overpriced. Go to jc penney online or look up chico’s if you’ve got that kind of money.

Description : Do the Queen and the other members of England's royal family only wear clothes that are custom made, or do they also wear "off the rack" clothes?

Last Answer : Kate, William’s new bride, is famous for wearing off-the-rack clothes as well as desginer clothes.

Description : Would you wear air conditioned clothes?

Last Answer : I would (I don’t deal well with heat/humidity). I would rather be comfortable than fashionable.

Description : What kind of clothes say I'm gay?

Last Answer : I don’t believe I’ve ever been able to decipher an individuals sexuality by the clothes he/she wears, not that I have ever tried to. Be yourself. Wear what you like. It’s far more attractive than trying to emulate a specific style. If you’re open to meeting new guys, they’ll come along.

Description : What would you rather... Lots of clothes that were cheaper still look fresh tho or not so many clothes but expensive and designer labelled?

Last Answer : Lots a clothes, but cheaper .I have a better chance of finding good styles with the cheaper choice just because its expensive doesn't mean it looks good on you ..and with the cheaper clothes I can always cut off ... it up since its cheap its no big deal. And I can create my own style .for cheap. :D

Description : How do I remove a security tag from clothes?

Last Answer : As someone who has tried this before I will just say be careful because some of those things are loaded with ink to stain your hands / the item in case it is not properly removed.

Description : How would you feel taking off all your clothes in front of strangers (mostly)

Last Answer : I've taken most of my clothes off as a burlesque performer in front of strangers, so it wouldn't bother me and I have no issue with being naked with people (strangers or not) so it wouldn't matter ... nude photo shoot. I've had naked photo shoots before for free but the pictures went to me, mostly.

Description : Do you think that, as a general rule, women have more clothes and shoes than men?

Last Answer : We have two large closets and my wife has one and ¾ of the other. Does that say something? LOL

Description : How do I remove a security tag from clothes?

Last Answer : As someone who has tried this before I will just say be careful because some of those things are loaded with ink to stain your hands / the item in case it is not properly removed.

Description : Why do our clothes smell moldy when they come out of the washer?

Last Answer : answer:Does the load smell moldy right after the last spin cycle is done? Does your washing machine drum smell moldy after a wash or at any other time? If so, you might try doing a complete cycle ... out. If you have a front loader, try leaving the door open for about the same length of time.

Description : What clothes would you want to wear if you'ld cross dress for a day?

Last Answer : answer:A perfectly tailored black tuxedo.Can i wear heels? ;) Oooh!Or Marine Corp dress blues.That’s just beautiful.I don’t care who you are! ;)

Description : Would you or do you dress your animal in clothes?

Last Answer : I don’t consider it cruel. I have never done it. I don’t think either the dog or I would enjoy the process of getting him dressed.

Description : How hard is it to make your own clothes?

Last Answer : I made a simple jersey chemise that a friend thought I sewed with a hot needle.XD It is not easy for me and is why I go to a tailor ;)

Description : "Large" women in "Small" clothes?

Last Answer : My honest opinion is that I actually wouldn’t mind Gail getting in on this one.

Description : Why do moms want to wear our clothes?

Last Answer : It depends on how she looks.

Description : Uniforms or street clothes to work?

Last Answer : Uniform polos are almost always baggy and ugly. Baggy clothes make me look fat. I’d wear my own.

Description : Are there any clothes you wear with cartoon characters adorned, if so which, & did you buy it yourself or was it a gift?

Last Answer : My mom gave me a Tigger jacket (for probably obvious reasons).

Description : What's your clothes retirement policy?

Last Answer : Til it can’t be worn. I don’t have many clothes at the moment, so I got to milk what I have for all it’s worth.

Description : Why can't women just buy clothes that can go in the flipping dryer?

Last Answer : Women have to buy nice clothes to please the general and very picky population of men. It sucks.