Sometimes I feel like human beings in general despise when foreigners migrate to their country and do better than them in any way? Is this just in my head?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have never felt that way, and never heard anything like that from my parents.

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Last Answer : answer:I guess it depends on what they do with the spying. And I, for one,did not shrug Gitmo off. I think it was horrible.

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Last Answer : This doesn’t really sound like a question? Just putting a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn’t make it a question? Sounds more like a statement? In my opinion?

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Last Answer : I don’t know exactly what his game is but it seems inappropriate and creepy. It doesn’t seem like he should be working around young women.

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Last Answer : Coming out of mom.

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Last Answer : It honestly depends on what it is. If its to see if I killed someone I would burst as if I didn’t do it. And if it were simple like someone asking who stole their candy I’d confess.

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Last Answer : Love and compassion. There’s no one on this planet who doesn’t wanna be loved.