Who do you vicariously live through?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:My invented protagonists in my fiction works. I’ve always been more of a Melville than a Hemingway, despite my best efforts.

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Last Answer : That’s your guilt manifesting itself in the form of wanting to do something different.

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Last Answer : There is not enough information to analyze. Why is your ex still trying to influence you? Your ex knows your mother dreamed this? Sounds a bit controlling. What is it you would do differently based on this feedback from your ex?

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Last Answer : You need to practice some lucid dreaming. Then you can land your punch. You can probably also fly. Also you have to plan your dreams a little better. Don't lie on the side of the arm you want to punch with. ... to move it a little, and you can't if it's nailed down. Good luck and I hope you win.

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Last Answer : LOLLL!!!

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Last Answer : We are not aware that the dreams originate from inside of us. It is easy to imagine that they have an external source and have some hidden message.

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Last Answer : No. When I realize I am dreaming, I have no problem waking up. In fact, I am more or less forced awake through the process of reflecting on the dream. It's a funny sort of thing, but as the ... my this can't be right switch, and the realization that I'm dreaming puts an end to it all.

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Last Answer : I don’t think it matters. Creativity is creativity, regardless if whether it was a conscious effort or the snap of a finger. My guess (at least for me in my experiences) is that you can’t manufacture creativity or ideas – rather, they come to you in an unpredictable flash.

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Last Answer : All the time https://www.livescience.com/21653-brain-chemicals-sleep-paralysis.html

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Last Answer : LOL. Is this one of those am I pregnant questions again? I think it means he loves you.

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Last Answer : I have experienced this a few times. The most recent was around three months ago when I dreamed I was speaking with someone whose eyes had a very strange criss crossed appearance. Later ... wearing goggles which reflected the white tiled wall behind me creating exactly the appearance in my dream.

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Last Answer : I love wandering through such dreams but as Dunsany said bricks without straw are more easily made than imagination without memories.

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Last Answer : It doesn't really mean anything, it was a dream. Much of dreaming is essentially defragging your consciousness, and sampling fragments as your brain cleans things up. It took a number of disparate thoughts and ... /narrative. That is all. But now you can use it to develop a screenplay or a novel!

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Last Answer : I have had hallucinations from Percodan, when I was 18 and got my wisdom teeth out, and more recently, with Melatonin. Thankfully, I was given information at the time, about the possibility of hallucinations ... idea of being out of control, or in another dimension or whatever one wants to call it.

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Last Answer : Nothing.

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Last Answer : I had one about an AI powered ATM being cross with me for cheating on it with another ATM.

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Last Answer : Tell him to stop making the world so unhappy, then we can talk…

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Last Answer : Ten years ago I would buy lots of books and make a huge donation to PBS nova for unique sciences documentaries for Physics, chemistry math and tech. Now I would pay my rent 50 years ... of my life before having any extravagant spending. Like starting my own Science foundation and televison station.

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Last Answer : No. Just some of my nightmares.

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Last Answer : The first sentence of your description answers your own question.

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Last Answer : I would say not. Thinking that they might would be similar to assuming that blind people “see” black.

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Last Answer : Understanding Women..)

Description : Do you ever dream guilt?

Last Answer : That obviously wasn’t a dream, but simply flies paying her a nocturnal visit. They grew tired of her shit, so burrowed into her brain and gave her that dream.

Description : When you are falling asleep, does your mind give you a warning that you're going to have a nightmare before you get there?

Last Answer : I don't remember that specific thing, maybe mainly because I don't usually have bad dreams right as they start. But setting an intention before sleeping can definitely work, as can waking up ... annoying dream, and being partly aware of the dream and the waking world especially when falling asleep.

Description : What does this dream mean?

Last Answer : I might not know what it means but I have a feeling that it’s a warning. I’ve had dreams like those before. Dreams like those always have a meaning and sometimes they are not good.

Description : What's your interpretation of my nightmare?

Last Answer : It wasn’t a ghost it was the pizza guy! You had him waiting for hours. It wasn’t evil, but a bad case of B.O. from the pizza guy.

Description : What does it mean, when your entire night is filled with dreams of you fighting giant insects?

Last Answer : I think it means your cephalopod lover took the night off, loli! Most of my dreams recently have been about lost family members (must be the time of year.)

Description : Can someone explain this dream to me?

Last Answer : Pay attention to how you feel about the dream when you recall it. Does that feeling remind you of anything? Do any of the people, or the lion, remind you of anything familiar?

Description : How to interpret a dream, and what it means?

Last Answer : Welcome to fluther. It’s a dream, nothing more. In reall ife, you wouldn’t care what your ex wife thinks. That’s how you know it is dream and nothing more.

Description : What does my dream mean?

Last Answer : Holy moly! You’re the first person ever to use a cellphone in your dream!

Description : What does this dream mean?

Last Answer : It means you’re 14. Dreams are just your brain defragging the hard drive. It doesn’t really “mean” anything. Enjoy those dreams, though. When you’re my age it’s all horror stories of coming home to a burnt-down house or your kid getting kidnapped or falling off a mountain or something.

Description : Do dreams mean something? Seriously, I dream every single night!

Last Answer : Like I just dreamt that a black pig hog was at a party and tried attacking everybody, it went savage. And I looked it up: Dream About Black Pigs Black pig may be analogous to a relationship or a ... turn out to be totally unexpected. This is exactly what I've been thinking of for the past week.

Description : Who decides what I dream about ?

Last Answer : You decide via your subconscious mind. It sorts out what you want to remember while your conscious mind sleeps.

Description : Okay, so what IS the explanation for premonititive dreams?

Last Answer : You didn’t dream it, so it isn’t precognitive. You found a similarity between a dream you were focused on, and an event in your daily life. Nothing more.

Description : Felt like I was dying/passing out while trying to sleep?

Last Answer : Low blood pressure? Night terrors? Othastatic hypotension?

Description : Are my dreams (and/or the feelings I awaken with) more indicative of real problems in my life, or things I worry about that might not be valid?

Last Answer : Both. In fact, EVERYTHING you see, hear, feel, think, imagine and experience is grist for your dreams.