Are you hyperactive?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s just the caffeine.

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Last Answer : Pentagram tattoo, black lipstick, mohawk, nose and/or lip piercings.

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Last Answer : answer:The peroxide bubbles are weird. Jeffrey Dahmer weird. Soooooo, anyway. In the same vein. I had a few toenails that turned black and dropped off from running, leaving a freaky wet exposed toe top. Moist and spongy. Moist and spongy. Yep. Enjoy.

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Last Answer : Go backpacking, you will see some practical advantages to leaving the creature comforts behind. It will also make you appreciate them more and you won’t want as much pampering.

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Last Answer : I would expect that the metaphor refers to a mechanic's ability to make logical, informed and accurate assessments and conclusions as to mechanical cause-and-effect, to have a no-nonsense approach to ... think mechanics in general or GM mechanics in particular are in any way rude as a class.)

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Last Answer : answer:I'll go first. 1. One of my friends and her husband just texted me to tell me that they have adopted an 8 year old dog into their family. They already have one dog and 2 cats. They love animals ... that my own 25% off coupon had expired yesterday. Oh yeah, I guess that's more than 10 Lol : )

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Last Answer : ~What is this real life that you speak of?

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Last Answer : answer:My imaginary world is the biggest shield. I can alter the reality a bit so that I feel better emotionally. But even the imaginary world can be affected by the reality. My world can sometimes reflect the reality. It’s an “alternative reality”, everything just goes in my way. Escapism much eh?

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Last Answer : If I tend to get disappointed a lot, does that mean I’m an optimist?

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Last Answer : I think it’s good to be inspired by people – inspired to do more, help more, learn more, be involved in the community more- whatever motivates you.

Description : Please describe your personality.

Last Answer : Hmmmm…interesting.

Description : Can you change core characteristics?

Last Answer : I don’t know if I’d count activity level as a core trait. That can be changed just due to simple physical health or age.Everything else you listed is core IMO. I think it’s hard to change this stuff by act of will.

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Last Answer : “Guardian Inspector” I have no idea what that means.

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Last Answer : answer:The Atronach (often called the Golem) is one of the Mage's Charges. Its season is Sun's Dusk. Those born under this sign are natural sorcerers with deep reserves of magicka, but they cannot ... own. I do not have any magicka reserves though, but I am indeed unable to generate my own.

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Last Answer : I’d like to know mroe about you. Are you an intense person?

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Last Answer : I do not respond to text messages.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Depends on why you lost it.

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Last Answer : A pessimist, because I think I would relate more to a pessimist

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Last Answer : I think we probably do

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Last Answer : answer:Hey, welcome to Fluther. Do you really think this is a disorder in personality? A lack of assertiveness is a habit or tendency you can grow out of. Maybe you just need to learn more confidence. ... sit back and listen. But in a small group, I have no problem at all holding a conversation.

Description : What are the tricks to self discipline?

Last Answer : answer:Quite possibly, self discipline is overrated. I see it as you deciding whether you believe in your goals or not. If you really believe in your goals, you will discipline yourself ... fluthering instead of studying or writing the manuscript or whatever else they thought they should be doing.

Description : Are you a shy or outgoing person?‎?

Last Answer : I am very shy and introverted. I can’t go to parties or group functions without stressing out about all the people there.

Description : Have you ever been told that you make others feel stupid?

Last Answer : answer:Appease no one. Next question. No, but really I don't see anything wrong. Only thing I would say is if you are purposely flaunting about being smarter and total dick about it. To me that ... he is Macho Man Randy Savage or something. Just stop. I am sure some people will be intimidated.

Description : What should I do with my depression ?

Last Answer : A similar question was asked recently. You may find some of the answers helpful.

Description : What do you think about infidelity?

Last Answer : I think it is breaking your word and therefore it is bad.

Description : Are you an attention seeker ?

Last Answer : More of a thrill seeker than anything. I have to feed my overactive imagination! XD

Description : Are you being taken for granted ?

Last Answer : In order to be taken for granted, someone has to take you for granted. That means there has to be someone in your life close enough to take you for granted. I don’t really have anyone like that.

Description : Can you manage your emotions?

Last Answer : answer:Your emotions just are what they are. You can acknowledge them or repress them. I think, in some people, like myself, too much repressing of emotions goes on. It's a form of denial. I understand ... to cope, I don't deaden myself to joy and the ability to really feel and trust in happiness.

Description : Do you have confidence in yourself ?

Last Answer : answer:How confident are you? I'm quite confident. Are you the type to make an apology for your existence? Heavens no! Or do you feel the need to always be in the limelight? Again, heavens no! I ... credit for something. And when I'm not confident about something, I don't feel that I'm worthless.

Description : Do you care for animals ?

Last Answer : I'm an animal lover and I do have a dog. I like cats but I'm allergic to them. I'm not a member of an organization that cares for animals but I have adopted 3 dogs from the same rescue group ... that group. I also donate to my local no kill animal shelter. I don't watch wildlife channels on TV.

Description : Are you able to laugh at yourself ?

Last Answer : I’m hilarious.

Description : Do you get bullied easily?

Last Answer : I’m kind of a bully.

Description : Are you a control freak ?

Last Answer : answer:I am a perfectionist in some ways (with myself) but I don’t try to control others. I don’t care if I am friends with my colleagues but I do want to get along with them. Yes, nobody is perfect. Keep up the great questions.

Description : Are you feeling good about yourself?

Last Answer : I am. This is one of those rare moments when I feel like I have the right powers to get some of the things I want. I’m going to enjoy it, because it will be gone soon. That’s how it is with powers.

Description : Would you say you are a good citizen?

Last Answer : answer:1.) I am not patriotic so flag burning really doesn't bother me, I think it's ridiculus. I wouldn't burn a flag but, that's aside from the point. 2.) Vandalism is wrong, period,historic monument or ... .) I am a huge animal lover and if I saw anyone harming an animal of any kind, refer to #9.