Where would you look for a call center job in the pharmacy technician field?

1 Answer

Answer :

You could check with insurance companies. What kind of questions were you hoping to answer?

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Last Answer : answer:Regarding dress, I would say no. Even if it is a casual company, you want to dress better than the work standard. It is your first impression. You can relax later. If you know for a fact ... references? If so, PM me and I'll give you some ideas on other options than your current supervisor.

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Last Answer : I wanted to also mention she does have the same access to view social security numbers and addresses if she wanted to. She might have access to everyone's salary as well but not able to pull it as ... on report. I can at the click of a couple buttons versus she will look up each person individually.

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Last Answer : Who knows but it doesn’t sound like you’re that upset. If your boss said you could use him as a reference, that’s a good thing.

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Last Answer : In the late nineties, I worked at a 100+ year-old picture framing and art gallery. The owners (husband and wife team) offered to sell it to me when they retired soon. I loved the place. I was ... considering she was there seven-days-a-week and he worked a second job as a teacher to make ends meet.

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Last Answer : Yet another reason not to eat that shit