How did you find ask-public?

1 Answer

Answer :

I came to this site through a recommendation on another site. Before that I had a bad rap with Yahoo!Answer and needed to find an alternative. I was searching for a Q&A site when the site offered a thread that mentioned this site. I went here initially to ask for some music (my first question had a link. Luckily I didn’t get modded) and when I got my answer I stayed for a while just to craft random answers and get the awards, but I wasn’t emotionally attached to the site like I do now. It was just another Q&A site back then. Then an exam came, and I was inactive for 3 months. I thought I would never return, but then I just did. And one day a jelly called my name in a thread. That was when I realized that people here at least cared for what others had to say. I decided to stay for longer and now here I am. ask-public has played a majoy part in my growing up. I’m a much different person in just 3 years, something I don’t think people my age have achieved.

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