Is the Big East college football conference better than the Big 12?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t even know what either of those is.

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Last Answer : Hockey fans!

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Last Answer : I don’t know if he has a win in all of them but Emmitt Smith has a pretty serious career.

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Last Answer : futbol is the original way

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Last Answer : Seven layer bean dip with chips, chicken wings

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Last Answer : read the football blogs at for free from there you can link elsewhere

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Last Answer : Mine is too. Most of the great players this year are now injured or playing like crap.

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Last Answer : It seems like players do it in states with multiple state named universities. Like Ohio (Ohio University and Ohio State University), they say it in Washington as well (THE Washington State University, or ... of Washington). Implying it is the only Ohio, WA, etc, university that matters. :)

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Last Answer : This is just a guess, but maybe by “walkthrough” it means going over the plays one last time before the actual game begins. Maybe?

Description : What football team plays their home games at the Madjeski Stadium? -Sports

Last Answer : Reading Football Club

Description : Who won the first world cup in Football ? -Sports

Last Answer : Brazil's Ronaldo (yellow shirt) maneuvering around opposing German players during the final match of the 2002 World Cup, held in Yokohama, Japan; Brazil defeated Germany, 2-0. The first ... organized in 1930 by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and was won by Uruguay.

Last Answer : Kazi Salauddin, President of Football Federation

Last Answer : Bangladesh women's football team is ranked 132nd in the latest FIFA rankings.

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