Do you have a good sense of direction?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I often freak people out with my sense of direction. I’ve visited people in places I’ve never been to before and figured my way around so quickly that I taught people who lived there something new. I have an extremely visual memory and I’m obsessively observant of little details. I remember the names of stores, streets, addresses, zip codes, etc with near perfect recall. I live in a sprawling metropolitan area which has streets that run on straight for tens of miles, in a checkerboard pattern, so I can use the rules of the streetscape to navigate almsot anywhere around here, even thought I may have never been there before. I rarely get lost, and I don’t mean that I rarely don’t know where I’m going, I just find my way so quickly and easily that it hardly counts as lost and is more just like a really good guess.

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Last Answer : I wish.

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Last Answer : answer:Here’s a video of a live version or part of it. What is the name of the album it was on? Forgot, they have a facebook page, you might ask there.

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Last Answer : answer:That's the weirdest thing. Mine and my sister's itunes did that, too. My library is completely gone but the songs are all on my computer. It added to my library, I'm not really ... Try this: Hold down SHIFT Open itunes Choose where the correct library is. That hopefully will work for you.

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Last Answer : Nope. I had a great childhood. I come from a good family. :)

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Last Answer : answer:check your browser history for that date, assuming you have not deleted it. if you dont know how tell me what browser you use and ill give instructions. the other option is to try searching for the same terms that you used when you originally found it. a long shot, but can sometimes work.

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Last Answer : my contribution

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Last Answer : One dollar. Until the lottery verifies the win, it isn’t a winner. If the winner can find the original paper with the numbers blocked out and the reciept from the purchase, then they may be able to prove the win.