Why does the moon get blood red sometimes?

1 Answer

Answer :

That’s during an eclipse. The effect is called “red shift”. Also, discoloration of the moon happens close to the horizon as a result of local air pollution but that’s usually orange.

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Last Answer : answer:I have found in my own life that happiness does not have any correlation with material wealth. It comes from inside us as we interact with the world and with others.

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Last Answer : If he’s a fledgeling, then he’s supposed to be learning to fly. Leave him be.

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Last Answer : No way to know if we destroy it before we understand it.

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Last Answer : Twitter feeds?

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Last Answer : According to Snopes, it’s true.

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Last Answer : We'll see. As it happens I just this second finished a pm to someone I had spend an hour or so researching, to, like you, figure out where they live. I'm not sure I succeeded in my mission, but ... journey-more of a personality than geographic, as it happens. No humor yet. Like I said. We'll see.