Is paypal safe?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’ve been using it for a few years and haven’t had a problem with it.

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Last Answer : We never looked at each other’s stuff. It wasn’t really an issue.

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Last Answer : answer:I no longer spend time worrying about things I can't do anything about. I try to leave the smallest footprint wherever I go, but it is increasingly futile for the reasons you listed ... in the developing world. It's expensive and only the wealthiest countries can carry this off effectively.

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Last Answer : Well I guess my political career is over.

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Last Answer : There’s a huge potential to use it for good. The irony is I can just picture the NSA arguing they collected the info to keep us safe, why should they allow citizens to use it to prove wrongdoing.

Description : Stupid Facebook question. Will you forgive me?

Last Answer : answer:When you create a post, there is the opportunity to tag others, set your audience and your location - that is the most obvious way I know. However, there may also be settings on ... FB? providing us with OS models and browser types might help the collective give you specific instructions.

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Last Answer : answer:Holy fuck YES! haha I am going crazy in my living arrangement right now. Nosey neighbors, the person I live with hearing every little thing I do, being nosey too, my cats confined to a ... how much I loathe living in city limits again! Thank You for the opportunity to rant this morning. haha

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Last Answer : answer:I can't help you specifically but had essentially the same experience yesterday. I was having a pre-surgery assessment and medical history interview with the nurse at my orthopedic surgeon's Pre- ... fingertips that I had completely forgotten about. She said that it was all in the records.

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Last Answer : answer:A good rule of thumb is not to post anything you wouldn’t want published in your local paper If there is anything even remotely objectionable I’d remove it. In short, assume your employer reads everything. It’s a paranoia that has done me well.

Description : Why are people so eager to publicly share everything about themselves on Facebook?

Last Answer : answer:Narcissism. Thinking your life is SO important that every little thing merits extreme applause and hits a 10.5 on the richter scale of egoic self importance. I was on FB for about a year and ... remodel. lol Pffft ..who cares? Oooh .imported marble counter tops..I am sooo impressed. Gah!

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Last Answer : answer:Try this: Click the little pencil that appears when you hover over the top right corner of your About box (to the top left of your profile, under your picture). Click Update info . ... these - possibly to draw your attention to filling out more profile details - but yes, it's annoying.

Description : What are your expectations of privacy when confiding in a friend who has a significant other?

Last Answer : My dad taught me that three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead. I may not like the truth that most people, even sworn to secrecy, will blab. But truth doesn't work ... t post secrets on the Internet. A billboard in Times Square is a better hiding place than

Description : Does the Facebook Ticker show EVERYTHING I "like?"?

Last Answer : As far as I know, everything goes on the ticker. There doesn’t seem to be any way to limit what gets posted there. At least it’s a fleeting thing. Only your most dedicated stalkers will see all your likes. ;)

Description : Let's say that someone tries to "friend" you on Facebook, but you don't really want that person to know all of your business - all of the stuff that you post on FB, that is. What would you do?

Last Answer : I don’t friend them.

Description : What are your thoughts on this website?

Last Answer : answer:This website has been identified as a source of computer viruses! The presense od SS numbers seems perfect for use by criminals,

Description : So what is the deal with the new Instagram privacy rules?

Last Answer : Not that closely. But here’s a cartoon about it.

Description : Is there a way to hide a profile or profile info?

Last Answer : answer:You can come and go as you please. You can go onto your account and, one by one, hide every question and every answer. Why does it matter? Are people who aren't super active on ... have our fans, our detractors and our neutral observers. If you are scrupulous about your privacy, simply lurk.

Description : When you get up in the morning, how do you take your shower or bath?

Last Answer : I always take a hot shower, hard spray. Though it's not scented as you would a bath, I use a lot of scented products: shower gel, shaving gel, scrub, bath oil, and the like. No music or ... decently. I don't totally close-much less lock-my bathroom door because my dog starts scratching it if I do.

Description : How do I turn off the preview of Facebook notifications on iPhone?

Last Answer : You could turn off the Facebook alerts altogether. Other than that, I don’t think so.

Description : What is the easiest way to edit your Facebook?

Last Answer : I apologize. I made an error in the question title. ^edit your Facebook. I don’t see a way to edit it.

Description : An iPhone app called "Footprints" allows parents to keep track of the places their children have been. Do you think that's going too far?

Last Answer : No, the parents should know where there kids are, and kids should not go anywhere they don’t want there parents to know about.

Description : How important is privacy to you when it comes to being outside in your yard?

Last Answer : A non-issue for me. Anyone who wanted to peep or pry would need the Hale Telescope. I don’t have shades or blinds on my bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room and family room windows.