Farewell metrosexuals, hello menaissance?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yay. Goodbye overgroomed douches, hello bearded douchebags.

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Last Answer : Not surpising actually - Especially given the vague and shifting language of the survey questions. And the target group - young males in their early 20's - is notoriously clueless about relationships ... . But the results obviously still raise concerns, not just for females but society at large.

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Last Answer : Yes, I think it was some time in college – I don’t remember what the circumstances were or why it was an issue. It probably had something to do with imbibing alcohol in large quantities. I remember laughing at the guy who said it.

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Last Answer : Human

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Last Answer : If you could find enough silly men to participate in such an event, they would probably be laughed off the streets through sheer embarrassment.

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Last Answer : Are we talking Jedward or male pattern baldness?

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Last Answer : answer:My husband is always a few days behind of the news, since he's not on the computer often. He listened to the audio of Trump's comments and the following apology this morning. He's ... daughter's boyfriends with one side of their mouths and yukking it up about raping women with the other.

Description : Are most men clueless?

Last Answer : I’ve spent my life fighting the empty stereotypes listed on both of these threads, so unsurprisingly I’m going to say, “No.” Of course most men are not clueless. Most men are not anything. Most women are not anything. People are individuals.

Description : Women, do you have many male friends?

Last Answer : I used to. Now that I'm a mom I have about 3 or 4 good lady friends but I see them now and then on weekends. At work, I have my own office and a very cool boss, and there are guy friends ... answer to your question in the way you may be referring to male friends as in hangout friends would be no.

Description : What is your definition of "a real man”?

Last Answer : I don't like overly masculine men either. It's just like a cover for a book, and it can fool people into thinking that the book is good. And overly masculine men aren't very compartible with women ... a real man, and also want to add a real man needs to respect other people, women include .

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Last Answer : IMHO after shave will only exacerbate your situation. Pimples at 55 mean something in you is amiss and your skin is a bell weather that you are reacting to something. Experimenting with aftershave IMO is the last thing you should do. Find a dermatologist to get to the bottom of this issue.

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Last Answer : The alcohol cooks away but not the flavor of the liquor.

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Last Answer : Jealousy, hatred, anger.

Description : Men, how big are your breasts, and how do you feel about it?

Last Answer : I am flat chested. If I were a woman I would not qualify for an A cup or even a training bra.

Description : Men: does this article pretty much sum you all up?

Last Answer : answer:I quickly went through the list. About half were correct or close to correct. The other half were wrong. IMO there is grain of truth in the following: 6, 8, 9, 14, 17 ... are either wrong, stupid, or borderline insulting. My internet search history often includes strange stuff mentioned here.

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Last Answer : Clueless.

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Last Answer : That’s what shaking is for.

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Last Answer : It’s your pelvis getting itself ready for childbirth. Women’s bodies do it sooner; men’s do it later, and aren’t very good at it. But you all try, out of solidarity. Isn’t that nice? Yes, it is.

Description : Gentlemen. Are there any "Bronies" here?

Last Answer : I’m in the same boat as you…. I mean I often “catch shit” from people when I tell them about how into cartoons I am but My Little Pony is just….

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Last Answer : Nowt wrong with a few tears, certainly nothing to be ashamed of, who cares about macho bullshit, be yourself & flourish.

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Last Answer : I have a water filter container that sits near a window in the kitchen and reflects a rainbow. I kept wondering why did it seem to shake sometimes if I wasn't even touching it. Then I figured ... bunch of stupid videos with me experimenting with the rainbow. My daughter thinks I'm goofy for it. LOL

Description : Men: what is your description of a classy lady?

Last Answer : I am not a man so will not answer the question, but I do think the term “classy” is a bit 1970’s. Define “classy,” please.

Description : Do men prefer small or big breasts on a slim girl?

Last Answer : DFC FTW!

Description : What is with the recent spate of men acting inappropriately (i.e. screwing around) that has been making the news?

Last Answer : Random chance, kind of like people saying celebrities die in sets of three.

Description : Men: do you want other men to check out your wife?

Last Answer : Creepin’ on this thread. Great question.

Description : How many men do not need Viagra? Be honest with your answer.

Last Answer : Don’t need it…... yet.

Description : What causes men's ears and nose to grow "larger" as they grow older?

Last Answer : They don't. Your nose is finished growing by the end of puberty. Much like the sagging bottoms of the other thread, a loss of elasticity in the skin may cause the tip of the nose to appear longer ... the face may give the illusion that the nose is bigger, but your nose and ears do not keep growing.

Description : How do I flirt with a guy who is a grade above me ?

Last Answer : answer:Smile at him or make comments when you pass in the hallway. Make a point of stopping by his locker when he is there to talk to him.

Description : Why don't men carry purses?

Last Answer : Because they carry wallets. And have pockets. Some guys do carry ‘manbags’ though…

Description : Ladies: What has a man said that's made you laugh?

Last Answer : “Look at my massive penis!”

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Last Answer : My biological father.

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Last Answer : answer:Complain about bad drivers and being stuck in traffic. At least I do. Sometimes.

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Last Answer : Penis length and girth. Most common one I hear.

Description : What for you defines a (human) alpha male?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not really a follower kind of guy so I don't recognize the alpha male in terms of a person I should feel beta to. I don't consider myself an alpha nor would ever wish to be one. ... folks. You feel the sun on your face a lot more that way than by following the guy in front of you.

Description : Should I get a medium or small t-shirt?

Last Answer : anyone..?

Description : What is your favorite part of being a guy?

Last Answer : Low expectations.

Description : Men: what annoys you most about other men?

Last Answer : What pigs we can be towards women, now if you’ll excuse me, I have an extremely hot neighbor to peep on. lol

Description : Should I contact last year's lover?

Last Answer : answer:I’d welcome it.

Description : Can anyone identify this bird for me? Crappy pictures inside?

Last Answer : Looks like a type of finch.

Description : What should a man say/do for a crying woman?

Last Answer : answer:Men should take a crying woman in their arms and just hold her until she stops crying. Extra points for coming up with a clean handkerchief.

Description : Why do men have such a hard time with women crying?

Last Answer : answer:Whatever we are uncomfortable with in others is what we are uncomfortable about within ourselves. When somebody says they don't like to visit someone in the hospital it is because they are not ... he has any emotions! We hide from others pain because it reminds of our own potential pain.

Description : Is Neil Perry from The Band Perry good looking?

Last Answer : My take is yes, byt YMMV. Here is his picture. What’s your take?

Description : Why do men stand women up as opposed to just saying youre not coming?

Last Answer : It because he’s a jerk There is no reason to wonder why or waste any more time on him.There are other guys out there who will treat you with the consideration and respect you deserve. :)

Description : Scruffy or clean shaven?

Last Answer : It depends upon the man and the face. It works for some and not so much for others. Also, younger men seem to do the scruffy look better. A great smile overshadows any scruffiness. That’s just me.

Description : Why don't the men of fluther talk about childhood sexual abuse?

Last Answer : I feel that sexual abuse is more difficult for men to talk about.

Description : Flirting with Starbucks baristas?

Last Answer : What could possibly be wrong with flirting with a cute and nice barista? Just take it slow and be careful to let things develop, if they do, naturally.

Description : What immediate opinions do you form when you see a man dressed in drag?

Last Answer : I look to see whether or not he did a good job in the “dress up”. Other than that, nothing.

Description : How do I tell this guy to leave me alone?

Last Answer : answer:Tell him you wish he finds someone he really really likes. All he'll care about in the moment is not embarrassing himself any further (I should hope) and afterwards he should have something nice to ... If he get's out of line hit him over the head with the heaviest thing you can find.

Description : Who or what, in your opinion, should deservedly claim the title "King of the jungle"?

Last Answer : It’s definitely George.